Want to change the government?

The ant can always move if it doesnt like the cloud's protective shade

The cloud isnt stopping it

You know when you talk like that you sound an awful lot like a prohibitionist or a rapist, because tactically your champions use the same play book. Their interactions are backed by threats of force too aren't they?

Should a woman being threatened with rape be forced to move or should the rapist be held accountable is the question. Your mind is clouded by the cloud, I suggest you smoke more weed and confine your rape fantasies to your blowup dolls.
The ant can always move if it doesnt like the cloud's protective shade

The cloud isnt stopping it
but the cloud isnt protecting the ants. If the ant needs shade, he can go back inside of his dwelling; he doesnt need the shade that the cloud provides, but now the cloud subjects the ant to the harsh rains that come with the shade and tells the ant that if the ant is going to enjoy the benifit of the cloud's shade, then it must be subject to the rain as well
except the cloud doesnt subject the ant to its whims and plans while claiming to provide useful services to the ant. the cloud does not bullshit the ant and try to convince the ant that the ant is better off with the services that the cloud claims to provide. the cloud doesnt force the ant to be a part of the cloud's reality, or to participate in its activities.
are you implying, by the way, that the government and its activities and objectives are beyond my understanding in the way that a cloud is beyond the understanding of an ant?

Oh yeah? Think better. That cloud has now blocked the Sun. But, the Sun is still there. Big Lie for ants.

The cloud was providing shade....OK..still a lie about the Sun. Shade is worthless to ants. So what?

But, now, this lying cloud has turned dark and gully washes those ants out to sea to be the sea food.
That was not part of the deal....or was it?

No. Clouds don't lie ants, do they? Oh hell yes, they do.

And yes, WE are the ants the Feds are the stupid and capricious clouds.

Did they understand the processes and how they go washed out to sea?

No. So what?

So, is the cloud actually lying? Or does it just seem like lies to the ants?
but the cloud isnt protecting the ants. If the ant needs shade, he can go back inside of his dwelling; he doesnt need the shade that the cloud provides, but now the cloud subjects the ant to the harsh rains that come with the shade and tells the ant that if the ant is going to enjoy the benifit of the cloud's shade, then it must be subject to the rain as well

No water the ants die
Oh yeah? Think better. That cloud has now block sun. But, the Sun is still there. Big Lie.

The cloud was providing shade....OK..still a lie about the sun. Shade is worthless to ants. So what?

But, now, this lying cloud has turned dark and gullywashes those ant out to sea to be the sea food.

No. Clouds don't lie ants, do they? Oh hell yes,. they do.

I really really want some of what you're smoking.
Good luck. The plot is far me sinister than most can imagine

I for one have followed the various subset topics for > 5 years. The pieces are beginning to fit. This article puts many of them together, which makes it more understandable

Not use blasting me if you don't believe it. IDGAF


Paranoia strike deep. Into your heart it will creep.

It starts when you always afraid.

The man comes and takes you away.

Aliens up your ass is all. Circling Uranus?
Folks talk to your state legislators about holding an Ammendments convention, the citizens have the power to change the government but we must unite in the cause and propose amendments that include imposing a 12-year limit on serving in Congress,
returning the election of U.S. senators to state legislatures,
requiring Congress to balance the budget and limiting federal spending to 17.5 percent of GDP,
limiting federal taxation to 15 percent of an individual's or a corporation's earnings,
empowering a special congressional committee to veto regulations issued by federal bureaucracies,
prohibiting Congress from compelling anyone to participate in commerce (such as forcing them to buy health insurance),
requiring Congress to publish the final text of any proposed legislation at least 30 days before holding a final vote on it,
and requiring individuals to present a state-issued photo ID that establishes their identity and citizenship before they are allowed to
register or vote.
We can restore our constitution to its rightful and intended course as engineered by the framers,the citizens of the U.S. still have a way out,this is the way to bypass congress and get things done but it is up to the public to do so,this is important because we know what congress dose and we see the direction our nation is headed,we do have the power to change it.It will take some time to undo the damage that has been wrought upon our Rights as citizens as well as the governments way of business as usual but only if we the people unite, it can be done.

Before anyone decides to throw any stones here,,seriously consider your way of life and where it is going also take a good look at our dysfunctional government,you want it to change right? Please also consider that if you have nothing of value to add to the topic of this thread I ask that you refrain from any unecessary discourse and move on,,

You are missing the problem all together and it is telling actually. Want to "restore government to it's rightful duties as described in the Constitution"? what has the STATE matter of voter ID to do with the Constitution, for example.

What about loopholes for the large number of companies that pay no federal taxes at all? what about limiting or eliminating corporate welfare? how about denying personal rights to corporations? How about reinforcing the rights of citizens to have their civil grievances heard by a jury of their peers? It seems to me that your constitutional provisions havn't been very well thought out. Without limiting the influence of money on government and policy, what you will have is more of the same. What you are supporting is a weaker government in the face of ever stronger corporatism and an ever more influential super rich minority.

Finally, who is to say what the "intended course as engineered by the framers" really is? Shall it be those like you who take issue with a small portion of what the government does?
so according to you, ants only get water when it rains? is that where you're going? because that is silly

Not as silly as all the surrounding ants damming up all the water and making the waterless ants their slaves
Or the fact we are talking about an insect who is ruled by a dictator queen ant and have no representative democracy

Maybe that is why the ants have never evolved to our level

lack of goverment
but isnt a dictatorship a form of government? so we cant say that lack of government is the reason. maybe its the extreme oppression that the ant gov't subjects the ants to...
government is a lie