Opium based Hashish - Myth...?

Seriously though..whose fdd?
Lock ups are no good I feel for him....strain creator/seed bank guy? Advocate for legalization? Sorry I don't know him, what did he do?
hahah i thought you were joking, FDD was the top Mod on this site for many years, then he hung up the ban hammer and was a normal member, he ended up getting set up by feds doing a deal across states for lbs and is now in the pen. nice guy. blows glass, i bought a couple of nice spoons off him.

google FDD2BLK man ;)
While I agree Fdd has done monumental things for this forum and all the members.

FD is nationally recognized for his contributions on a national level.

He is top dog for one of the most informative research and development organization regarding cannabis on the web.

They are both invaluable to the cannabis community.

Perhaps QK should google fdd

But in return might I suggest you google
Gray Wolf and Skunkpharm.research.
(Faded Dawg) (same person)
I did Google fdd
Got a bunch of shit talking from a couple years back,...so I read all his likes.. I'm sure like Sunni he was very loved
Like Sunni though the impact on the cannabis community is minimal..(no offense Sunni)..and I don't mean to offend you either as I have seen many of your posts..but wasn't a game changer and I think he's in a quite different league than fade.. fade deserves a lifetime achievement award for what he has done to progress all types of extract..there are only a handful of people that have made the kind of impact that was seen after skunkpharm opened, and I've been following since the start...
Now it seems there's a lot of love for him and I mean no disrespect especially with him not here..
Hashish and poppies were not cultivated by the same family/people/tribe, hashish in those countries has a meaning that most of you have a hard time grabbing. Hashish has been part of their life for hundred of thousand of years, it is an art, often partaking is religious and Hashishins (Hash maker) touch only resin glands, they are not farmers. Also note that the countries where Charas is made have no opium fields like Northern India, Nepal, Buthan, etc.

Huh? First off, hundreds of thousands of years? Think about that one... lol Secondly, I work with a guy from Pakistan. His family has made charas for generations, he claims. He's shown me pics to prove it. His family has also refined opium for generations. He's shown me those pics too. The thing is, they don't own either of the farms. They are merely the labour, hired by the owners, who are primarily relatives of war-lords. I'm going to ask him about mixing the hash and opium when he's back to work on Monday. He'll know...


Now...we must give the tip of the hat to Mr.Frenchy Cannoli..

He too is recognized, on a GLOBAL level and continues to share his knowledge of cannabis and hashish with the community..

Cannoli and Gray Wolf, legendary icons of the cannabis movement.
And yes, its hundred of thousands of years, even before the birth of Christ.

A.D consists of 2,014 years...and only God really knows how many years existed before then..

Truth be told, the dinosaurs were the first to breed Blue Dream...and Captain Caveman created the first hash oil.

I kid, I kid...

Huh? First off, hundreds of thousands of years? Think about that one... lol Secondly, I work with a guy from Pakistan.His family has made charas for generations, he claims. He's shown me pics to prove it. His family has also refined opium for generations. He's shown me those pics too. The thing is, they don't own either of the farms. They are merely the labour, hired by the owners, who are primarily relatives of war-lords. I'm going to ask him about mixing the hash and opium when he's back to work on Monday. He'll know...
Yes I thought long and hard about that one and I actually give lecture about the origins of concentrate. Let's start by a definition of the word Charas and we will go from there:
Psychoactive drug made from gently hand rubbing live mature female Cannabis flowers to collect the resin glands
as opposed to Hashish which is:
Psychoactive drug made from sieving the resin glands of the dried Cannabis flowers and from pressing them with a source of heat.
We were speaking in the past and before the Afghan Russian war when poppies were rarer. Please ask him also where he is from in Pakistan
First off props to FD, 80's ?? I'm in the middle of my 6th decade and I thought I was an antique...... Second... Back in the mid to late 60's there was a solid black hash that would break but not crumble. Not too brittle.. The only name with it was Black Primo. It was said to be opiated...but who tested back then ?? All I know is that I have been dreaming about the high for 40 some years. Nothing better ever. When driving around, even the drainage dips in intersections felt like mountains when the cars front end dropped into them. A regular 2 block hill was like a mile long grade, oh yeah...and there has been nothing since that made you float like that. Your feet never even came close to the ground. And soooo mellow. No proof just experience, and yes I have smoked opium many times, same mellow with an ass kickin hash high. Just saying..peace & be kind.
A play of words. The eighth decade is the seventies, but the words tattered and superannuated still apply.

I sincerely wish I could experience the highs I got from just plain old Thai Stick, Columbian, or Panama in the early 70's. Sadly even after laying off a few years, I could still never get that high again and now just get increasingly forgetful if I keep reaching for it.
I've been following this thread for a little while now and what I think we need to realize is that in countries that produce cannabis/Hashish some also produce Opium so isn't it possible that the field workers would pick opium during the day and Hand Rub Hashish in the afternoon this is where I think it all started, they use to get cross contamination when working both fields so the workers that worked both field may have had traces of opium on there hands so that when they rubbed Hashish. This is the only way I could see the 2 being mixed without changing the texture or smell or the way it burned cause there would be such small traces but even to change the effect. This is not fact just my view on this myth lol

Possible but unlikely based on the fact that poppys are harvested when the days are at about the longest and MJ harvest is the reverse
Hashish and poppies were not cultivated by the same family/people/tribe, hashish in those countries has a meaning that most of you have a hard time grabbing. Hashish has been part of their life for hundred of thousand of years, it is an art, often partaking is religious and Hashishins (Hash maker) touch only resin glands, they are not farmers. Also note that the countries where Charas is made have no opium fields like Northern India, Nepal, Buthan, etc.

Northern India is a major opium producing region , nepal also produces opium
Northern India is a major opium producing region , nepal also produces opium
Northern India WAS a major opium producer for the English and the famous Opium war with China, never thought that Nepal was an opium producing country. You may want to countercheck that one.
Nice rooster
As your article shows, it is all very new and very small in Nepal and in India whatever is grown under government control is totally limited.
Thailand-Laos-Birmanie are true producers, Pakistan and Afghanistan are the new one on the market and started producing only to bankroll their war.
There is no opium tradition in Nepal and India, the English started the production for trading tea with China.
This is a myth. The whitish residue people were seeing was probably mold from water content. I have been in SE Asia for a number of years and can say this is absolutely not true. Neither with the Thai sticks either....
I have had and immensly enjoyed 70's thai stick and nepalese temple balls. At the time it was rumored the lightly colored streaks in the temple balls were opium. I doubt very much either had opium added, simply based on the heavenly taste and oror or both. Back in the day, we were making the transition from brick weed mexican to some really potent smoke that was beyond belief!

OK, off of the Hashish topic a bit, but relates to the combination of opium and cannabis.

Ever heard of laudanum? It is a tincture of opium, and can be made by crushing poppy heads and the dissolving in Everclear. The same sort of tincture may be made with cannabis. Simply mix the two tinctures and then evaporate the Everclear. Let the tar-like residue dry completely over time and you will have a nice, smokable combination of opium and cannabis. Not that I have ever tried it as it would be illegal, even in a medical cannabis state like Montana.
I'm glad you mentioned that...I have to ask if you thought/heard about it or read the book
You ever heard of the book "In the arms of morpheus: the tragic history of laudanum, morphine, and patent medicines."
....little bit about the book
They talk about mixing with hashish among other things.