The Geopolitics of Afghani Hash

I am no expert on Moroccan hash, so I'll ask you if you think this hash was produced HERE in Canada?



looks great but if you saw whats been done in the passed..youd certainly think twice
only way to know is to TRY IT :lol:

Not the Morocs Im talkin about ;)
looks great but if you saw whats been done in the passed..youd certainly think twice
only way to know is to TRY IT :lol:

That wax packaging is typical for Moroccan think Canadians are going through that trouble? lol
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Not the Morocs Im yappin about lol
most of the shit ya buy online is made from kief from HERE lol
im betting that any of the shmea you buy online bubbles when heated.. imported shmea that is..

And like I mentioned to Hippy, in the other thread, of course these imports aren't going to bubble because it is commercial grade. If you want bubbles, get a set of bags and blow your own lmao :)

I should have said, "most" of these imports aren't going to bubble. Because, I believe if you have the cash, Primo -top grade- imported, Afghani and Moroccan are available in small quantities, online in Canada, to anyone with a computer and post box.
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Imports aren't sold online... :idea:
it's another animal.
if it'd be stupid prices for the others lol and done by some young fuck looking to get his ass kicked for selling IMPORTED HASH lol...
Imports aren't sold online... :idea:
it's another animal.
if it'd be stupid prices for the others lol and done by some young fuck looking to get his ass kicked for selling IMPORTED HASH lol...

You don't think the east chapter is connected to the west where many of these online dispensaries originate ?
You don't think they are affiliated with some of these dispensaries in any way or out-right own some themselves - through insulation of course ?
Further, you think they control 100% of the import hash trade in Canada - what about the small time guys flying to India, Morocco, etc. Not to mention international mail and international shipping disguised in various products ?
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Don't bet on any pre-summer sales for online, import, hash. Recent small bust aided by our tax dollars lol:

Canadians seize 2.5 tonnes of hashish in the Indian Ocean
From: National Defence

News release
April 9, 2019 - Ottawa, Ontario - National Defence/Canadian Armed Forces

On April 6, 2019, Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Regina seized 2,569 kilograms of hashish while deployed in the Indian Ocean as part of Operation ARTEMIS, the Canadian Armed Forces ongoing contribution to counter-terrorism and maritime security operations in Middle Eastern and East African waters.

HMCS Regina spotted a suspicious fishing vessel, known as a “dhow”, off the coast of Oman and proceeded to stop the boat to investigate further. The ship deployed its Naval Tactical Operations Group (NTOG) team. The NTOG is a dedicated Royal Canadian Navy unit that specializes in advanced boarding operations at sea. A search of the dhow was conducted, during which 119 bags of hashish were located in the ice hold. The narcotics were transferred to HMCS Regina and subsequently destroyed.

This is the first seizure for HMCS Regina since it joined Operation ARTEMIS at the end of March 2019.

HMCS Regina is operating in the region as part of the Canadian-led Combined Task Force 150 (CTF 150). CTF 150 is a task force under Combined Maritime Forces, a naval coalition of 33 nations that promotes security and stability in Middle Eastern and East African waters.

Additional multimedia

Photo: HMCS REGINA's crew poses with over 2000 kilograms of narcotics seized from a dhow during Operation ARTEMIS in the Pacific Ocean on April 7 2019. Corporal Stuart Evans, BORDEN Imaging Services.
“This seizure is a testament to the months of hard work HMCS Regina has conducted in preparation for our operational deployment. I’m very proud of the professionalism of our NTOG team, as well as our entire ship’s company. It was an all-ship effort and we are all proud to contribute to the disruption of the trade of illegal narcotics and in promoting a safer maritime environment in the region.”

Commander Jacob French, Commanding Officer HMCS Regina

“Had CTF 150 not intervened, the hashish would have been sold locally, or in other markets, with the profits benefitting organized crime networks and terrorist organizations. A job well done to HMCS Regina, in their support of CTF 150’s work to promote stability in this part of the world.”

Commodore Darren Garnier, Royal Canadian Navy, Commander CTF 150
Another recent small one:

Featured story
CBSA officers seize 639 kg of hashish in Montréal


X-rays of boxes containing hashish discovered at Montréal-Trudeau Airport.

In January, border services officers at the Montréal-Trudeau International Airport, Commercial Office, discovered hashish while examining a shipment of clothing. The merchandise arrived from Pakistan and was destined for an address in Montréal. During the warehouse examination and with the help of a team of detector dogs, officers discovered packages of hashish hidden within a box. They opened several boxes on site also containing hidden packages. The officers then escorted the goods to the Trudeau Commercial Office warehouse for a more in-depth examination.

A narcotics identification kit (NIK) spray test and x-ray tests indicated the presence of hashish.

Of 115 boxes, more than 100 boxes contained contraband. A total of 639 kg of hashish was seized by the Canada Border Services (CBSA). The drugs were turned over to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) for further investigation.

