Your soil looks super sandy/loamy, but it may do fine

it is a weed after all!
Your girl is a lighter green, but nothing to worry about in my opinion. Im usually over cautious, so I dont feed any nutrients until I have a good four nodes or so - you are working on your second it seems. Once she gets bigger start out with quarter or half strength veg nutrients and do a feed - water - feed - water - ect schedule. I try to give plain water between each feeding at least once, again my be over cautious.
Those lights are ok, but you wont get much of a yield from just the two. You can use both on your girl now, just make sure you keep her far enough away that heat wont be an issue. Those are CFL lights, and I know that hey can pump out some heat. A good rule of thumb is, if your hand feels ok the same distance away from the light your plant is, your plants ok. If its too hot for your hand where your plant is, move it further away. Also, check your light daily - usually you'll hit a growth spurt once your seedling stabilizes, and it might shoot up towards your light quick.
That being said, if you want a bigger/better yield more light is needed. Check out some of the custom CFL lights people put together here and on google. Shitloads of CFLs in a small space can put out a pretty surprising harvest

If thats not possible because of a stealth issue, id suggest LED. Little more up front, but the good brands (area 51, advanced LED, ect) can pump out a hell of a lot of good light.
Finally, harvesting. If im not mistaken, you can start your girl on the 12 hours on 12 hours off light schedule from day one. That means she wont have any veg time, so she wont get anywhere near as big as she could. That would be your fastest way to an early harvest though, even though it would shoot your final weight. If you just want a couple joints though, should make it ok.
Hope this helped!