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  1. Skunk Baxter

    Look at this grow room/Good idea?

    How much do they want for it?
  2. Skunk Baxter

    Rule of Thumb; When can you start Outdoor Plants.

    I always tell new growers, just call your local garden store and ask them when it's safe to put your tomatoes outside in your area. If it's safe for tomatoes, it's safe for dope.
  3. Skunk Baxter

    Finding the most sun outside

    The sun is in the exact same position right now that it will be in at the end of September, so the areas that are getting direct sun now are the areas that will be getting direct sun at the end of the growing season. The sun will gradually move northwards in the sky over the next 3 and a half...
  4. Skunk Baxter

    Outdoor Grow Question

    Different people have different opinions on that, but I generally just let the gals grow unmolested all summer. I think that leaving the plant with her full complement of fan leaves helps facilitate more efficient photosynthesis, which in turn promotes healthier growth. Which translates into...
  5. Skunk Baxter

    How stealth does my spot sound?

    I did exactly that same thing in a park near my house two years ago, and I think I'll do it again this year. I only went out at night. It worked great. I think I was probably the only person to set foot on that island all summer, even though it was only a hundred yards from some of the busiest...
  6. Skunk Baxter

    Where to vent

    I vent straight up the chimney with no filter. I figure, 30 feet up in the air, who's going to smell it unless they're climbing around on my roof?
  7. Skunk Baxter

    Guerilla grow plot questions

    Me neither. Damn, that is a stealthy spot. Definitely grow there, dude!
  8. Skunk Baxter

    Need help with exhaust.

    Nope, got the speed control from my local grow shop. I can check the box tomorrow when I go over there to do some more work, if you'd like to know the brand. Sorry I can't tell you right now, but the way I do it is I buy all the supplies, but the grow room is in my partner's house and I leave...
  9. Skunk Baxter

    Need help with exhaust.

    If that's your budget, I highly recommend you give this one a look-see - Soler Palau I just finished installing the TD-150 in a basement grow room today, and I could hardly be happier. So quiet that when I'm standing 2 feet away from it, and the clothes drier is running on the other side of...
  10. Skunk Baxter

    Growing In a swamp.

    Seriously, the wet soil is not a good sign. Is that just spring highwater? You might want to get a topographical map of the area. I usually observe new swamp sites for an entire summer before planting them the following year. Gives you a good read on what the water table is over the course of...
  11. Skunk Baxter

    Growing In a swamp.

    Yes it will. Do it. Right now! What are you waiting for?
  12. Skunk Baxter

    greenhouse vs outdoors

    Unless of course you're not married. Because that might just make them even more suspicious.
  13. Skunk Baxter

    Mylar Diamond Film?

    I was wondering if anyone here has used that Lightite Diamond Fusion mylar reflective film? Anyone have any opinions on it? I was thinking of picking some up, but given that it goes for 150 bucks a roll, I figured it would be smart to ask for some reviews first.
  14. Skunk Baxter

    Foil Vs white which ones better

    Damn! Brick top! You da man, dawg! +rep. Any of you guys ever use that mylar Diamond Film? The mylar with the diamond texture to diffuse the light more evenly? I was thinking of picking up a roll of that, but at 150 bucks a roll, I figured I should ask around a little bit first and see if...
  15. Skunk Baxter

    Outdoor Grow Question

    Not until the days start getting shorter. Doesn't matter how big it gets. The neighbors could think it's a redwood, but until the days get shorter, it won't flower.
  16. Skunk Baxter

    Best strain for Michigan outdoors

    What part of Michigan? UP or down south?
  17. Skunk Baxter

    When are you starting?

    Mmmm.... 2007.
  18. Skunk Baxter

    what is the benefit of vegging indoors before transplanting outside?

    Not only strong roots, but when you put a 2-foot tall (or even a 1-footer) out in the wild before all the local plants have even had a chance to get started, your plants will be much less likely to get crowded out by all the vegetation in whatever area you're growing in. You're giving them a...
  19. Skunk Baxter

    Watering Rock Wool Cubes - What Works Best?

    I'm sorry... I appreciate the help, but I don't understand that. Can you explain it a little?
  20. Skunk Baxter

    Watering Rock Wool Cubes - What Works Best?

    You know, when I decided to take up indoor growing, I knew I was going to run into some situations that were going to stump me a bit. I knew that a lot of the things I've learned over the years about growing outdoors just wouldn't apply. But I never dreamed I'd be baffled by something this...