Please state your Obama Lies here

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dude, im no fan of bucky's politics, but if he wants to fuck the living shit out of his wife, and she finds his fucking appropriate and satisfying, who are we to judge?

i have been known to rail on a dame now and again, and when i do, i always throw my best hump.

if youre gonna lay pipe, lay it hard, lay it deep and lay it thoroughly.

then have a sammich.

if youre gonna Just-Kinda-Sorta nail your slam piece, you might as well jerk off. cleanup is easier, and you wont have to waste money on a rubber that still has half it's tread on it when you toss it out.

when i strap on a jim-hat i'm gonna wear that fucker out, cuz im environmentally conscious.

ride that prophylactic till the tread is bald, and the steel belting is sticking out of the sidewalls. otherwise youre just being wasteful.

I don't think it was the carnal part that he was meaning.
I am part Native American, so the word TRIBE is perfectly natural AND perfectly acceptable to me. You Libs just talk and talk about crap you no knowing about, like health care.
I am part Native American, so the word TRIBE is perfectly natural AND perfectly acceptable to me. You Libs just talk and talk about crap you no knowing about, like health care.

No. Nice try, but no. When referencing an individual who is already publicly defamed as being from Kenya, mentioning it the way you did is obvious racism.

And by your own argument, you are not denying you were referencing a tribal nation when referring to President Obama. So again, shush up Art Monk, your racism is obvious.
No. Nice try, but no. When referencing an individual who is already publicly defamed as being from Kenya, mentioning it the way you did is obvious racism.

And by your own argument, you are not denying you were referencing a tribal nation when referring to President Obama. So again, shush up Art Monk, your racism is obvious.

Yo, douchie, if Barack chooses to distance himself from the word "tribe", that's his denial of his ancestors. Me, I use the term "tribe" when referencing my family ties, both past and present. As a matter of fact, next week my tribe is all getting together to celebrate Thanksgiving. Also, I use the term "clan" ( as in my clan is all getting together next week to celebrate Thanksgiving ) which honors another part of my heritage, that being Scottish.

If words like that offend you, you need to pull up your big girl panties and move on. Personally, me and my tribe aren't offended. Of course, we also aren't lunatic liberals who look for anything to whine about to possibly get the government to give us more free stuff.
Dude, you have no respect for women my friend, especially your wife.
Sounds like you use her for your own advantage and take her for granted.
Don't be surprised that one of these days you may wake up and find her gone.

Women do indeed like to be shagged like there was no tomorrow. The phrase " I fucked the living shit out of her" has been known to be actually literally true.
Yo, douchie, if Barack chooses to distance himself from the word "tribe", that's his denial of his ancestors. Me, I use the term "tribe" when referencing my family ties, both past and present. As a matter of fact, next week my tribe is all getting together to celebrate Thanksgiving. Also, I use the term "clan" ( as in my clan is all getting together next week to celebrate Thanksgiving ) which honors another part of my heritage, that being Scottish.

If words like that offend you, you need to pull up your big girl panties and move on. Personally, me and my tribe aren't offended. Of course, we also aren't lunatic liberals who look for anything to whine about to possibly get the government to give us more free stuff.

These words bother me none. I don't give a shit. You can refer to Obama as a tribesman all you want. And I bet you'll continue to demand to see his birth certificate too. None of it bothers me, I'm just trying to give you a protip. Which is that all your backhanded racist talk gets you nowhere, except maybe out of office. So you keep right on yapping about Faux Noise talking points.

And just so we are clear. I am not a liberal. I am not a conservative. I have my own views on many subjects, some are conservative, some liberal. I just like to call out bullshit when I see it.

As for free government handouts, I have never taken a handout from anyone, let alone the government. If you don't mind me asking, what tribe do you belong? And how much do you receive from the government per month/year?
The Irony hasn't quite registered yet.

I would say it's like 10,000 spoons, when all you need is a knife. But unfortunately, the use of the word "represented" is an overstatement, especially when the source of the person delivering the information does not know how the legal process works, at the judicial level.

But please, by all means, please explain.
Women do indeed like to be shagged like there was no tomorrow. The phrase " I fucked the living shit out of her" has been known to be actually literally true.

Shit cannot, and will not ever be living. Your premise is false. But it's good to know you are sexist along with being racist. You have mommy issues you may need to resolve. Umad, and I see that. I'm sorry life turned out the way it did for you.
dude, im no fan of bucky's politics, but if he wants to fuck the living shit out of his wife, and she finds his fucking appropriate and satisfying, who are we to judge?

i have been known to rail on a dame now and again, and when i do, i always throw my best hump.

if youre gonna lay pipe, lay it hard, lay it deep and lay it thoroughly.

then have a sammich.

if youre gonna Just-Kinda-Sorta nail your slam piece, you might as well jerk off. cleanup is easier, and you wont have to waste money on a rubber that still has half it's tread on it when you toss it out.

when i strap on a jim-hat i'm gonna wear that fucker out, cuz im environmentally conscious.

ride that prophylactic till the tread is bald, and the steel belting is sticking out of the sidewalls. otherwise youre just being wasteful.

LMAO...... You fucking crack me up dude.

Your humor is like an in your face highbrow humor.
1. Reword what you wrote. The structure is sloppy and confusing.
2. You may need to brush up on how the legal system works, especially at the judicial level.

1. It is Friday and I have a heck of a buzz rollin'

2. As Solicitor General she actually did represent the President. As a lawyer she knew that.
You must be one miserable SOB.

There are sad little groups of sadistic losers that play troll games. They make ridiculously vile, incendiary posts to get a rise and then brag to their other loser buddies. It's a competition for bragging rights for who is the biggest douche. They create multiple accounts to help fan the flames. I don't get it, but I just assume that's what a handful of these accounts are and try not to get sucked in. I still do though, and end up kicking myself after.

I mean, it's much easier for me to believe this, than it is to believe accounts like those are real. Nobody can function in society if they acted that way.

Either that or there's a handful of psychopaths posting on RIU. I guess odds are there is.
Why? All the 'lies' are nothing more than twisted facts and sophistry that you republitards have posted. It's a fact of life that the dumbest people never know how dumb they are - that's why these posts will appeal to the Fox News crowd but anyone who is the tiniest bit unbiased will see them as laughable and stupid.
Oh. the irony!
I am not surprised, What a disrespectful piece of shit...All this guy does is talk like he has been running for election for five years..I think that is all he knows how to do is lie and run for election...He dissevers to be impeached....imo..
But we know that will never happen with a Democrat controlled Senate. So the thing to do is replace enough Democrat Senators with Republicans to make it a possibility. That won't happen until Nov. 2014. I say we shouldn't wait that long. It's time to send another lefty to Russia and have our friends there use their mind control techniques to create another assassin like we did with Lee Harvey Oswald.
That schedule sounds like a welfare rats dream. Dream being the key word.
Bucky let it slip a few years ago he doesn't have sex with his wife because she "bleeds from her vagina". I think she keeps him around as a "pet". She's a pudgy "professional student" in or near her 60's and he's an unemployed layabout who, thinking I was 46, called me old. So, not much if any "fucking the living shit out" goes on in the Buckhead household,
No. Nice try, but no. When referencing an individual who is already publicly defamed as being from Kenya, mentioning it the way you did is obvious racism. And by your own argument, you are not denying you were referencing a tribal nation when referring to President Obama. So again, shush up Art Monk, your racism is obvious.
So, basically, you're not arguing his point that Obama is unfit. You're trying to pretend his statement is "obvious racism" when it clearly was not, and that somehow means Obama IS fit? FAIL
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