Bikers ride anyway.....right on...

No even even racist radical jihadist should have some respect for Americans on 911.
Get that Chesus you dick head!

racist radical christians like you should have some respect for americans on 9/11 as well, especially the peaceful american muslims who lost 300+ of their own in those attacks.

but that would require you to get past your bigotry, and that ain't gonna happen.
SO Muslims Need to know their Place?
They aint full Americans?

Exactly what are you saying dick head?

I'm saying at least Christians know the value of respect.
Trashing guns and bibles is where you liberals against liberty will cross the proverbial red line.
Not sure if that is the same thing as Obomber's "red line", because that is undefined.
you're 50 years late to the party, the dixiecrats call themselves republicans now.

Oh so the KK wasn't started by the democrats? cool story bro... This is the legacy of your party, its gift to Americans that keeps on giving, regardless of how much you'd love to forget that shameful fact...
I'm saying at least Christians know the value of respect.
Trashing guns and bibles is where you liberals against liberty will cross the proverbial red line.
Not sure if that is the same thing as Obomber's "red line", because that is undefined.

Speaking of red lines I cant get over how Putin is making Obama look like a incompetent child
on a daily basis. Never have I seen such a week and incompetent president.
i guess freedom only works on the days that HITLER (you) says so, eh?

fuck off, HITLER. the first amendment is for every day, not just the ones you pick and choose, HITLER.

buck. cut copy paste reply. cut out details, copy , paste ,reply and repeat.

You should get your own show on MSNBC because you and Al Sharptin would have a lot in common.
Oh so the KK wasn't started by the democrats? cool story bro... This is the legacy of your party, its gift to Americans that keeps on giving, regardless of how much you'd love to forget that shameful fact...

#1 - 50 years late to the party

#2 - dixiecrats and democrats were two different parties

#3 - dixiecrats call themselves republicans now

#4 - foreskin retraction problems
buck. cut copy paste reply. cut out details, copy , paste ,reply and repeat.

You should get your own show on MSNBC because you and Al Sharptin would have a lot in common.

not my fault that you want to suspend the first amendment for certain groups on certain days while daring to label yourself "freedomworks".

you should more accurately change your name to HITLER, as you two have more in common.
Do you ever get tired of lying buck? Everyone is just laughing at your pathetic bigoted and brainwashed
rants...truly pathetic Bucky
Dont you ever get tireed of lying buck. Everyone is just laughing at your pathetic bigoted and brainwashed
rants...truly pathetic Bucky

so you're the one trying to label a group of peaceful american muslims as "radical racist scum", but i'm the bigoted one?

explain to me how that works, please.
so intimidating and terrorizing peaceful american muslims is a sign of respect now?

No. That is not what I'm saying at all. It's really tough to communicate, when all you do is constantly look for that knock out punch to call somebody a bigot. I have no more of a problem with Muslims than I do with Christians. We are all equals, or at least we should be.... but you insist on collective rights because you're a communist.
so you're the one trying to label a group of peaceful american muslims as "radical racist scum", but i'm the bigoted one?

explain to me how that works, please.

How it works is the group has been labled by there actions and has been condemned by most Muslim American groups.
How it works is the group has been labled by there actions and has been condemned by most Muslim American groups.

name some examples of their "radical racist scum" activity.

last i checked, they were a group of peaceful american muslims who advocate for civil liberties.
No. That is not what I'm saying at all. It's really tough to communicate, when all you do is constantly look for that knock out punch to call somebody a bigot. I have no more of a problem with Muslims than I do with Christians. We are all equals, or at least we should be.... but you insist on collective rights because you're a communist.

here you claim we should all be equals, but just a few posts back you said that their first amendment rights should be suspended on days that you choose.

why am i a communist?
#1 - 50 years late to the party

Typical partly line before 2010 this is what the democrats website stated;

Democrats are unwavering in our support of equal opportunity for all Americans. That’s why we’ve worked to pass every one of our nation’s Civil Rights laws, and every law that protects workers. Most recently, Democrats stood together to reauthorize the Voting Rights Act.

On every civil rights issue, Democrats have led the fight. We support vigorous enforcement of existing laws, and remain committed to protecting fundamental civil rights in America.

#2 - dixiecrats and democrats were two different parties

so the KKK founders were not democrats? Cool story...

#3 - dixiecrats call themselves republicans now

Deflect to pubs all you want the democrats voting record speaks for itself and says otherwise :dunce:

#4 - foreskin retraction problems

When you get rid of your buck teef, limited means and obese religious wife, you'll stop fitting the bill of the "southern republican"..
here you claim we should all be equals, but just a few posts back you said that their first amendment rights should be suspended on days that you choose.

why am i a communist?

If the shoe were on the other foot, I'd be saying the same thing. It's called ethics, and mutual respect. If Jews or Christians were protesting on a Muslim Holy Day, then I would be saying the same thing. It wouldn't be right. That's my opinion and I'm allowed to express it. If you don't like it, then too bad for you.