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  1. R

    ghb - this is how i grow

    Just wanted to pop in and thank yall for the post :hug: Im still a very new grower and getting to see others success and the 'roadmap' they follow really helps. Excellent job everyone, cant wait to get some big grows like this under my belt!
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    new to the game

    I cant offer much advice, but I can say watch out for your reservoir temperatures while you're growing in DWC. It needs to stay pretty cool, and thats what killed me when I first tried :wall: If it fails for any reason, go soil to begin with until you get your grow dialed in! Then you can...
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    What's the consensus on cow manure?

    I agree, people have been rotating cattle and crop lands out from time to time forever. Crops grow and are harvested, livestock come in and feed on the grass/leftovers and leave droppings, earth is replenished and can be used again the following season to grow a new crop. Obviously its more...
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    My seedlings

    I dont have a ton of experience, but from what I have read thats a good idea. Usually the products these companies work together to offer you the 'complete package', where mixing nutes and soils might give you too much or too little of something if the companies had different ideas/opinions on...
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    My seedlings

    I grow in soil, I use Fox Farms Ocean Forest and their big bloom / grow big / tiger bloom trio for nutrients.
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    My seedlings

    At that age I usually have them on nutrients and they do just fine. You might consider running half strength the first time and see how they react if you're worried. Looking good though! :bigjoint:
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    Clone ??

    Just keep topping and tying. Is plant count a problem? If not, have you considered taking more clones from your clones and doing a sea of green?
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    Heres a link to that burried greenhouse :P
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    Im hoping to have the majority of the plants framed in with ceder posts, and the whole deal wrapped in greenhouse plastic :bigjoint: I even saw a grow posted in High Times recently where the owners dug down about six foot and did that post greenhouse deal. Kept temperatures stable, seemed super...
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    I think ill be moving to CO soon, hoping to find a way to make a living as a farmer. Anyone here have experience with that? Seems like most people are staying hush hush about it, and considering the money one can make right now I dont really blame them I guess. Still though, any info would be...
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    seedling question

    No problem brother. If you're up for it, I would definitely suggest topping and running a scrog or LST if you're going to finish under an LED lamp - the quality of a well made LED is great, but light penetration is still an issue. Having a flat top canopy, or lst'ing the plant to spread things...
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    seedling question

    What kind of light are you using, and whats the grow environment? Also, is your Lemon Kush a Sativa or Indica dominant? If space is a concern, topping might be a good idea. If you plan on using a ScrOG or LST, topping might be a good idea. Shes still a bit small, and im still a bit overly...
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    Supercropping help please

    Sorry about your plants OP, thats a rough learning curve. Next time you try supercropping start with the smaller branches near the top of your canopy. If I understand it right, you're supposed to supercrop that newer growth, not the main branches coming off the base of your plant. Im just now...
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    Pinapple Express Auto Training Advice?

    Hey there, I havent grown autos, but I would wait to get a few more nodes before you start LSTing her. Have you topped yet?
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    Help with upcoming first outdoor grow

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    First timers fat cola's

    Very nice looking plants bongsmilie Strains?
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    Help with upcoming first outdoor grow

    Hello everyone! For the last year or so I've been daydreaming about going legal with things and taking my game outdoor. Im still fairly new with only a few harvests under my belt, but the chips are all sliding into place and I may get my shot for a late start this year in Colorado. That, or I...
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    First timers fat cola's

    Lol Odanksta :mrgreen: Thats some pretty sweet growth you got going there! What type of CFLs are those? Going to be some sweet nugs too, already starting to swell up. What kind of harvest are you looking at?
  19. R

    sprout question

    You wont need that fan, it will bend your plant over and could stunt it. Too much wind early on in life. Other than that though, looks ok. Just dont let it dry out too much and make sure it doesnt get too close to your light. Remember, if its too close for your hand then its too close for the...