Bikers ride anyway.....right on...

i believe the strike is to discourage chemical weapons use.

getting rid of assad has been a desire of his for a long time before this, but unlike more hawkish factions, he has been reluctant to provide much support for the rebels.

You'd believe anything wrapped in enough bullshit...

U.S. plans for possibility that Assad could lose control of chemical arms cache

Last week, fighters from a group that the Obama administration has branded a terrorist organization were among rebels who seized the Sheik Suleiman military base near Aleppo, where research on chemical weapons had been conducted. Rebels are also closing in on another base near Aleppo, known as Safirah, which has served as a major production center for such munitions, according to U.S. officials and analysts.

The opposition Free Syrian Army said it did not find any chemical weapons at the first installation. But the developments have fanned fears that even if Assad does not attack his own people with chemical weapons, he is on the verge of losing control of his formidable arsenal.

A former Syrian general who once led the army’s chemical weapons training program said that the main storage sites for mustard gas and nerve agents are supposed to be guarded by thousands of Syrian troops but that they would be easily overrun. The sites are not secure, retired Maj. Gen. Adnan Silou, who defected to the opposition in June, said in an interview near Turkey’s border with Syria. “Probably anyone from the Free Syrian Army or any Islamic extremist group could take them over,” he said.

President Obama and other leaders have warned Assad not to use chemical weapons, saying such a move would be a “red line” that would force them to take military action. But the White House has been vague about whether and how it would respond if Assad is toppled and Syria’s chemical weapons are left unprotected or end up in the hands of anti-
American insurgents.

Or the fact the residents are even saying it was the jihadists you like to refer to as "rebels" implying some sort of democracy loving group of "freedom fighters"...

Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack

However, from numerous interviews with doctors, Ghouta residents, rebel fighters and their families, a different picture emerges. Many believe that certain rebels received chemical weapons via the Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and were responsible for carrying out the dealing gas attack.

“My son came to me two weeks ago asking what I thought the weapons were that he had been asked to carry,” said Abu Abdel-Moneim, the father of a rebel fighting to unseat Assad, who lives in Ghouta.

Abdel-Moneim said his son and 12 other rebels were killed inside of a tunnel used to store weapons provided by a Saudi militant, known as Abu Ayesha, who was leading a fighting battalion. The father described the weapons as having a “tube-like structure” while others were like a “huge gas bottle.”

Ghouta townspeople said the rebels were using mosques and private houses to sleep while storing their weapons in tunnels.

Abdel-Moneim said his son and the others died during the chemical weapons attack. That same day, the militant group Jabhat al-Nusra, which is linked to al-Qaida, announced that it would similarly attack civilians in the Assad regime’s heartland of Latakia on Syria’s western coast, in purported retaliation.

Libyan Weapons Depot Unguarded, Open to Looters

A major ammunition complex in Libya is unsecured, allowing looters to walk in and steal guided missiles, rockets and artillery shells capable of dispersing chemical warfare agents, the Wall Street Journal reported on Saturday (see GSN, Sept. 30).

In the desert near Sirte, there was no security for dozens of small armories at the complex, where weapons are removed every day by opposition fighters, paid contractors and others. In one structure, the word "warhead" was stamped on dozens of sealed containers. At another depot, empty chemical agent munitions were found.

There is at present no viable Libyan government-sanctioned force with the capacity to keep freelancer fighters from taking what they please from the warehouses, according to the Journal

By all means keep on goose stepping to the beat of Obamas drum...
holy mother of copy and pastes (of shit we all already know)!

ummmm, who cares?

how does any of that contradict anything i said? how is it even relevant?
iv'e had two friends get killed on their bikes. Both because the other driver didn't see them. I'd say you are wrong.

and a dumbass for stating such "facts"

One of the most well-known demonstrations of IB is a video [4] that shows a group of people passing a basketball back and forth. Half the group is wearing white uniforms and the other half black uniforms. Participants in the study are asked to watch one team or the other, and count how many times the ball is passed from one player to another player on that team. Almost one third of the people watching the video fail to see a person in a gorilla suit walk through the middle of the game. It is not a trick, once you are told about the gorilla you see it. We don’t expect to see a gorilla and we are concentrating on looking at, and counting the passes between players. This effect is IB.

