republicans tutored on how to talk to black people

So you you're saying a society that en masse abuses their slaves is no worse than one that by and large treats them well? I don't accept that. I'm not saying it was a great thing to do, I'm saying it could have been a lot worse.
what religion are you? because your cognitive dissonance is remarkable! who ever raised you knew what they were doing!
The Newtown shooter I thought was using HIS gun to kill the kids

no, he tried to buy a gun, but declined the background check (the deterrent worked).

had his momma bothered to lock up her gun collection, momma would still be alive, as would the classroom of kids.

because we all know lanza was not wealthy enough or socially adept enough to get his hands on the type of firepower he needed otherwise.

a gun safe would have also prevented the clackamas mall shooting here in oregon, which was hilariously overlooked because the massacre just wasn't massacr-y enough.
no, he tried to buy a gun, but declined the background check (the deterrent worked).

That is false. His mother gave him a cheque with which to buy a CZ83 dated for "Christmas day". He COULD NOT even attempt to purchase the weapon before the 25/12/12.

The return for the December 16, 2012, search warrant indicates that Exhibit #612 was a check for a “C183.” A closer inspection of the check makes it clear that “CZ83” is written. A CZ 83 is a type of pistol. The check reads “Christmas Day” in the check’s date section.

Stop presenting verifiably false information to further your bullshit misconceptions. All you want is a ban on guns, just like in soviet russia
no, he tried to buy a gun, but declined the background check (the deterrent worked).

had his momma bothered to lock up her gun collection, momma would still be alive, as would the classroom of kids.

because we all know lanza was not wealthy enough or socially adept enough to get his hands on the type of firepower he needed otherwise.

a gun safe would have also prevented the clackamas mall shooting here in oregon, which was hilariously overlooked because the massacre just wasn't massacr-y enough.

Its better than having all the 24/7 press about the serial killer, glorifying him and etching his name in stone with sands of time. When speaking of prevention its usually after the fact. How do we prevent future ones? Seems pretty difficult given all the variables.

perhaps if the gun wasn't so easily accessible he would of been persistent of enough to get one from breaking in somewhere or ambushing a cop, breaking open a cops trunk, or make a substitute like a bomb or knife. Theres always something that could of been prevented, but if it was they would just work around it.

I don't believe a gun safe could of stopped him from killing people, or would have caused him to change his mind. Its very probable he could of done much more damage being sneaky with a knife, and maybe he would have if there was a safe, its possible not having a safe saved lives, considering we don't know what would have happened

sorry but the final report mentions nothing about that. And unverified stories were floating around everywhere after the fact in the media hysteria.

Your cited article also states, erroneously I might add that "When Adam Lanza left the house, he took a Bushmaster .223 rifle and two handguns -- a Glock 9-millimeter and a Sig Sauer semiautomatic, law enforcement sources said. He left the rifle in the back seat of his mother's car, which he used to drive to the school. Both handguns were fired in the attack, sources said."

Ahem, from the final report cited in post #424;

The following weapons were recovered in the course of this investigation: (1) a Bushmaster Model XM15-E2S semi-automatic rifle, found in the same classroom as the shooter’s body. All of the 5.56 mm shell casings from the school that were tested were found to have been fired from this rifle. (2) a Glock 20, 10 mm semi-automatic pistol found near the shooter’s body and determined to have been the source of the self-inflicted gunshot wound by which he took his own life. (3) a Sig Sauer P226, 9 mm semi-automatic pistol found on the shooter’s person. There is no evidence this weapon had been fired. (4) a Izhmash Saiga-12, 12 gauge semi-automatic shotgun found in the shooter’s car in the parking lot outside the school, and which was secured in the vehicle’s trunk by police responding to the scene. There is no evidence this weapon had been fired. (5) a Savage Mark II rifle found at 36 Yogananda Street on the floor of the master bedroom near the bed where the body of the shooter’s mother was found. This rifle also was found to have fired the four bullets recovered during the autopsy of the shooter’s mother.
All of the firearms were legally purchased by the shooter’s mother. Additionally, ammunition of the types found had been purchased by the mother in the past, and there is no evidence that the ammunition was purchased by anyone else, including the shooter.

They cannot get a simple fact straight, I'm not inclined to believe anything else in the article - as the final report has been released.
Funnier still: Conservative group mistakes Bioshock Infinite Satire/Poster for actual propaganda and posts it on their facebook Page!

for those that don't know, bioshock infinite is essentially what would happen if the tea party moved into a city in the sky to avoid minorities and build a utopia(which eventually ends up becoming a dystopia)View attachment 2933349

looks like kynes isn't the only racist that wants to defend REAL AMERICA from the multicultural wasteland of bullshit.
fighting against multiculturalism and minorities is pointless, some day, somewhere, either you of your ancestor is going mix and there ain't shit you can do to stop it, in short, "we're gonna fuck you eventually".
i wish my native american ancestors didn't trust you whities. you have the worst case of amnesia. but then again, if they never "met" they wouldn't have been raped by said whities i'd not have the complexion i do right? rape and slavery are good things because immigration(like that of the booming industrial world in the late 1800's and early 1900's.) would never have been available to the africans: is this the logic you follow? lemme guess, you're a bible thumper too?

