Well-Known Member
Anytime you tell another person what they MUST do under threat of force if that person is minding his own business, you or the entity you are part of has "initiated aggression" or attacked a peaceful person. All coercive governments use a variation of this same universal theme.
Perhaps some people are ALREADY living in a successful liberatarian society but hide it for fear of being attacked by your champions. As far as whether a thing has happened or not, that doesn't prove it can't happen or when / if it does it will not be an improvement over the status quo.
If coercive government has such good ideas why must people be forced to do them? Sounds a bit slavish to me.
So, are you the kind of person that likes to make others choices for them? What does that say about you?
You could be making 16 cents an hour in a Bangladesh sweathouse making soccerballs that is slavish. Making choices for people is representative democracy, your contract to it is your citezinship, I don't see a link between ideas and coercive government. In a country, nobody is going to agree on political issues so what do you do? Complaining about your oppression is insulting to a lot of the world that has real oppression. You are living a nice fantasy but need perspective. Offer solutions, work for that eventuality, but round and round is all I see you do here.