Opium based Hashish - Myth...?

Hey dabs..the medical side of me is curious
What are you taking and dosage?

I like pain pillies and weed..on some norco (10/325's) at the moment and tokin my sativa..might go for a run today 70° outside and sunny. The mind fire puts me in the zone and the hydro numbs me, my legs turn to little clock like pendulum's..I like the mix myself lol

And I mean that in the sincerest way with your last post about your hips! :)

For the board..I will just say....

I'm on the big boys.... I will pm you my dosage and which one it is though..

Hold on to your hat...as it may fly away.

I do actually start each day with one dab, so..I guess I do sorta like combining the two...

But, the dab is for an immediate relief of super-tight-ness upon awakening...then pain meds as the dab wears off pretty quick due to tolerance...(also strictly sativa dabs in the AM)

Then usually no more cannabis/oil until I clock out for the day.
I remember the Rebel Hash's with stamped gold slogans and designs.
One had the silhouette of a turbaned Afghan carrying a rocket launcher and read:
"Smoke away COMMUNISM".

But you try mixing opium and hash together,
Quite simply it is not doable.

With all due respect, do you know how hash is made? It's just crystal pressed or rubbed together, which may or may not include bits of leaf and etc. So I can't imagine why it would be impossible to include opium in it, whether it be in liquid form or not, unless there are chemical properties involved that would act like oil and water? But even they can be combined.

North is absolutely correct...

No stoner wants opium in their hash and no opioid user wants cannabis in their opiates.

There is a very very mild synergy with the two drugs, for me: one cancels the other out.
Of course different individual opioids produce different qualities of effects and needs to be considered.

As North stated, it just doesn't make sense from an economic standpoint..

Opioid based drugs are far more expensive than cannabis (particularly in the US) , so the intention of combining the two just doesn't make sense.

I partake in opioids daily due to my condition, and would not be able to stand up without them (both hips are bone on bone and the soft tissue has hardened into a bone like structure.) Requiring a double hip replacement that will happen in March of next year.

I can tell you first hand....

I hate mixing the two.... As stated, it feels like one shuts the other off.

So, opioids during work/daytime activities...

When I wanna melt....

Hash, oil and flowers.

I would agree, with the stoner opioid user comment entirely, except that there's lots who experiment. I also agree that it would not make any sense from an economic standpoint. But that's assuming mass production/trade plays into it and I wasn't suggesting that at all.
I was thinking from a more regional perspective. Again, both are as common as chickens in the region. It's far more than likely that the producers in the region produce both. So it stands to reason that some experimentation has gone on and I don't doubt that users in the region might have even developed a taste for the mix. Back in the day, I knew guys that would snort a line of coke then roll a joint with coke in it right after. I also knew guys that would press coke into the hash. Seemed like a waste to me, but hey...however you like to party right? In this situation, I doubt that anybody would produce a hash/opium product for mass sale simply because there's little market for it (back to your first comment). But at the same time, I would bet the mix is readily available at a local level and that some does seep into the mainstream from time to time. I mean, there you are buying a few hundred kilos to ship and the seller says, try this, and tosses an ounce/pound or two of a mixture for you to try personally. Maybe you do, maybe you don't like it and maybe you pass it on.

I honestly don't know, but it's not hard to imagine that opium does get combined with hash and that the mix gets passed along far enough to pop up here and there in other parts of the world. But as a commodity, very doubtful...

I had a lot of rock hard black hash in the 70's that had noticible streaks of grey/white in it. Opium was the rumor but I know now it was not. This shit was so hard you had to heat it up to even break it apart. Serious stone material in any case.
In the late sixties and early seventies, we got Thai Sticks that were rumored to be dipped in opium. They were damn good, but there was no evidence that they had been dipped in anything.

We did occasionally see bud sprayed with PCP and called all sorts of things, but neither the Thai Sticks, nor the PCP laced bud exhibited opium properties.

Another consideration, is that the price of opium at the time, would ostensibly have made the Thai Sticks more expensive than they were.

I have long written it off to urban myth to sell product.

My tolerance is so different starting my eighth decade, that the meaning is unknown, but a couple of years ago, I tried ostensibly the same Thai Sativa strain grown in a medicinal garden and was disappointed to find it wasn't as heads above the other modern strains as it was above Mexican brick weed in the 60's.

Alas, I found the same thing sampling ostensibly Columbia Gold, and Pannama Red grown by modern gardeners. Sometimes, to look stellar, you just have to be noticeably better than the alternatives.

