Frenchy Cannoli
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  • Hey hash making brother from another beautiful mother! Its Confucious just under a new name since I deleted my old Email. I hope you're doing well out in that beautiful California sun.
    Sinon as tu pensé a tes compatriotes qui ne maîtrisent pas la langue de Shakespeare...?
    Tu pourrais être vénéré comme un!
    Voila bel exemple de reussite...j'espère avoir le privilège de pouvoir croiser ta route un de ces jours quand je rendrais visite a ma famille a Sacramento!
    Merci pour tout ce que tu fais!
    Have a great day ★
    Salut Frenchy ou devrais je dire Mr Cannoli!
    Un petit mot pour te temoigner mon plus grand respect! Moi qui suis amateur de hash depuis plus de oui plein de bon marocain au pays ces temps ci...depuis qu'un libanais ou un nepalais est allé faire un tour dans le reef...bien mieux qu'à l'époque!
    Ha si je pouvais te faire gouter...
    Love and total respect too all the hours of information you put into your you tube vids,and also what you stress on riu, I'm from the UK and total love all of the TGA strains, just wondering what is your personal favourite strain for making hash and why, take care N be lucky
    Frenchy Cannoli
    Frenchy Cannoli
    The favorites question is hard and the list is long. On the TGA side, Timewreck, Cheesequake, Nurse Jacky, Jack Squeleton, Vortex to name but a few.
    Otherwise I am all Aficionado
    First off I want to thank u for giving so much information on hash making.. Second thank u for your kind and inspirational words. Had a very great time listening to ur stories. You also made my day by trying my hash and complimenting my work which was inspired by you..
    Cool youtube video's. I'm here doing my best to bring great Hash and flowers to Alaska. Banging my head against the wall trying to determine why my girls have yellowed so much so early into flowering.

    But great video's and look forward to seeing more. A bunch of us from RIU are having a picnic and meet and greet up here next month.

    Keep on keepin on.
    Started following you ice extraction methods. Thanks to the tutelage of SirDabsAlot I'm making some great high quality BHO.
    I have a set of 1 gal bubble brand bubble bags and my partner has a bubble now machine. We've never gotten the quality extracts from that method. I was following Matt Rize but just never got the method down.
    Is that affiliated with SubCool?
    Frenchy Cannoli
    Frenchy Cannoli
    Kind of TC is TGA rep for Cali, we are just visiting garden and people doing cool stuff
    Any update on when we can expect the hunt to bring you to Alaska? A bunch of us from RIU are planning a meet and greet at one of the parks up here.
    So you work for TGA? There is a very interesting culture of high quality growers and producers. Much more organized than i expected.
    ah very jeoulos.. looks like perfect growing conditons, keep spreading your hashish love.. from fellow european fan..
    Frenchy Cannoli
    Frenchy Cannoli
    Cali is like nowhere else, awesome climate, best genetics and incredible growers, a Hashishin paradise
    Thanks for the info on the Space Candy and yeah my friend thought it would be good luck, but it was just by chance that is was the day he arrived into town to his new house and needed to get set up quick.
    So couldn't make it to cup do to helping hook up a room for a friend, anyways my buddy just missed you while you were out and about at the cup, so I guess we'll meet soon and I'll have my genetics for you. I have a quick question though, Do you know anything about the Space Candy from TGA/Subcool? Because he got some and I cant seem to find any thing on it.
    Frenchy Cannoli
    Frenchy Cannoli
    Your friend HAD to do the work on 4/20, for good luck or what??? The Space Candy is Space Queen and Strawberry Cough I think, in general not great but with some wicked phenos, good luck hunting
    Hello Frenchy!
    I spoke to you and TC briefly at the Cup in Denver on Saturday. I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to speak with us for a minute. You guys looked overwhelmingly busy. Great to finally meet you in person!
    Frenchy Cannoli
    Frenchy Cannoli
    It is really nice to be able to meet you guys, like you say I just wish we had more time. All the best
    Just wanted to let you know I should be able to make it up to Cup next weekend and if for some reason I just can't I have a pretty close friend I'm going to have stop by the booth and hook you up with some of my genetics. I also should have some edibles to gift as well for Sub cuz I know he had issues last year trying to medicate. Hope to see you soon hash sensei.
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