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  1. R

    What Caused This??

    I'm not here to argue brother, just trying to help the OP out. You're right, im still in the learning stages and im sorry if I touched a nerve with you. I stand by my post though. I guarantee I can hold my hand closer to my light, for a longer time than you can with yours. May be the same amount...
  2. R

    What Caused This??

    Reminds me of an episode of Invader Zim :P
  3. R

    What Caused This??

    Im not sure what you're trying to point out. The sun will put out more heat, regardless of the temperature on earth. It has a really big room to shine in. I was just trying to explain to the OP that heat will be an issue, and that he needs to weigh his options. Hes obviously very new, just...
  4. R

    What am I doing wrong?

    Yea, to be honest this ones beyond me. I have never dealt directly with nutrient lockout, so I cant say for sure if its that or under feeding. Are you treating all four plants the same? Did you feed the same nutrient, at the same mixture? If your others are doing fine (might give us some pics...
  5. R

    What Caused This??

    I dont have a lot of experience to pull from, being a new grower. I'll preface what im about to post by saying that. I would have to disagree with your previous post, at least mostly. Im sure that equal wattage most light types would produce similar heat, barring LED. That being said, the way...
  6. R

    I need help ASAP!!!

    So, I recently had that happen to me on my first attempt at cloning. My problem was I had missed a watering due to my work. Keep the soil moist (not soaked), and keep a mist bottle around. You need to mist the clones to keep them going. I read that the cuttings take in their water from the top...
  7. R

    What am I doing wrong?

    What kind of soil is that? Does your container have holes for water to drain out of? Also, are you feeding any nutes? What kind, and how much?
  8. R

    What Caused This??

    I agree with hbbum. Judging by this post, you will really want to start small and learn what you can from your first few crops before you go big. People have given you some great examples of what the bigger HPS/MH lights can do here in the right setup. That doesnt mean you cant start out with...
  9. R


    Looks like you still have a while! Bet they can swell up a good bit more ;) what do the trics look like?
  10. R

    first grow

    Plants show pre flowers once they reach sexual maturity. My mother plant for example has girl parts and shes in 24 hour light. Just keep an eye on the space between the main branches, and the new shoots. Those nodes will grow little sacs or bananas to show male flowers, and little bulbs with...
  11. R

    first grow

    Looks good, shes nice and busy :bigjoint:Keep on tying her back as you go and you should have a good time ahead of you!
  12. R

    First grow - small setup - in need of help from experienced growers. - Medicinal

    Im still pretty new to things myself, but my first grow was done start to finish with a 100W Advanced LED panel. I followed the usual feeding schedule advised by Fox Farms and things went great! Got about 60ish grams dried if I remember, so nothing great but not bad for one small light! Just be...
  13. R

    Did I top or just cut my baby

    Looks like a clean top to me. Those little nodes to the right and left of the cut will be two new tops :weed:
  14. R

    Cuttings help

    If the original didnt die, that means its still trying to make roots. It takes a bit. Get yourself a humidity dome and a heating mat. You can buy a combo online for about $40, and I didnt shop around for the cheapest price. Take your cuttings, bigger thicker ones the better, and shave off some...
  15. R

    3 in 1 yes or no

    they need to be put in different containers. be sure to do it quick, dont want the roots getting tangled together!
  16. R

    Help Please!! Did i Supercropped Wrong?

    I haven't tried my hand at supercropping yet, saving that experiment for an up and coming clone of mine, but your girl looks fine. It seems like most of the branch is together, so it should heal up fine.
  17. R

    Droopy Clones

    Hey everyone, sorry to bump an old post but I said id update when all the clones rooted bongsmilie They started showing roots about four days ago, but I let the last two sit in the dome until earlier today just to be safe. In total five of six rooted. I killed the sixth on accident when I put...
  18. R

    Lighting Help

    Suns good when you can get it ;) cant really beat that for light. Just be safe with your security, not sure what your laws are down there! Honestly, just let it grow until you are happy with its size then swap to the 12/12 schedule if you arent already running it. Usually your plant will add...
  19. R

    Not new to this but need help with the new set up

    Make sure you start with quality soil. Some might argue that its not absolutely needed, but give your girls every chance you can to do well. I have no first hand experience with miracle grow, but from what I have read around here most people tend to not use it because it can be hot. No idea...
  20. R

    Not new to this but need help with the new set up

    How did you germ? What kind of soil? How long ago did you start your seeds? Were they old, or from a recent order?