Please state your Obama Lies here

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Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
why thank you, red, please take note, you are wrong again with kynes' citation:clap:

and red, the difference between you and i, is that i post cited fact and you post scrambled opinion.
your assertion was incorrect, his was not.

also, in a Temple or Synagogue you actually "buy" your seat..have you never had a theology class?

no offense..but can you at least please look up you statements before you post..they are almost always incorrect.
anyone who wishes may come in and listen to the reading of the torah, seek advice from the rabbi, or enjoy the homily, just like any civilized church anywhere (temples are a different matter...)

travelling jews do not have to pay an entrance fee or show their secret club badge (hidden under their yarmulkes we must assume...) or part with any of their Jewgold to gain access to any synagogue.

they even let christians, buddhists and disreputable savage heathens like me come in.

membership in the synagogue is the method by which services, the meeting house, maintenance and the associated schools are supported. it is one of the Mitzvahs (religious duties) of any jew with the means, yet poor jews (if there were such a thing) would still have access to the synagogue.

every meeting house needs money to fund their expenses, and somebody has to pay the Shabbas Goy...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
well isn't that special thread monitor WW, however i was merely correcting a false statement (yet again) from a re:dunce:lican:
it's true, christian and jewish synods do not impose mandatory taxation on their members, only social pressure to conform and support the church is imposed, and that usually quite mildly. no christian or jewish congregation expects impoverished members to give them their last nickel, and in judaism particularly, a person who paupers himself to give to charity is considered a FOOL.

impoverishing yourself to be seen giving more than you can afford is a Shanda (a shameful act)

and yes, by now Echy is screaming and having convulsions from exposure to all this Yiddish Talk.



New Member
it's true, christian and jewish synods do not impose mandatory taxation on their members, only social pressure to conform and support the church is imposed, and that usually quite mildly. no christian or jewish congregation expects impoverished members to give them their last nickel, and in judaism particularly, a person who paupers himself to give to charity is considered a FOOL.

impoverishing yourself to be seen giving more than you can afford is a Shanda (a shameful act)

and yes, by now Echy is screaming and having convulsions from exposure to all this Yiddish Talk.

they all look like muslims


Well-Known Member
it's true, christian and jewish synods do not impose mandatory taxation on their members, only social pressure to conform and support the church is imposed, and that usually quite mildly. no christian or jewish congregation expects impoverished members to give them their last nickel, and in judaism particularly, a person who paupers himself to give to charity is considered a FOOL.

impoverishing yourself to be seen giving more than you can afford is a Shanda (a shameful act)

and yes, by now Echy is screaming and having convulsions from exposure to all this Yiddish Talk.

well synods are all different in judaism as you have orthodoxy, conservative and radical (messianic) the past, my primary business centered on relationship with CPA's and attorneys here in south florida..there are no impovershed members in contrast are relatively wealthy..they buy there seats here and you can take that to the bank..and if you don't you're kind of a pariah and guilted...scientology is the same way and BIG dues.

your welcome on the compliment.


Well-Known Member
Are you baiting someone to call you a nigger; or something as vile as "a disgusting sack of humanity" ?

FYI 5% of any population is very problematic. 5% of Muslims are radical, that indeed is problematic. The Nazi party took over at 5% (popular vote was higher) .
I guess 5% losing their health care too is an underwhelming minority.
you compared black people to nazis exterminating the jews.
How did I do that? By using those 2 words in the same paragraph Mr. Sharpton?
Are you serious? Really?
yes, very serious my shiny domed, bitter little amiga.


Well-Known Member
Like a fucking plague

How much you want to make a bet it's another successful small business owner who has all the time in the day and night to post anti-liberal propaganda?
Yeah we can't have a sockpuppet account out on the loose now can we Dukie?


Well-Known Member
yes, very serious my shiny domed, bitter little amiga.
Well , they deleted my prior post because of the clout you must have around here so let me spell it out for you:

You stated 5% of the black population is miniscule in terms of it's influence. I stated "fyi 5% of any population is very problematic." followed by my examples, not comparisons. Note that word ANY .


Even if I did compare blacks to Nazis so what. Thats nothing in comparison to the vile crap on this thread and your Anglo hating rhetoric.

Typical race baiter: Tries to label the messenger as racist by distortion. You are not worth my time Mr Sharpton . Please post when you get a life so we could both celebrate at the beer summit.


Well-Known Member
Even if I did compare blacks to Nazis so what. Thats nothing in comparison to the vile crap on this thread and your Anglo hating rhetoric.
so whose sock puppet are you?


or are you a new, unique member of stormfront who has come wandering over?


Well-Known Member
it's true, christian and jewish synods do not impose mandatory taxation on their members, only social pressure to conform and support the church is imposed, and that usually quite mildly. no christian or jewish congregation expects impoverished members to give them their last nickel, and in judaism particularly, a person who paupers himself to give to charity is considered a FOOL.

impoverishing yourself to be seen giving more than you can afford is a Shanda (a shameful act)

and yes, by now Echy is screaming and having convulsions from exposure to all this Yiddish Talk.

0_o really?..jews they're everywhere love 'em or leave 'em..we got tons here in the miami area! love 'em! although i don't date them..too many mommy issues..
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