Native American, eh? Well good for you! Your culture is experiencing something of a... well, Im not sure what to call it, but Im not saying bad things about it. You got your casino trade going. Turning your reservations into tourist traps. You have Cherokee dressing up in feather head dresses and showing off their tee-pee dwellings to all the white people coming in to gamble, which is odd because the Cherokee didnt wear feather head dress, and never saw a tee-pee. I guess anyone will whore themselves out for a dollar though, but its odd to see them do it, all while bitching about their culture being corrupted by the white man.
How many black slaves did your ancestors keep on their reservation? I love how the injuns bitch about being treated bad by the white man, all while holding slaves.
Your, and MY native ancestors didn't trust the whites, they were defeated by them. Both sides agreed to treaties, both sides violated, both sides committed atrocities against the other, the natives lost, the whites won. Its all good now though because you got your $30 grand a year casino money. At least the Cherokee (eastern band) do. They dont work... well hell they didnt work before the casino was built a few years ago, but now each one gets $30 grand, and they live well. All the fire-water they can stand.
And, no, not really a Bible thumper. Not one to impose my religious beliefs on others. Are you a medicine-bag thumper?