Bikers ride anyway.....right on...

[h=2]Brian Kilmeade: Denial Of Permit For Anti-Muslim Bikers' DC 9/11 Tribute Ride Is "Political"[/h]Posted by Priscilla 29.60pc on September 11, 2013 · Flag

In the us vs. them world of Fox News, the "us" consists of patriotic, Christian Americans who are constantly being assailed by secular, gay, and Islamic forces who get preferential treatment at the expense of said patriotic, Christian Americans. But thank God for Fox News which is there to expose this special treatment which, in the case of Muslims, just might be part of a nefarious "political agenda" originating in the Muslim symp office of our secret Muslim President. At least that's what Brain Brian "all terrorists are Muslims" Kilmeade suggested on this morning's Fox & Friends, where he advanced the latest anti-Muslim, right wing outrage over the denial, by local and national Washington DC apparatchiks, of a permit requested by bikers for their 9/11 memorial bike ride through DC - a ride that is also a counter protest to a fringe Muslim group who have a protest scheduled for today. That the Muslims got a permit and the patriotic bikers didn't could be - wait for it - part of "political agenda."
Kilmeade reported that "patriotic bikers" who planned on riding through the streets of Washington DC, in order to honor those who died on 9-11, were denied a permit to do so - but, praise Jesus, they're going to ride without the permit. He advanced the popular Fox "outrage" in referencing how the denial of the permit has "sparked outrage" because filthy Muslims were granted a permit for their rally. He showed a visual of a poster that advertised "1,000,000 Muslims March to Capitol" on 9-11." He then mentioned that the march has been renamed the "Million American March Against Fear." He introduced his guest, Belinda Bee who is a co-organizer of the biker march and a Tea Party activist whose "Tea Party Command Center" webpage calls for the impeachment of President Obama and a whole page devoted to birther and general extremist, Jerome Corsi.
Ms. Bee told Brian that the DC Park Police said that they couldn't issue the permit because it was a week-day and the ride would be disruptive to residents. She claimed that they told her that only one other group had a permit and chuckled that she had been invited to other rallies being held today.
Brian said "you're not buying it" and asked her the money question that set the message for the piece: "What do you think is behind it." (Uh, evil Muslim henchmen who are tools of the evil, Muslim, Kenyan dictator?) On cue, Bee said "you know it's a political agenda." The chyron: "Capitol Cold Shoulder, DC Denies Permit To 9/11 Biker Rally." She explained that the rally started off as 2 million bikers who were protesting the million Muslim march but then the theme was changed to a 9/11 commemoration. After Kilmeade said that the ride will proceed, she asserted that it is their constitutional right to do so because "we are the tax paying Americans." She mentioned that they will now have to stop at stop signs. She whined that if they had gotten the permit, the ride would have ended earlier.
As Kilmeade said "you're going to do stick to it," the chyron set the anti-Muslim propaganda message for the piece: "Permit Politics, Muslim Group Got Permit, Bikers Denied." Kilmeade, not a DC commuter, opined that it would be easier to allow them to ride without having to frequently stop. He thanked her for commemorating 9/11 because "so many have forgotten and you haven't and we appreciate that."
What Wasn't Said - Bee's group requested permission to ride through red lights and stop signs which would have, according to a National Park spokesperson, involved road closures. DC Police, who noted that past biker rallies were done on week-ends recommended that the rally be moved to a week-end. The denial of a permit just means that a police escort will not be provided. US Capitol Police noted that "solely to facilitate the speed and timeliness of the participants in itself does not fall within the definition of a First Amendment assembly" The Muslim permit is for 1,000 Muslims who will rally between 13th and 14th street in Northwest. Capitol Police said that the Muslim permit was requested "quite a while ago" while the bikers submitted their application on August 27th.
So political agenda? I don't think the facts support that. But hey, who needs the facts when you've got propaganda to push.
BTW, check out the Facebook page for the Biker's patriotic ride. You might notice some, uh, anti-Islamic comments.

ZOMG!! Harry Potter is a NAZI!!!


those emblems were also prized trophies for those who fought the elite SS troops in the war.

the "biker culture" was born from returning veterans from That War, and they emblazoned their bikes and clothing with emblems from around the world.

the SS lightning bolts are viewed by many as a symbol of machismo, and many today do not recognize it's significance as an emblem of the german army's elite forces.

likewise you are apparently associating the SS with the Gestapo. all SS officers were not rabid nazis, some were rabid nationalists, some were just dedicated germans, and some were drafted.

are you implying that all germans are evil?

why are you racist against krauts?
holy mother of copy and pastes (of shit we all already know)!

ummmm, who cares?

how does any of that contradict anything i said? how is it even relevant?

let's see, we can start with your claims Assad was behind the chemical attack or that Syria isn't about regime change....

you support the president who supports sunni terrorists and love everything he does if i'm not mistaken...

Let's not forget proposed military action is to deter chem weapons use, even though conventionals will do a bang up job and have been against your "rebels"...
full retard would be the republican position, which is that obama needs to ask congress for permission, then when he does he is weak for not proceeding on his own, and that something needs to be done, but we can't help the rebels, but if we do anything it has to be massive and unseat assad (the actual positions of rend paw;).
lol echelon, that's exactly why i'm against the death penalty, as the hypocrisy of saying killing is bad and to prove to you how wrong and unjust killing is, we're now going to kill you for killing, because after all, killing is wrong and all..
lol echelon, that's exactly why i'm against the death penalty, as the hypocrisy of saying killing is bad and to prove to you how wrong and unjust killing is, we're now going to kill you for killing, because after all, killing is wrong and all..

lol racerboy. You make a good point.

