New Member
Not as silly as all the surrounding ants damming up all the water and making the waterless ants their slaves
Sounds like a metaphor for your current healthcare system...
Not as silly as all the surrounding ants damming up all the water and making the waterless ants their slaves
but isnt a dictatorship a form of government? so we cant say that lack of government is the reason. maybe its the extreme oppression that the ant gov't subjects the ants to...
government is a lie
You are missing the problem all together and it is telling actually. Want to "restore government to it's rightful duties as described in the Constitution"? what has the STATE matter of voter ID to do with the Constitution, for example.
What about loopholes for the large number of companies that pay no federal taxes at all? what about limiting or eliminating corporate welfare? how about denying personal rights to corporations? How about reinforcing the rights of citizens to have their civil grievances heard by a jury of their peers? It seems to me that your constitutional provisions havn't been very well thought out. Without limiting the influence of money on government and policy, what you will have is more of the same. What you are supporting is a weaker government in the face of ever stronger corporatism and an ever more influential super rich minority.
Finally, who is to say what the "intended course as engineered by the framers" really is? Shall it be those like you who take issue with a small portion of what the government does?
our representative gov't does not represent many people's wishes. look at the marijuana laws; most people dont care one way or the other if some want to possess it, but we still cant. they dont represent us at allNo representative goverment
I disagree. The bailiwick, ambit, purview of the police is 1) to solve crimes and 2) to apprehend criminal suspects.
The expansion of police into a security force is a fairly recent phenomenon and one toward which I cast a distinctly jaundiced eye.
We the people should express our disgust and dissent with the police styling themselves Your Total Security Solution. They are and remain civilians. My opinion.
Any examples of successful Libertarian societys in history?
our representative gov't does not represent many people's wishes. look at the marijuana laws; most people dont care one way or the other if some want to possess it, but we still cant. they dont represent us at all
so that's your argument? That a libertarian society cannot exist because it has not existed before? At one time many things did not exist before, things like cars, basketballs, plastics etc etc etc, their nonexistence had no bearing on whether or not they COULD exist in the future. I could just as well say that man will never set foot upon Mars, because they haven't done it ever in history, but I wouldn't say that because I would look like a blithering idiot.
If a guy upstream dammed the water, I would just wait for it to fill and then thank the man for managing the spring floods for me. Its not like a dam holds the water back for forever you know?
Not as silly as all the surrounding ants damming up all the water and making the waterless ants their slaves
Or the fact we are talking about an insect who is ruled by a dictator queen ant and have no representative democracy
Maybe that is why the ants have never evolved to our level
lack of goverment
Am I in favor of a restoration? I really don't know. It is possible but it is the long way around if you want to do it according to amendment proceedure.
So far as elections are concerned, money should be eliminated, all election monies should come equally from federal funds, with donations from individuals not to exceed $1000, Period. All candidates should get an equal amount of time on radio and TV and there should be no collateral groups of any kind. Now that is radical enough to call upon the details of the first amendment to be changed.
I can't see your voter ID amendment being a part of Federal jurisdiction even though I hold that voter ID requirements are inherently unconstitutional.
I do not believe that the problem is strong government, I believe the problem is money in government and corporatism. Decentralization without any provisions for containment of corporatism will give the individuals even less protection against that corporatism.
I am not asking for a utopia, I am pointing out that you seem to view only one side of the problem. Government by itself is not the problem as so many believe and are led to believe by those same corporate interests that would have us all go so far as to alter the constitution without examining the part they play in the problems we currently have.
And no, it is not obvious when examined in the context of our 21st century environment. I am quite certain that there are many who take issue with government conduct. This is exactly the sort of slight of hand and misdirection that those who profit from our concentrating on government to the exclusion of big business would have us follow.
I think my point here is the curious lack of provisions for containment of corporate abuses in your list.
By returning the proper constitutional power to the states and imposing term limits on senators dont you think it would limit their ability to keep funding the same old twits back into office every election?It would be an impeding strike against the corporate abuse that runs rampant in this day and age,,particularly the ever abundant lobbyism would be dramaticaly affected in this measure.
I think creating a measure making it easier for the states to amend the Constitution, and giving them a brief window of opportunity to strike down both congressional legislation and Executive Branch legislation would deal with this issue of lobyism corruption,which runs heavily on both levels of legislation.How do you perceive it as a lack of containment of corporate abuses?Perhaps I didnt explain it at great length in my OP,,but is that lengthy explanation necessary when it should be apparent that by limiting the dynastic Senatorial term limits,you are severing the line of bought and payed for incumbants.
I was examining the context of the constitution not in the 21 century environment, but how it was written and clearly INTENDED.For me to look at it and say the constitution isnt as applicable in this day and age as it was when it was written is like trying to say that it is no longer relevant,that it should be set aside and forgotten.It certainly dose apply to the 21st Century Canndo and should continue to do so now more than ever IMO.
Term limits ensure that everyone is always inexperienced in their jobs.
The framers did this on purpose. A Representative is given office for 2 years but the really only work 14 months. After 6 months of vacation and lame duck session. This is to limit government, which everyone can agree is an American Ideal-- Limited Government
Oh, I there really isn't such a thing as executive branch legislation, much as the right would have us believe it to be so.
That is true. Article 1 Section one of the Constitution: "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United Sates, which shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives".
THAT IS ALL POWERS. not some, not a couple. ALL