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  1. Bumping Spheda

    Illumitex - Why so little attention?

    Describes their patented primary optics technology. ~5W of F3 bloom spectrum for $11.90 (when buying 10-50 units). A bit expensive, but not crazy if you think about it...
  2. Bumping Spheda

    Multichip LED, Remote Phosphor - Guess who it is.

    Duuuuuude, wtf. :wall: I found an ant and a little spider (one of the little jumpers you find on the side of your house) in my veg tent today! They must have come through the 10" exhaust duct from my window AC that's hooked up to the attic. Anyone have experience with these...
  3. Bumping Spheda

    3 watt diode 21-54 watt bulbs, question?

    The driver is built into the base. LED's run on DC, there's no way you can plug LED's into a wall without electronics behind them, at least afaik. Whether or not a fan blowing on the bulb is "required" depends on the bulb. A lot of LED bulbs, especially the cheaper ones, struggle being...
  4. Bumping Spheda

    Bridgelux Vero 29 LED Test

    FFOF is considered pretty hot, I thought. You might want to cut it with another soil (one without amendments) to keep your little'uns from getting burned. GL. Lookin' good.
  5. Bumping Spheda

    Mirror = good or bad

    mc130p Mirror: Light--->|Glass|--->|Reflective Silver| Reflective Mylar: Light--->|Reflective Aluminum||Mylar| See? Light does not pass through the Mylar! The Mylar is a protective backing much like the black coating on the mirror. You can actually scratch the Aluminum off with a sponge and...
  6. Bumping Spheda

    Mirror = good or bad

    Glass absorbs light. Get reflective film. Mylar emergency blankets let a lot of light pass through. I would not recommend it.
  7. Bumping Spheda

    Multichip LED, Remote Phosphor - Guess who it is.

    Fran: Oh... Well then SMD's are the future, not COB's! :cuss: Thanks for the clarification. RGB's will never be the best for growing, though, right? They'll still use narrow band dice and one of the big benefits of using White LED's over Red/Blue is the broader spectrum coverage, I thought...
  8. Bumping Spheda

    led spotlight?

    My 2'x2' tent in my closet gets to ~100 degrees with ~190W of LED when ambient temps are ~75. I have a small window AC that I use to cool the tent down when lights are on, although proper ventilation would get you most of the way there if you had a place to exhaust the heat. Since you had a fan...
  9. Bumping Spheda

    Multichip LED, Remote Phosphor - Guess who it is.

    Fran: "Large" chip size for me is 42mil Reds and 45mil Blues. That's what's in my COB. Also, you say larger chips absorb more light. Why not use whatever the best size chip is for the blue portion, selectively coat that with phosphor, and then use whatever size chips you want for the rest of the...
  10. Bumping Spheda

    First time DIY LED grow

    Pshhhh. Cheap Chinese shit compared to what you got your friend running with. Cool stuff, man. Thanks for the pics.
  11. Bumping Spheda

    First time DIY LED grow

    This was my veg tent a while back:
  12. Bumping Spheda

    Multichip LED, Remote Phosphor - Guess who it is.

    Those pictures broke my internet Fran, I'm glad you got it sussed out on your own! Sounds like you sheared the center pin off the Edison base and took the second internal wire with it. I just yanked the base off with my hands the wire stayed connected to the driver. As far as COB's go, I'm not...
  13. Bumping Spheda

    Bridgelux Vero 29 LED Test That's the earliest photo I've got of her, and to tell the truth, I can't remember. Not that I recall, though. I wanna say she didn't even sink in the shot glass which I was sort of worrying about. But like I said, I killed those two other seeds...
  14. Bumping Spheda

    G2-800w PARmaxx parabolic refraction integrated full spectrum LED grow light - 4x4 cr

    "Wow" at that 24h shot. Wait, dude, wtf? I just came in here like two hours ago and all this shit wasn't here. "Did I just go through a worm hole, or something?" He's got like hours of growth per minute.
  15. Bumping Spheda

    Bridgelux Vero 29 LED Test

    I soaked my Chiesel seed in a shot glass of dechlorinated water for 12-24 hours, then put her straight in a yogurt container filled with Roots Organic. One seed, one plant (and 5 clones so far). This was after killing two different auto flower seeds with the paper towel method. So far, believe...
  16. Bumping Spheda

    led spotlight?

    Eh, perhaps I misspoke. 400W in a 2'x2' is 100W/square foot which isn't "insane," but might be slight overkill (at least with LED's, and imo). That said, I recommend...
  17. Bumping Spheda

    Safe to say LED technology is almost or equal to HID's?

    No one's responded yet, so I'll wing it. Blue LED's are really efficient. Cannabis, with its demanding spectral requirements such as high quantities of Yellow/Orange/Red, isn't quite as lucky with efficiency losses at the phosphor level, or overall lower chip efficiency when compared to Blue...
  18. Bumping Spheda

    noob grower need advice on led lights :)

    tokersmokercp: Don't buy those lights. If you already have, not much we can do. BUT, here's some tips. A) Only introduce plants to both outdoors and indoors if you want bugs in your house. I know, it's free light out there, but from my experience moving plants indoors after they've been outside...
  19. Bumping Spheda

    Multichip LED, Remote Phosphor - Guess who it is.

    ~3rd week into flower. Didn't write the date down when I flipped her so even I don't know how far along she is. Her leaves in some areas are folding downward in half, and there's still quite a bit of tip curl. She looks pretty hideous from some angles, I won't lie, but in this shot she looks...
  20. Bumping Spheda

    Cree XM-l Panel... Supplementing 730 and up With Halogen

    Not that I can think of. I say stick with what you're doing. If you've already set the Red to turn on/off at a frequency my mind immediately goes to having the Red on during early/late portions of the day cycle (off midday) to semi-mimic the Sun's natural spectral changes through its "path...