All packages and goods entering Canada are subject to examination. Working closely with domestic and international law enforcement partners, such as the RCMP, the CBSA uses intelligence to identify and reduce border-related threats in advance of these threats reaching Canada. Border services officers use a varied approach based on risk assessment, intelligence and advanced technologies to determine if in-depth reviews are needed. CBSA officers' knowledge, experience, and training, as well as the tools mentioned above, make it possible for them to prevent contraband and prohibited or restricted goods from entering Canada.
Small one a few years ago:

Nova Scotia
200 kg of hash discovered hidden in chocolate bars at Port of Halifax

Ontario man arrested and charged with importation of controlled substance
CBC News · Posted: Aug 02, 2017 12:39 PM AT | Last Updated: August 2, 2017

The Canada Border Services Agency in May seized chocolate that had hashish wrapped in cellophane inside. (CBSA)
Smugglers might have thought they'd found a sweet way to get drugs into the country, but earlier this year border agents uncovered the ploy during an inspection at the Port of Halifax: more than 200 kilograms of hashish tucked away inside chocolate bars.

The Canada Border Services Agency and the RCMP announced the seizure on Wednesday.

The hashish-infused bars originated in the Netherlands and were destined for Ontario.


An Ontario man was arrested in connection with the seizure. (CBSA)
CBSA officers, tipped off by the National Targeting Centre, saw anomalies in X-ray images inside a marine container on May 25.

Unusually large seizure
Calvin Christiansen, regional director of the CBSA's Atlantic region, said they broke the chocolate with a rubber hammer and found hash in a cellophane package inside.

Christiansen said the strange hiding place was par for the course.

"We find all kinds of things hidden in all kinds of things," he said.

What was unusual for this part of the country was the size of the bust.

"We typically in the Atlantic region seize in the grams of hashish every year," Christiansen said. "Last year, our seizure quantity of hash was just under five grams. So this year we've got a seizure that's got 210-plus kilograms."

4 charges
The evidence was turned over to RCMP, who did a follow-up investigation and made an arrest in Ontario. A 51-year-old man from Mississauga was charged on June 23 for:

  • Importation of a controlled substance.
  • Possession for the purpose of trafficking.
  • Conspiring to commit an indictable offence (two charges).
Christiansen said the seizure was a good example of the strong relationship between CBSA and RCMP.

"Sometimes it's very hard to attach a container that's here in Halifax to an individual that's in another city somewhere in Canada, and that's what we leave up to them to do."
In above pic, if you look real close at the, left, first row, of stack of ten, you can see what appears to be the letter "E" on the gold stamp. I have a pic somewhere that shows it better. Anyways, the stamp looks very similar to the "Eagle", stamped, hash I smoked from a friend who obtained it online. He had a half-pound with the full stamp as shown in below, online, pics:


This hash is a commercial grade Afghani but of poorer quality than some other commercial grades I've smoked. It has a nice texture as it softens easily and isn't too stiff. Smells decent (has that typical Afghan chocolate spice) but not real strong. However, you get that waxy-crayola type taste in the background and air ever so faintly. I have my ideas what that taste might be but would be interested if anyone else has some experience?
At first, I thought it may have been repressed here in Canada; however, at this time, I do not think so - I think it is just a low grade commercial ?
Further, would be interested if anyone has smoked this particular black or knows anything about this specific seal/batch. This was around last summer sometime. If anyone smoked the "Rolling Stone", I found the Eagle to be a little better than the Stone.
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i've had some real Afghani hash. it wasn't bad, but it wasn't as good as what i make for myself.
i know mine is pure, has no kinds of pesticides or fillers in it, is fresh and made in a clean environment...
i don't know any of that about Afghani hash...
and i have no political implications to consider...there are no warring tribes in my grow room...i don't have to bribe anyone when i harvest a far as i know, the russians don't want to take over my basement...
In above pic, if you look real close at the, left, first row, of stack of ten, you can see what appears to be the letter "E" on the gold stamp. I have a pic somewhere that shows it better. Anyways, the stamp looks very similar to the "Eagle", stamped, hash I smoked from a friend who obtained it online. He had a half-pound with the full stamp as shown in below, online, pics:


This hash is a commercial grade Afghani but of poorer quality than some other commercial grades I've smoked. It has a nice texture as it softens easily and isn't too stiff. Smells decent (has that typical Afghan chocolate spice) but not real strong. However, you get that waxy-crayola type taste in the background and air ever so faintly. I have my ideas what that taste might be but would be interested if anyone else has some experience?
At first, I thought it may have been repressed here in Canada; however, at this time, I do not think so - I think it is just a low grade commercial ?
Further, would be interested if anyone has smoked this particular black or knows anything about this specific seal/batch. This was around last summer sometime. If anyone smoked the "Rolling Stone", I found the Eagle to be a little better than the Stone.
I think you would be quite surprised to what gets done in certain circles:wall::spew::idea:
. Others dont fuck witha good thing.. lol but hey it happens ..
look what our gobberments done with the THOUGHT of making a buck ;) lol

i've had some real Afghani hash. it wasn't bad, but it wasn't as good as what i make for myself.
i know mine is pure, has no kinds of pesticides or fillers in it, is fresh and made in a clean environment...
i don't know any of that about Afghani hash...
and i have no political implications to consider...there are no warring tribes in my grow room...i don't have to bribe anyone when i harvest a far as i know, the russians don't want to take over my basement...
when ya see yer buddy biting off a piece of his chunk?
Ya might wanna say dont know who didn't wipe every well lol