The item in the video that is not seen: the gorilla, is referred to as the incongruent stimuli. It is hiding in plain sight. Often when we are riding our motorcycles on streets and highways we are the incongruent stimuli. We are there but the other drivers don’t see us. Studies show us that intersections are one of the most dangerous places for motorcycle collisions due to other vehicles violating our right of way. I believe a significant portion of these collisions are due to Inattentional Blindness. We all have seen that look of shock and surprise from a car driver after we have carried out a collision avoidance maneuver when they have violated our right-of-way and we present ourselves beside them to let them know the error of their ways. The British have an acronym for this type of incident. They call them SMIDSYs which is an acronym for Sorry Mate I Didn’t See You.

SMIDSYs are very real and potentially very dangerous. We utilize a systems approach to riding to help us identify potential threats and hazards while riding, and we train, practice and engrain collision avoidance techniques like braking and counter-steering so we can escape from these events that can cause us harm. Now that we know about Inattentional Blindness we should do everything we can to prevent getting into a situation where other drivers might not see us and avoid having to utilize a collision avoidance maneuver.

Motorcycles makeup somewhere around 2% of the vehicles registered in North America. Take into account seasonal riding and the fact that many motorcycles are used leisurely; our actual percentage of the motoring population may be lower than that. Bottom line: The other traffic does not expect to see us. You may be surprised to learn that the car driver’s most likely to commit a SMIDSY move are experienced drivers. Studies show that experienced drivers adapt through time to perform driving as an automated process, neglecting uncommon vehicles that may be encountered on the highway even if they are conspicuous. The “experience” a car driver gets over a number of years develops his or her “Perceptual Set”. This means what you expect to see, determines to a large extent what you actually see. They are used to not seeing motorcycles, so they don’t see us when we are there.

Inattentional blindness is important because it proves we have selective attention, meaning it allows us to focus on important things going on around us without distraction from irrelevant events or objects. Of course there is a drawback to our inattentional blindness. For example, many automobile accident reports report drivers saying they "looked but failed to see" the other vehicle. Many collisions between cars and motorcycles involve cars turning in front of an oncoming motorcycle, with the car driver not seeing the motorcyclist. Given that motorcycles are less common that cars, inattentional blindness is likely to be the cause of the accident because the car driver is expecting to see another car when they look instead of a motorcycle. This also applies to things like talking on cellphones. While talking on a cellphone people are less likely to detect objects and events. It is also used in many magic shows. The audience focuses on something while the actual manipulation of the trick is being done away from the distraction.
shit Ive got no problem with bikers, I live on a popular bike route and im usually out there fist pumping when the long lines go bye. But black is a hard color to see. And the loud pipes might not cut it now adays. have you heard the sound systems in the cars, they're louder than the motorcycles.
shit Ive got no problem with bikers, I live on a popular bike route and im usually out there fist pumping when the long lines go bye. But black is a hard color to see. And the loud pipes might not cut it now adays. have you heard the sound systems in the cars, they're louder than the motorcycles.

Hard to miss chrome and polished aluminum though
how is it working in england and france and the netherlands?

At what point will you shutup? Whats the multicultural end goal? Is it just a borglike homogeny of lightbrown people wearing the same clothes and loving each other? I mean statistically eventually we will all be a similar color. Are you just hoping by then nationalism and different cultures will be gone?

Or wait, you just hope white europeans will be gone. well i like my lederhosens so fuck you. (swiss not german, though I know you wanted to drop a nazi comment in there, sorry)

Hmmm, what groups had/have that "pure ideology".......
Im sure it will come to me ;)

Keep eating cheetoes, watching tv and wondering why your dick is orange. Maybe, just maybe you wont
fail at that too.
alright, an aussie and an irishman are both oblivious to the fact that we know who launched the chemical attack and from where.

not really worth continuing the discussion when we have this kind of denial going on.