Native American, eh? Well good for you! Your culture is experiencing something of a... well, Im not sure what to call it, but Im not saying bad things about it. You got your casino trade going. Turning your reservations into tourist traps. You have Cherokee dressing up in feather head dresses and showing off their tee-pee dwellings to all the white people coming in to gamble, which is odd because the Cherokee didnt wear feather head dress, and never saw a tee-pee. I guess anyone will whore themselves out for a dollar though, but its odd to see them do it, all while bitching about their culture being corrupted by the white man.

How many black slaves did your ancestors keep on their reservation? I love how the injuns bitch about being treated bad by the white man, all while holding slaves.

Your, and MY native ancestors didn't trust the whites, they were defeated by them. Both sides agreed to treaties, both sides violated, both sides committed atrocities against the other, the natives lost, the whites won. Its all good now though because you got your $30 grand a year casino money. At least the Cherokee (eastern band) do. They dont work... well hell they didnt work before the casino was built a few years ago, but now each one gets $30 grand, and they live well. All the fire-water they can stand.

And, no, not really a Bible thumper. Not one to impose my religious beliefs on others. Are you a medicine-bag thumper?
Native American, eh? Well good for you! Your culture is experiencing something of a... well, Im not sure what to call it, but Im not saying bad things about it. You got your casino trade going. Turning your reservations into tourist traps. You have Cherokee dressing up in feather head dresses and showing off their tee-pee dwellings to all the white people coming in to gamble, which is odd because the Cherokee didnt wear feather head dress, and never saw a tee-pee. I guess anyone will whore themselves out for a dollar though, but its odd to see them do it, all while bitching about their culture being corrupted by the white man.

How many black slaves did your ancestors keep on their reservation? I love how the injuns bitch about being treated bad by the white man, all while holding slaves.

Your, and MY native ancestors didn't trust the whites, they were defeated by them. Both sides agreed to treaties, both sides violated, both sides committed atrocities against the other, the natives lost, the whites won. Its all good now though because you got your $30 grand a year casino money. At least the Cherokee (eastern band) do. They dont work... well hell they didnt work before the casino was built a few years ago, but now each one gets $30 grand, and they live well. All the fire-water they can stand.

And, no, not really a Bible thumper. Not one to impose my religious beliefs on others. Are you a medicine-bag thumper?

Is this dude an American Indian. I don't know what you call them so if I used the wrong phrase apologies.
Is this dude an American Indian. I don't know what you call them so if I used the wrong phrase apologies.
The PC term is native American, some say American indian.... The correct term is aboriginal american.

The indian is no more native to the American continent than the white man. They just came a few years before Europeans did.
The PC term is native American, some say American indian.... The correct term is aboriginal american.

The indian is no more native to the American continent than the white man. They just came a few years before Europeans did.

Ok, so is indicaman a native american? Indicaman are you a native american?
The PC term is native American, some say American indian.... The correct term is aboriginal american.

The indian is no more native to the American continent than the white man. They just came a few years before Europeans did.

Yea totally. I mean Steve and Paul showed up at like 1490s or whatevs and like those annoying Ingins were like here in like 1480 or whatevs. Amaright?

You are full on retarded dude.
Native American, eh? Well good for you! Your culture is experiencing something of a... well, Im not sure what to call it, but Im not saying bad things about it. You got your casino trade going. Turning your reservations into tourist traps. You have Cherokee dressing up in feather head dresses and showing off their tee-pee dwellings to all the white people coming in to gamble, which is odd because the Cherokee didnt wear feather head dress, and never saw a tee-pee. I guess anyone will whore themselves out for a dollar though, but its odd to see them do it, all while bitching about their culture being corrupted by the white man.

How many black slaves did your ancestors keep on their reservation? I love how the injuns bitch about being treated bad by the white man, all while holding slaves.

Your, and MY native ancestors didn't trust the whites, they were defeated by them. Both sides agreed to treaties, both sides violated, both sides committed atrocities against the other, the natives lost, the whites won. Its all good now though because you got your $30 grand a year casino money. At least the Cherokee (eastern band) do. They dont work... well hell they didnt work before the casino was built a few years ago, but now each one gets $30 grand, and they live well. All the fire-water they can stand.

And, no, not really a Bible thumper. Not one to impose my religious beliefs on others. Are you a medicine-bag thumper?
holy shit you're just a troll... fuck i'm slow. shouldn't smoke before entering forums.
Yea totally. I mean Steve and Paul showed up at like 1490s or whatevs and like those annoying Ingins were like here in like 1480 or whatevs. Amaright?

You are full on retarded dude.

If you start counting from like, 1066 and the Norman conquest, I guess you got a point.

Hominids have been around 6-7 million years, I think, Indians walked across some ice 30k years ago.

Homo Sapiens have been around 150k years or so... 30k years ago the people who became indians walked across some ice.

North America has been around for like 1 billion years, no indians for most of that time either.
Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion.
24. Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars or Venus, why should we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People? why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White and Red? But perhaps I am partial to the Complexion of my Country, for such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind.
-Benjamin Franklin