republicans tutored on how to talk to black people

I have no idea what you are talking about.
And before you accuse of editing that post from yon to you, you're full of shit.

he pointed it out at 6:59, you edited at 7:01.


did a nigga eat your lunch today, clayton? you seem more filled with racial hatred than usual today. most days it is not even an issue with you.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
And before you accuse of editing that post from yon to you, you're full of shit.

Seriously you're going to try and deny a typo? I can clearly see "Last edited by beenthere; 12-14-2013 at 08:01 PM. " Lighten up man that's just pathetic.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
And before you accuse of editing that post from yon to you, you're full of shit.

Good to see you're in top lying form today. Your butthurt must be acting up.

Nice try though, everyone saw what you wrote. I shouldn't be surprised, it's something a Tea Gagger would do.
The lack of sophistication with respect to vocabulary among you liberals is astounding. Everything to do with race, that is different from what you think is racist. This term simply does not apply to most of what y'all apply it to. An example.

Al sharp ton, to my observations, has given little evidence that he is a racist. He is, without doubt, a racilist. A distinction without a difference, you might say? No! These are terms that apply to specific actions/opinions.

I am, for instance, a racist. Congratulations guys, you got that right. But what does it mean? It means that I feel that some races have attributes and characteristics that are diverse. Diverse, another term for different, is it not? Well, when two or more things are different from the others, one has to be the best at something, and the other has to be the worst. Thats just how differences work out; one is better than the other. I am racist, I do not believe my race is superior at everything, and I do not believe blacks are inferior at everything. But damn can they run fast, not to smart though.

A bigot, would be someone like uncle buck or adolf hitler. A bigot need not believe the inferiority of the group they hate, they simply just hate. In other words, bigots are haters. I have seen ub express hatred or dislike or groups of persons. Hitker hated the Jews. Sharpton might dislike white people.

A racialist, sees race, or uses it, in everything. This is where I see sharpton, and ub. Sharpton is probably a very smart man. He has taken advantage of the low average intelligence of his people to get them all worked up and look at him like the Hebrews might have looked at Moses; he is personally leading a crusade on behalf of his people to fight the system ran by the white man
who is opposed them, and conspires to hold them back. So black people, send him your money so he can fight the white man for you.


Racists don't hate, bigots hate and need no reason, though one can hate at be racist, and then there are some who use race to further an agenda.
I'll expand on a point I made earlier. Without slavery, we have no significant African American population. Those people wouldn't even exist because their ancestors would have never met, thus they would have never been born.

If I were forced to get into a time machine that would make me a person born in 1830, if I could, I would choose to be born a slave over a poor white from that era. This is not a defense of slavery, I wish there had never been slavery in the new world. How awesome would this country be if our black population was under 1% instead of around 15%. Memphis might actually be a nice city, and Atlanta wouldn't have to keep growing because there would be no need for all those people to keep moving away from the bad parts of town.
I think you need to go to Racist Rehab.
Hey Bucky,
What happened to my post?
You are a true democrat that removes any kind of opposing truth from his agenda.
Just get pissed off and walk out of congress kind of guy.
I think you need to go to Racist Rehab.

Note though, I didn't say.... So build death camps like the nazi's did for the blacks... Or... Ship them all back to Africa. (I find that ironic because even in 1865 when that was considerred few, if any, of the newly freed slaves even had parents that we born in Africa)... Or any other means of population reduction or anything that would infringe on the liberties of blacks.

What I said in that post was that if many blacks had their wish (that their people had never had to endure slavery) then they would have never been born, and the united states would only have a very minimal, instead of a significant minority population of black people.

When a group of people who comprise less than 15% of a country's population at large, yet they accout for over half of that country's prison population, and are disproportionally represented in the rolls of those who receive government assistance, then it should be a statement that is beyond contest that the country in question would be better off if that population had never been brought into said country.

But my view is this, they are here. And as fellow human beings, their racial strengths and weaknesses ought not inhibit the equal flow of freedom and justice to them.
Shameful. To whom? Those who did it are long dead. And anyone alive had nothing to do with it. Those affected by it are long dead, and no one alive today ever had to pick one handful of cotton against their will under a de jure slave system.

