republicans tutored on how to talk to black people

Are you guys serious right now? You are defending a guy who stood up in a room and portrayed slavery as beneficial......... its sad that these dumbfucks make conservatives look this retard.

So blacks were forced to leave their homeland and be trapped working on a farm for their entire lives against their will at the profit of someone else, but it is legit because they got food and shelter???? LOL, thank god for us white folk rescuing them from their culture, home, and free will so that we can bless them with food and shelter in exchange for endless labor. DERP.

Is it then okay for us to put people in prison for doing nothing wrong because we provide them with a cell and crappy food? UncleBuck yells racist a lot... but damn guys. Not only is it absolutely deluded to think that slavery was beneficial for blacks, but it is retarded and beneficial to nobody to stand up in a room and utter such nonsense.

DAFUQ is wrong with people.

Bro, who and what are you talking about?
Hmmmm, kind of a bizarre thing to say. Is that what you do? Because instead of refuting anything I've said (probably because you can't really put a spin on that video) you make some bizarre pedophilia comment, which seems to be a recurring thing with you right wingers. KKKeynes is a well known pedophile on this site.

You know damn well I'm not anything close to a right winger. It's just hilarious watching left wingers get panties stuck up their butt crack. My philosophy, classical liberal, is no longer the foundation of any party any more.
Are you guys serious right now? You are defending a guy who stood up in a room and portrayed slavery as beneficial......... its sad that these dumbfucks make conservatives look this retard.

So blacks were forced to leave their homeland and be trapped working on a farm for their entire lives against their will at the profit of someone else, but it is legit because they got food and shelter???? LOL, thank god for us white folk rescuing them from their culture, home, and free will so that we can bless them with food and shelter in exchange for endless labor. DERP.

Is it then okay for us to put people in prison for doing nothing wrong because we provide them with a cell and crappy food? UncleBuck yells racist a lot... but damn guys. Not only is it absolutely deluded to think that slavery was beneficial for blacks, but it is retarded and beneficial to nobody to stand up in a room and utter such nonsense.

DAFUQ is wrong with people.

I'll expand on a point I made earlier. Without slavery, we have no significant African American population. Those people wouldn't even exist because their ancestors would have never met, thus they would have never been born.

If I were forced to get into a time machine that would make me a person born in 1830, if I could, I would choose to be born a slave over a poor white from that era. This is not a defense of slavery, I wish there had never been slavery in the new world. How awesome would this country be if our black population was under 1% instead of around 15%. Memphis might actually be a nice city, and Atlanta wouldn't have to keep growing because there would be no need for all those people to keep moving away from the bad parts of town.
^^^this sentiment was brought to you by the heroin junky, food stamp taker who says blacks come from an "inferior lot".
I'll expand on a point I made earlier. Without slavery, we have no significant African American population. Those people wouldn't even exist because their ancestors would have never met, thus they would have never been born.

If I were forced to get into a time machine that would make me a person born in 1830, if I could, I would choose to be born a slave over a poor white from that era. This is not a defense of slavery, I wish there had never been slavery in the new world. How awesome would this country be if our black population was under 1% instead of around 15%. Memphis might actually be a nice city, and Atlanta wouldn't have to keep growing because there would be no need for all those people to keep moving away from the bad parts of town.

So basically, you would prefer that slavery wouldn't have existed, not because of immorality, but because there would be less black people around today to ruin America. You completely neglect the truth that poverty causes unwanted living conditions, not black folk.

You go on to say, that if you were born in 1830, that you would have rather been a slave with guaranteed food and shelter, than a poor white person living in freedom and having personal responsibility to take care of yourself.

You should seek help.
So basically, you would prefer that slavery wouldn't have existed, not because of immorality, but because there would be less black people around today to ruin America. You completely neglect the truth that poverty causes unwanted living conditions, not black folk.

You go on to say, that if you were born in 1830, that you would have rather been a slave with guaranteed food and shelter, than a poor white person living in freedom and having personal responsibility to take care of yourself.
You should seek help.
Congratulations on buying into the American lie; freedom is all you need. What good is liberty without the capability of striving for your dams? A slave essentially had just as much freedom as a free, poor, white person. A book published in the 1920's or 30's would be a good read for you. I can't give you the name, and I confess to not having read it myself. It was assigned reading in some class I took over the summer in college. The book consists of interviewed former slaves and their stories. I can speak to it's contents without having read it because there was daily discussion on the book for two weeks. They worked frantically at planting and harvest, as did the poor whites. After harvest they mostly had the year off. Poor whites had to hire themselves out, a slave owner could do the same with his slaves, and often did, but following the Mexican model, the poor whites worked harder for less money. Slave owners weren't too keen on risking their investments. Ever look into how expensive slaves were?

Sure, there were evils inherent in that peculiar institution, selling of family members, beatings for disobedience, ect... However, many of those in the book spoke of their treatment. Overwhelmingly they were treated well. Many would get medical attention if needed, something a poor white could not expect. Farmers keep up the practice of treating their farm implements well to this day, you won't hear too many stories of farmers neglecting their combines and tractors, the same held true then.

Racism was different then than it is now. Many, including Thomas Jefferson, were troubled by slavery. The problem was that much of their wealth was tied up in the slaves they held as property. Racism, expressed as hatred, was manifested primarily by the poor. If you were a miserable poor white share cropper, in society you were still better than a slave.

Sure, I am opposed to slavery on moral grounds. But I never enslaved anyone. The impact on me from slavey is that today the country I live in has been burdened with a permanent population of leaches.