republicans tutored on how to talk to black people

were you born with that knowledge?

No, I was born with a thirst for knowledge. That's why I paid attention in school, advanced further than you did in that department.

In fact, recently I have had an interest in the high and late middle ages, and have been reading the wiki-bio's of the royalty and upper nobility of England, France, Iberia, the Holy Roman Empire and important crusaders.

Prior to this it was another topic.

I find this thirst common amongst my peers and fellow Caucasians, not in everyone, but common enough. It is a character trait that I have observed with less frequency in my darker skinned fellow human beings.

They have interest that lead them elsewhere, the manufacture and distribution of crack cocaine, learning how to unlock and crank a vehicle without the keys, and how to evade police.
I feel so sorry for your poor wife and anyone who actually lives with you.......wait I bet its pretty sweet actually, with your nose in the computer 24/7.....

You have officially reached zero credibility, riding the deflating bubble that was the green rush here in CA, that is to say successfully implementing Austrian Economics in your life, while preaching the complete opposite; racist avatar....too funny.

Keep up the good work slandering the South man we need all the ammo we can get to keep people from relocating and bubbling the economy and standard of living.

i never grew a single plant in california.

i brought a citrus x meyeri with me, but they took it at the border and burned it.

i did plant some chives before i left the first time, but my wife never watered them and they died.
i'm gonna demean you left, right, and center for being a white supremacist.

Here is a funny thing, I'm actually not. You do hear me say often that the average white person is more intelligent than the average black person.

You incorrectly draw a conclusion that this makes me a white supremacist. For that to be true I would need to think that whites were smarter than all races. That is simply not true. The Jew, Indians (from India) and oddly enough the Japanese all test higher on the iq test than whites. So that shoe, does not fit, no matter how much you try to shoehorn me into it.
i never grew a single plant in california.

i brought a citrus x meyeri with me, but they took it at the border and burned it.

i did plant some chives before i left the first time, but my wife never watered them and they died.

you dumbass you are just supposed to say no.....just replace CA with wherever you grew and/or sold your tax free produce, the sentiment remains the same.
so would you consider that question to be a good indicator of innate intelligence?

No one is born knowing who Catherine the great is. Being born with knowledge is not how the process works. What is an indicator of innate intelligence is a measure of ones ability to learn who Catherine the great was.
No one is born knowing who Catherine the great is. Being born with knowledge is not how the process works. What is an indicator of innate intelligence is a measure of ones ability to learn who Catherine the great was.

so you are trying and failing miserably to assign innate intelligence to knowing who catherine the great is.

knowing who catherine the great is has nothing to do with innate intelligence.

yet for some reason, that very question is used to measure intelligence, or at least it was on a WAIS-IV intelligence quotient test.

recognize the difference between a test score and actual innate intelligence yet, or do i need to hold you by the hand and walk you through it again?
you say blacks come from "an inferior lot".

what is the opposite of inferior?

Wiait a minute, you think saying blacks are inferior means I'm a white supremacist? And you say I'm the dumbass!

As stated, a true white supremacist would think his race is superior to all races, in all things. That is a belief that I clearly do not have.

I just wish you were half as smart as you thought you were, maybe then you would be able to realize how stupid the current version of you really is.
Wiait a minute, you think saying blacks are inferior means I'm a white supremacist? And you say I'm the dumbass!

As stated, a true white supremacist would think his race is superior to all races, in all things. That is a belief that I clearly do not have.

I just wish you were half as smart as you thought you were, maybe then you would be able to realize how stupid the current version of you really is.

you typed all those words, when the only one you needed to type was "superior".

you would have made the shittiest lawyer ever. i bet you even sucked pretty bad at making sandwiches at subway.

you do sound fairly competent at stealing from your own family though. and walmart too.
Yes, I would have avoided the conflicting political practices I pointed out as well.

are you referring to how an avatar of a sock is racist, and how you were completely wrong about my reasons for going to california?

i figured i would spare you the embarrassment of having to go over that too much.
so you are trying and failing miserably to assign innate intelligence to knowing who catherine the great is.

knowing who catherine the great is has nothing to do with innate intelligence.

yet for some reason, that very question is used to measure intelligence, or at least it was on a WAIS-IV intelligence quotient test.

recognize the difference between a test score and actual innate intelligence yet, or do i need to hold you by the hand and walk you through it again?
I see your point there, and it is perhaps the best one you have ever made.

However it is an invalid question. Those tests have reading comprehension sections. Undoubtedly the version of the test that question was pulled from and some paragraphs for reading that discussed Catherine. Answering the question about her later on could be done, and correctly, by having no knowledge of Catherine the great that was not contained within the text provided.

Smart people put a lot of time into the design of these tests, they wouldn't use such an invalid method as you just described.

Raging liberal race apologists have to try to justify lower scores for blacks. So, in typical liberal fashion they never fail to let the truth get in the way of their agenda. They lie about the test.
Those tests have reading comprehension sections. Undoubtedly the version of the test that question was pulled from and some paragraphs for reading that discussed Catherine. Answering the question about her later on could be done, and correctly, by having no knowledge of Catherine the great that was not contained within the text provided.

Smart people put a lot of time into the design of these tests, they wouldn't use such an invalid method as you just described.

Raging liberal race apologists have to try to justify lower scores for blacks. So, in typical liberal fashion they never fail to let the truth get in the way of their agenda. They lie about the test.

you are completely wrong.

"who is catherine the great?" is an actual question on the WAIS-IV IQ test, and not part of a reading comprehension section.

don't believe me? google it.

you know not of what you speak, you are a racist imbecile, and a failure in life to boot.

how did your parents feel about you stealing from them?
you are completely wrong.

"who is catherine the great?" is an actual question on the WAIS-IV IQ test, and not part of a reading comprehension section.

don't believe me? google it.

you know not of what you speak, you are a racist imbecile, and a failure in life to boot.

how did your parents feel about you stealing from them?
Ah, the good old Ad hominem the hallmark of a true champion of the internet.
Finally, an intelligent response!

Very good point, sir. And that may well be the case, though personally I do not accept that accounts for all the disparity, perhaps some, but not all.

But let us suppose that was 100% the case, what you are saying speaks to the cause of the problem, which has no impact on the problem.

The problem exists, its cause is irrelevant. There is still a population that is a drain on the country. The country is better off without the problem, wouldn't you agree?

I do not support a 'final solution' to the problem. Pun intended, as I have said, no genocide should be contemplated, nor should a forced removal.

But regardless of the cause of the problem (white man keeping the black man down, or the inability of a larger portion of blacks who are capable of functioning in a modern society than those of other races that cannot function in said society) the country is better off if no problem existed.

Its a moot point, at any rate. My solution is just as equally impossible to implement as yours is. I cannot change the past to have it so slavery never existed, and you cannot keep the white man from keeping the black man down.

Although, for some reason the Chinese immigrants and the Indian immigrants seem to have a lot more success rising up in spite of the white man...

The cause is exceedingly relevant because only by understanding it can one formulate an effective response.
If your community were oppressed into poor performance numbers and then told to leave because of them, would you accept that as the majority's wise counsel?

Or would you crusade to redress the cause of the oppression, so that your community and the larger one without both benefit?

Which is the winning solution? I know which one I would choose. The "not being burned in your bed by the wrathful grandchildren of the wronged" thing is pure bonus if you ask me.