And they sing praise to Shiva before smoking, but they do not smoke hashish, it is Charas.Yeah from what I understand in India is where they praise the Shiva god with their hands holding the hashish pipe to the sky then they hit it, but I could be wrong too.
Hashish and poppies were not cultivated by the same family/people/tribe, hashish in those countries has a meaning that most of you have a hard time grabbing. Hashish has been part of their life for hundred of thousand of years, it is an art, often partaking is religious and Hashishins (Hash maker) touch only resin glands, they are not farmers. Also note that the countries where Charas is made have no opium fields like Northern India, Nepal, Buthan, etc.
Yes I thought long and hard about that one and I actually give lecture about the origins of concentrate. Let's start by a definition of the word Charas and we will go from there:Huh? First off, hundreds of thousands of years? Think about that one... lol Secondly, I work with a guy from Pakistan.His family has made charas for generations, he claims. He's shown me pics to prove it. His family has also refined opium for generations. He's shown me those pics too. The thing is, they don't own either of the farms. They are merely the labour, hired by the owners, who are primarily relatives of war-lords. I'm going to ask him about mixing the hash and opium when he's back to work on Monday. He'll know...
I've been following this thread for a little while now and what I think we need to realize is that in countries that produce cannabis/Hashish some also produce Opium so isn't it possible that the field workers would pick opium during the day and Hand Rub Hashish in the afternoon this is where I think it all started, they use to get cross contamination when working both fields so the workers that worked both field may have had traces of opium on there hands so that when they rubbed Hashish. This is the only way I could see the 2 being mixed without changing the texture or smell or the way it burned cause there would be such small traces but even to change the effect. This is not fact just my view on this myth lol
Hashish and poppies were not cultivated by the same family/people/tribe, hashish in those countries has a meaning that most of you have a hard time grabbing. Hashish has been part of their life for hundred of thousand of years, it is an art, often partaking is religious and Hashishins (Hash maker) touch only resin glands, they are not farmers. Also note that the countries where Charas is made have no opium fields like Northern India, Nepal, Buthan, etc.
Northern India WAS a major opium producer for the English and the famous Opium war with China, never thought that Nepal was an opium producing country. You may want to countercheck that one.Northern India is a major opium producing region , nepal also produces opium