Opium based Hashish - Myth...?

FWIW, a list of my favorite books about opium:

Opium for the Masses: Harvesting Nature's Best Pain Medication
Jim Hogshire

Opium Culture: The Art and Ritual of the Chinese Tradition
Peter Lee

The Power of the Poppy: Harnessing Nature's Most Dangerous Plant Ally
Kenaz Filan

Opium: A Portrait of the Heavenly Demon
Barbara Hodgson

Confessions of an English Opium Eater
Thomas De Quincey

The Mystique of Opium
Jean-Francois Hubert

Dark Paradise: A History of Opiate Addiction in America
David T. Courtwright

The Art of Opium Antiques
Steven Martin
Of course you can mix the two but pretty fucking stupid to do so. I laugh at people that put a little opium on top of their bowl and then hit it with a lighter, destroying any opiates. Smoking opium is a true art form given how it has to be prepared just right so that it can be vaporized at just the right temp. When I am able to enjoy a good opiate, it pushes through whatever mj high I have. Love it. Always a special treat for me but not something I chase after given the addictive properties.
Do how know how what type of hash is made?
Attar (From North West Morocco to Kashmir, Northern India) or Charas (From Kashmir to Nepal = including Manali).

Quite simply it is the moisture content that is incompatible.
Opium is a rich, wet tar. No hashish is nearly as oily.
If opium is dried out if develops a madly inconsistent texture, with cracked dry parts and semi damp moist bits....

Check out the UN or DEA or any major anti-drug organisation and the absolute silence concerning Cannabinoid substances adulterated with opiates (any opiates) says it all - there's nothing for them to say.

OPIATED HASH IS A MYTH. The two do not mix. There's a bunch of things in opium which should not be smoked. There's good reasons for the traditional opium pipe. I have manufactured hash from Morocco to the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon to Afghanistan to Kashmir. I once searched for Bombay Temple Balls in Bombay. I found some Kashmiri hash that had a little datura in it but it sucked. (Maharashtra does not grow significant cannabis.)

In two years living outside Kathmandu we found zero hash in Nepal. The charas was awesome but it is not hash. Hash is moistened powder that is heated and pressed. Charas is simply rubbed off the standing plants and gathered into lumps.

I found essentially two grades of powder in Afghanistan. A & B. Roughly 85% was B grade and that's what the Brotherhood of Eternal Love smuggled to Laguna Beach by the ton. A grade rarely left the village where it was grown and hand-pressed. Until the Russkies invaded Afghanistan I never saw any opium there. It was there in modest amounts but we were only interested in hash powder.

My recent world travels have shown that scoring anywhere is a very tense situation...and I have connections Finding some weed in Thailand is totally scary these days. Forget about the lovely old Thai stick of lore. Ditto for Morocco, Lebanon, and Kashmir. Other than a tourist thing in VANG VIENG, Laos, the euphoric opium divan of old is history. Making your own from the poppies in your garden is foolish if one does not know how to refine it. The days when I scored a little Double U O Globe smack to soften the road for my motorcycle ride from Laos to Bali for $1 per gram is the distant past. The authorities along the route will literally kill you if they catch you.

Ironically, if one wants to get wasted w/o fear these days they should vacation in Colorado.
I opened this thread because my uncle told me that I make the 2nd best hash he’s ever had, 2nd to only the stuff he had in he’s early 20s laced with opium ..
I’m thinking he just has some fond memories of his younger days ...
Don’t know if I should tell him he got ripped or let him keep thinking he was in the age group that got the real hash from back in the day ...lol
For years I have heard talk about Opium Based Hashish.
Supposedly Nepalese Temple Ball was 'opium based....
Not so.
Then I was told that Indian Manali was opium based (Very dark and brittle - like an expanded version of the graphite strip in a pencil - but opium free)..... Then that Kashmiri Attar was opium based (extremely 'heavy' and narcoleptic high but without a trace of opium)....
Then I heard about Pakistani Hash from the Chitral region (it's has a very green interior and the strongest 'skunk' odour that one can imagine, in a hashish, but absolutely no opium).
And then I was assured that the Afghani hash from the Masada-I-Sharif region was positively swimming in opium...."Afterall, Afghanistan has both plants and poppies, so it's the logical place for opium based hashish.....".
NO, NO, NO, NO....!!!

Then, about a week ago, an old time smoker, who regularly posts on RIU and receives much respect (deservedly) mentioned that he had bought some hash, in North East USA that had 'the sickly sweet, dark rich swirls that old timers would remember and recognise as opium...."

Again, I say, Big Steve, NO - NO - NO!

It simply doesn't exist!
There is no profit motive behind it
No demand for it
In fact, quite the opposite.
The average hash smoker would NOT want to be using OPIATES....!

Plus the two substances would be, IMHO, incompatible due to vastly different textures, moisture and burning ability.
Opium smoking is something of an artform.
Getting the very sticky and damp balls of opium to burn isn't easy.
Mixing it with hashish and managing to create a product with a regular consistency would be near impossible.

And that's not just the opinion of myself (all be it based on 25 years of smoking and extensive travel within the hash producing countries of Asia and North Africa), It's also the implied position of the UKCA (United Kingdom Crime Agency).

'China White' Heroin - or Water Soluble, chemically bleached heroin (actually it's usually from Burma, Laos, Thailand or Colombia) is very, very rare in the UK. This is because UK heroin pipelines are run by Pakistani's and Turks who bring in Afghan Brown Heroin (less refined that the hydrochloride white stuff).
In 20 years of on/off heroin use I have never found any white in the UK
In Thailand, Australia and India I've had it but not once in the UK.

The UKCA, however, has reported tiny bits of Afghan made white heroin occasionally coming into Britain - their fear is an Afghan product as strong as it's Colombian cousin. Sniffing is an option when this stuff arrives and far more youngsters are prepared to try a sniff, introducing themselves to the strong possibility of a lifelong addiction.

OPIUM BASED HASHISH, however, has never been reported by ANY UK LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY.
And they regularly analyse any new types of hashish that appears on the streets of Britain.

I know that absence of proof is not proof of absence but, in this case, the 25 year absence of any evidence (or even an indication of its existence) has to be taken as fairly conclusive proof that opium based hash doesn't exist.

So I leave you now with my final words on the subject.


I am open to arguments but they would have to be pretty convincing to change my mind on this matter,
I smoked Kashmir very brittle laced with trace amounts of white marble of what was supposed to be opium. Hard black hash that was potent to the point of inducing vomiting. The most potent black hash I have ever smoked and have not seen it since the 70,'s If you ask me it did exist. A close second would be Columbian black gum.
'04 - Riding on top of a bus with 3 old men in the Punjab. He probably had not seen a white guy in a long time, so he was intrigued; after a while of awkward sign language, he asks his friend for something - turned out to be a BIG chillum.
I cannot tell you honestly that I could identify what went into that bowl - looked like bhang (tobacco / hash). Tasted AWFUL - I don't think they ever cleaned that chillum - but got me HIGH - very fuzzy, gumby feeling in my body - so I do think there was opium in there.

I tried to climb down the ladder when I got to Armritsar, but I must have missed a step - next thing I know I'm on the ground in a heap being helped up by my host.

So maybe not consistently laced or otherwise adulterated, but I'm CERTAIN it does happen...