The shame you speak of is an emotion implanted by racialists into the psyerally wideche of modern white America.

Fuck that! I'm glad we had slaves, glad we kicked the Indians off the continent, and proud to be American. Don't really care too much for what the federal government has been up to the last half century. Don't like the trend of the pussyfication of today's American male, if we aren't careful all that we gained from enslaving the black man and eradicating the red mad will be lost, and that would be the real tragedy; that the suffering inflicted on those who got in out way, and those whose backs we needed to climb on will be for not.

my eyes literally widened when I read your statements.
Forced to do something you say? Resented it you say?

Yup. But I do not resent one bit the fact that both my grandfathers were forced to serve in ww2. The resentment of forced activities does not extend to ones descendants who were not forced to do the thing which is being resented.
my eyes literally widened when I read your statements.

No hatred in my statements you post, simply recognition of the fact that had Americans 100-200 years ago not done morally questionable things this would not be the country it is today. I reap the benefits of their actions without having to have gotten my hands dirty. I can sleep at night.

Care to respond to any of these things with some sort of logical argument as to how I have contradicted myself, instead of simply pointing out something I have said and expressing your dismay without giving voice to how you think I am wrong?
The ignorance flows from this one.

Would that make you a nigger?
I'll tell ya what. I have challenged your paradigm on race. People today are brainwashed into believing that diversity = equality (of capability in all things.) the simple logical concept of things which are different cannot be the same appears to be hard to understand.

I'm going to bed, I'll check this post in the morning to see if you can explain how or why you think i am ignorant.

I have given you plenty of material to work with, and have explained my positions and am willing to further expound on any point, not only that I have brought up, but ones you would like to know more about also.

However, if all you can do is call me a name after posting something I have said, consider the possibility that your convictions are not as strong in reality as they are in your manipulated mind and you have been partially been turned into one of those sheeple, white guilt and all that.
Posting from my phone.

I do not feel guilty for actions of my ancestors. I do not feel guilty for the actions of the dumb ass in the video. I do not feel guilt over the bombing of Hiroshima.

I DO feel saddened and compassion towards those who were affected.

Placement of blame has nothing to do with believing that one person is worth more than another simply because of the melanin content of their skin.

Saying that it is okay to be racist because you think slavery is wrong is an ignorant mindset. To place importance on skin color is to impede the liberties of others.
Posting from my phone.

I do not feel guilty for actions of my ancestors. I do not feel guilty for the actions of the dumb ass in the video. I do not feel guilt over the bombing of Hiroshima.

I DO feel saddened and compassion towards those who were affected.

Placement of blame has nothing to do with believing that one person is worth more than another simply because of the melanin content of their skin.

Saying that it is okay to be racist because you think slavery is wrong is an ignorant mindset. To place importance on skin color is to impede the liberties of others.

I could comment more, but I'm on a tablet in bed now. Keep making better points if you can later, and tomorrow I'll rebut you better.

I'll just say this about what you said that I bolded in the quote.

If you want to have an honest to goodness debate, then you need to try to understand the opinion of who you are debating. So far you seem to be intellectually honest. Nowhere in this thread (or on this riu, except with the express purpose of trolling ub or some other hyper-sensitive white guilt libtard) have I said that black people(or any other people) should he treated any different, either under the law, or by an individual or company because of their race. Just because the races have differences, a person is a person and all are deserving of equal justice under the law, and polite treatment from all members of society.

I feel I have made that belief of mine consistent in my posts, and misrepresentation of my arguments do nothing to advance your own.
Statistics are not an accurate measure of a persons vessel.

Try to answer this for me...

There is published work testing IQ scores of lots of folks. African-Americans, as a race have a lower average IQ than any other race tested. (the bell curve is the name of the book)

How is what I said more racist than a statement made after watching Olympic track and field, the NFL or NBA and saying "wow, black people are better athletes than other races" or " wow, white men can't jump."

Is it racist to say one group is better academically, but not racist to say another group is better athletically?