You mean like proof of WMD??
Opps. Oh yeah.. but that was bush and co, surly Obama couldn't get it wrong.. :wall:

Great how many of those bikers knew that the organizers message was to tell the muslims they aint welcome or american enough?
Is that what you are going for? Yehhaa we are going to show those muslims who the real americans are?

And the permit was denied becuase it was put in for last month not almost a year ago like the Muslims was.

And here is the kicker. The Organizers of the Muslim rally are a bunch of whack job truthers. It would of been better just to not harass them and let their stupid Troother message get out.

But no what we are left with is a bunch of bikers rallying to the call of outright bigots and racists

Good job Moron
It was muslims who used our planes to kill 3 thousand innocent Americans on 9/11… It was muslims who planted bombs to kill and injure innocent americans in Boston… Muslims who murdered Americans at Benghazi on 9/11…It was a muslim suicide bomber that murdered 243 Marines in their barracks in Beirut, Lebanon in 1983. It was one or more muslim terrorists that tried to bomb the New York Twin Towers in 1993. That, along with the successful destruction in 2001 was planned by Osama bin Laden. It was a muslim terrorist that killed 13 and injured 30 at Ft. Hood while he shouted allah Akbar.

Muslims have murdered 21,564 people around the world SINCE 9/11… Over the past 1400 years, Muslims have murdered over 270 million people. It is the muslim brotherhood, that has a documented plan for the destruction of America from within..
Yet… it is Muslims in America who wanted to build a victory mosque at the scene of 9/11 in spite of protests by Americans that this was disrespectful and insensitive.

It is Muslims who planned a March on 9/11 in DC… not in honor or memory of those who died.. not a march condemning the 9/11 attacks… No… It was a continuation of Islamic forces in this country to shove their agenda down the throats of the American people

TRUE PATRIOTS: the 9/11 Bikers! Thank God there are Americans who put teeth
behind their passion for this country. These Bikers from around the country rose
to the cause and said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! This is our country.. It is not an
islamic nation nor will it ever be.

of bikers from around the country rolled into the D.C. area today in a show of
support for Sept. 11 victims and in solidarity against a controversial Muslim
rally on the Mall.

2 Million Bikers to DC ride may not have reached their goal of 2 million strong,
but the numbers were impressive and their patriotism undeniable. It was a sea of
shining chrome and steel bikes that stretched almost a third of a mile from the
starting point at the Harley Davidson of Washington store

I didnt write this shit
I know it wasn't ALL Muslims who initiated the Sept 11 attacks, but it's still rather inappropriate to parade the religion of the hijackers on that particular day, especially considered the attacks were carried out on Allah's behalf.

In the same sense that parading around in a 1940's German Army uniform is inappropriate on Holocaust Day.

Its not that they shouldn't be "allowed" do it, but that they wouldn't do it out of respect.

Have your "Million Musselmen" march on the 10th or the 12th, perhaps.
buck has chosen to go full retard rather then admit Obama is fucking up on Syria
Buck just physically CANNOT admit when Obama is wrong, if he did he wouldn't have the honour of caressing the Kenyan One's balls anymore.

You'd swear disagreeing with Obama is like agreeing with the Republicans...when in reality both parties are retarded.
Buck just physically CANNOT admit when Obama is wrong, if he did he wouldn't have the honour of caressing the Kenyan One's balls anymore.

You'd swear disagreeing with Obama is like agreeing with the Republicans...when in reality both parties are retarded.

yeah he has been defending Obama for so long now its like he has brainwashed him self into so kind of dangerous Obama religion
yeah he has been defending Obama for so long now its like he has brainwashed him self into so kind of dangerous Obama religion
Funnily enough, even as a foreigner I followed Barack Obama from the primaries right until about a year after his election, I believed the "hope and change" thing and defended him to naysayers...

What a dickhead I must've looked.
Funnily enough, even as a foreigner I followed Barack Obama from the primaries right until about a year after his election, I believed the "hope and change" thing and defended him to naysayers...

What a dickhead I must've looked.

I agree, I feel like a dick for believing in him.