Fade do I understand this right? Are you in your 80's? Holy shit bro props to you for helping out these peeps on the forum and spending so much time with medicine!
I've been following this thread for a little while now and what I think we need to realize is that in countries that produce cannabis/Hashish some also produce Opium so isn't it possible that the field workers would pick opium during the day and Hand Rub Hashish in the afternoon this is where I think it all started, they use to get cross contamination when working both fields so the workers that worked both field may have had traces of opium on there hands so that when they rubbed Hashish. This is the only way I could see the 2 being mixed without changing the texture or smell or the way it burned cause there would be such small traces but even to change the effect. This is not fact just my view on this myth lol
I remember a friend having Thai stick dipped in opium back in the late 80s. It def had something on it that sedated the hell out of us.
With all due respect, do you know how hash is made? It's just crystal pressed or rubbed together, which may or may not include bits of leaf and etc. So I can't imagine why it would be impossible to include opium in it, whether it be in liquid form or not, unless there are chemical properties involved that would act like oil and water? But even they can be combined.

Do how know how what type of hash is made?
Attar (From North West Morocco to Kashmir, Northern India) or Charas (From Kashmir to Nepal = including Manali).

Quite simply it is the moisture content that is incompatible.
Opium is a rich, wet tar. No hashish is nearly as oily.
If opium is dried out if develops a madly inconsistent texture, with cracked dry parts and semi damp moist bits....

Check out the UN or DEA or any major anti-drug organisation and the absolute silence concerning Cannabinoid substances adulterated with opiates (any opiates) says it all - there's nothing for them to say.
Iranian super-refined opium.
I have heard about this off two separate individuals.
One was an Englishman imprisoned with a Persian Aristocrat who was caught smuggling heroin into UK (escaping the Ayotollah's people with the first thing he could get serious money for), the second was an Iranian I sometimes did deals with in New Delhi (1996'ish).

The Englishman had smoked it with his Iranian cellmate.
He described it as resembling volcanic rock but pale brown - and easily smokable,

The Iranian told me the same - but he even knew the 7 different refining filters the raw/wet opium was put through.
One was alcohol.

He told me that, in Iran, Shearer cost about 3 times the price of the best grade heroin.

This substance MAY be compatible with hash, physically.

But economically it makes no sense and would alienate 90% of the hash market.
Pot heads DO NOT WANT opiates.
Fade do I understand this right? Are you in your 80's? Holy shit bro props to you for helping out these peeps on the forum and spending so much time with medicine!

Fade ain't no 'BRO'.
He's a forum 'Daddy'.

Maybe THE forum Daddy....?

Anyone with that much accumulated knowledge, born of actual experience, who takes the time to enlighten the newer generations is undoubtedly a STAR!!!
Iranian super-refined opium.
I have heard about this off two separate individuals.
One was an Englishman imprisoned with a Persian Aristocrat who was caught smuggling heroin into UK (escaping the Ayotollah's people with the first thing he could get serious money for), the second was an Iranian I sometimes did deals with in New Delhi (1996'ish).

The Englishman had smoked it with his Iranian cellmate.
He described it as resembling volcanic rock but pale brown - and easily smokable,

The Iranian told me the same - but he even knew the 7 different refining filters the raw/wet opium was put through.
One was alcohol.

He told me that, in Iran, Shearer cost about 3 times the price of the best grade heroin.

This substance MAY be compatible with hash, physically.

But economically it makes no sense and would alienate 90% of the hash market.
Pot heads DO NOT WANT opiates.
When it is refined as you describe it may be compatible with Hashish (which I doubt strongly but no science behind) but an Opium smoker would NEVER let that type of quality be used for anything but smoking in the best opium dens and connoisseurs
I had a lot of rock hard black hash in the 70's that had noticible streaks of grey/white in it. Opium was the rumor but I know now it was not. This shit was so hard you had to heat it up to even break it apart. Serious stone material in any case.
I am sorry to say but that was moldy hash you smoked
I've been following this thread for a little while now and what I think we need to realize is that in countries that produce cannabis/Hashish some also produce Opium so isn't it possible that the field workers would pick opium during the day and Hand Rub Hashish in the afternoon this is where I think it all started, they use to get cross contamination when working both fields so the workers that worked both field may have had traces of opium on there hands so that when they rubbed Hashish. This is the only way I could see the 2 being mixed without changing the texture or smell or the way it burned cause there would be such small traces but even to change the effect. This is not fact just my view on this myth lol
Hashish and poppies were not cultivated by the same family/people/tribe, hashish in those countries has a meaning that most of you have a hard time grabbing. Hashish has been part of their life for hundred of thousand of years, it is an art, often partaking is religious and Hashishins (Hash maker) touch only resin glands, they are not farmers. Also note that the countries where Charas is made have no opium fields like Northern India, Nepal, Buthan, etc.
Yeah from what I understand in India is where they praise the Shiva god with their hands holding the hashish pipe to the sky then they hit it, but I could be wrong too.