I am not against it, however, at all. As a family member of one who was murdered, I would happily flip the switch myself for that fucker. And probably turn it off quickly, then back on for dramatic effect.

or better yet I would hire c2g to get medievil on his ass with her medical expertise. I'm sure she could prolong his suffering much longer than I.
lol echelon, that's exactly why i'm against the death penalty, as the hypocrisy of saying killing is bad and to prove to you how wrong and unjust killing is, we're now going to kill you for killing, because after all, killing is wrong and all..

I'm in two minds regarding the death penalty, on the one hand it does seem a suitable end for the deserving; those perpetrating the most heinous of crime. On the other hand, does it provide further incentive for the assailant to take the life of their victim when considering their own potential fate at the hands of the state, if caught and convicted?

But I do agree with the sentiment, executing someone to punish them for the crime of murder etc. is like WTF...
So this is what the Patriotic Bikers Rallied against?
The American Muslim Political Action Committee scheduled the rally to draw attention to what it said is an unfair and ongoing fear of Muslims after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The noon rally took place between 13th and 14th streets in Northwest.

SEE ALSO: Muslim rally vastly outnumbered by bikers, counterprotesters

Speakers — among them author and Princeton University professor Cornel West — mostly struck mainstream themes, calling for social justice for Muslims while promoting peace and condemning violence.
Ruby Sous, from Kansas City, Mo., stressed that Muslims and American Muslims “stand with America against terrorism.”
“We want to stand here in solidarity with the American people against hate and violence,” she said.

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No they rallied against radical muslim scumbags

"They're basically a bunch of 'truthers' who think that America's to blame for everything," Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, president of the Islamic Forum for Democracy, stated. The Anti-Defamation League, Jasser said, has identified some of the leaders of the march as "being virulent, anti-Semites who think 9/11 was a conspiracy theory."

"These guys are problematic and they're trying to exploit 9/11," Jasser said. "If they were truly patriotic Americans and moderates, they'd be marching on the courthouse steps of the Fort Hood trial that's happening this week to tell Americans that we want the death penalty for Nidal Hissan rather than this circus that they're doing in exploiting the murders and horrific acts of 9/11."
"America has gone on to liberate Muslims," he continued. "They gave our families freedom that we could not have in any so-called Muslim countries."

No they rallied against radical muslim scumbags

they went to the wrong place then.

these were peaceful muslims who were protesting against the idiocy of the very people who rode on them, the same type of idiocy you display in being unable to tell the difference between peaceful muslims and radical ones.

but you go on and get down with your bigotry and ignorance if it makes you feel better.
They are well known and verified radical Muslim scum group. The American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC), is led by M.D. Rabbi Alam, a self-proclaimed 9/11 truther who believes that Jews are somehow behind the plot. AMPAC is radical enough that the Huffington Post even labeled it a “fringe group.” Alam, who has reportedly associated with a radical Islamic cleric, is also a Missouri-based Democratic activist who chairs the National Democratic Party Asian American Caucus, the Washington Free Beacon reports. He ran — unsuccessfully — for Missouri’s secretary of state in 2012.

Bucktard you need to try to pull your head out of that arse.
They are well known and verified radical Muslim scum group. The American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC), is led by M.D. Rabbi Alam, a self-proclaimed 9/11 truther who believes that Jews are somehow behind the plot. AMPAC is radical enough that the Huffington Post even labeled it a “fringe group.” Alam, who has reportedly associated with a radical Islamic cleric, is also a Missouri-based Democratic activist who chairs the National Democratic Party Asian American Caucus, the Washington Free Beacon reports. He ran — unsuccessfully — for Missouri’s secretary of state in 2012.

Bucktard you need to try to pull your head out of that arse.
Hey coolman You are Absolutly Correct.
but now
lets look at the organizer for the Biker rally

Belinda Bee's Page

Latest Activity

Belinda Bee is now a member of Tea Party Command Center.
Apr 29, 2012
Welcome Them!

Profile Information
Do you agree to disagree without being disagreeable?
How did you hear about
Link on Face Book
Do you agree Obama must be removed from Office?
Obama not only should be removed as he is ineligible since he IS an illegal alien...but he should then be tried as a traitor and enemy of America! Along with Holder, Pelosi and ANYONE who helped him to be on the American ballot!
No they are a radical racist scum group and almost all Muslim Americans agree. Try not to think fucktard
just keep letting msnbc do that for you.
They are well known and verified radical Muslim scum group. The American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC), is led by M.D. Rabbi Alam, a self-proclaimed 9/11 truther who believes that Jews are somehow behind the plot. AMPAC is radical enough that*the Huffington Post even labeled*it a “fringe group.” Alam, who has reportedly associated with a radical Islamic cleric, is also a Missouri-based Democratic activist who chairs the National Democratic Party Asian American Caucus,*the Washington Free Beacon reports. He ran — unsuccessfully — for Missouri’s secretary of state in 2012.

Bucktard you need to try to pull your head out of that arse.

a verified "radical muslim scum" group, eh?

sounds more like a description born of your own bigotry rather than any actual, rational verification process.

here's a clue to you, since you are in dire need of one (or more) clues:





do you get the difference now?

AMPAC is nothing more than a civil liberty advocacy organization. they don't blow stuff up or do anything terror related.

you are just a simple bigot who can't spell second grader words.

go be bigoted elsewhere.
I am not familiar with the biker group chesus but they very well may be scumbags.

Of course bucktard thinks to be a racist or scumbag you must blow americans up as he stated above.. A whole new level of stupidity for the Bucktard!