Bikers ride anyway.....right on...


Well-Known Member
why bother buckfuck your a complete brain dead troll

i'm just asking you to back up your assertion of "radical racist scum" with examples. but you can't.

why do you like making a liar out of yourself and destroying your own (very limited) credibility?


New Member
we all know you advocate for the suspension of first amendment rights for peaceful american muslims on days of your choice, the only question is whether or not you also advocate for the suspension of first amendment rights for peaceful american christians on anniversaries of abortion doctor murders or gay club bombings and the like.

just how far does your anti-freedom rhetoric reach, HITLER?
I advocate for the suspension of your rights buck you should be immediately deported'
to a radical Islamist nation so you can associate more with people with brains as distorted and washed as yours. I guess you shouldn't bring chesus though after all you know what they would do if they found out about you guys..


Well-Known Member
we all know you advocate for the suspension of first amendment rights for peaceful american muslims on days of your choice, the only question is whether or not you also advocate for the suspension of first amendment rights for peaceful american christians on anniversaries of abortion doctor murders or gay club bombings and the like.

just how far does your anti-freedom rhetoric reach, HITLER?
What?? You have been so far gone carrying on a conversation with some straw man argument that you have completely lost me. I am not for gay club bombings, but I'm going to have to sleep on the abortion bombings. Not sure if I can grieve the death of a person that kills babies for a living. But I guess its a right that women have collectively. Right communist? Isn't that the way it works? Free abortions for women, but ALL of us have to pay for it. 50% of children born last year were paid for by Medicaid. So not only do tax payers pay for most of the abortions in this country, but also half of the births as well.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
citation needed, bigot.
check their organizations page, it includes the American Moslem Alliance (horribly misspelled, lulz)

an organization founded by Abdul Rahman al-Amoudi , convicted felon,(part of the Holy land Foundation Scam to funnel fruadulent charity donations to hezzbollah and hamas)

the group is also linked to CAIR (un-indicted co-conspirator in the same scam, and many others)

yep. cited, now STFU.


Well-Known Member
check their organizations page, it includes the American Moslem Alliance (horribly misspelled, lulz)

an organization founded by Abdul Rahman al-Amoudi , convicted felon,(part of the Holy land Foundation Scam to funnel fruadulent charity donations to hezzbollah and hamas)

the group is also linked to CAIR (un-indicted co-conspirator in the same scam, and many others)

yep. cited, now STFU.
how cute, you think that you actually backed up your claims.


New Member
*comma needed after "use"

11 words, 4 errors, and that was even edited.

are you from the south, by any chance?
Its always pathetic when a progressive (communist) is losing the argument and all they can do is cry about punctuation in a lame attempt to distract.


Well-Known Member
Its always pathetic when a progressive (communist) is losing the argument and all they can do is cry about punctuation in a lame attempt to distract.
do communists often believe in private ownership of means of production?

or is your vagina just sore?


Ursus marijanus
I'm in two minds regarding the death penalty, on the one hand it does seem a suitable end for the deserving; those perpetrating the most heinous of crime. On the other hand, does it provide further incentive for the assailant to take the life of their victim when considering their own potential fate at the hands of the state, if caught and convicted?

But I do agree with the sentiment, executing someone to punish them for the crime of murder etc. is like WTF...
What I would like to see is a State-sanctioned death option selected by the convict. Not a penalty so much as a way out for those who'd rather simply quit the game. Not a punishment with all its moral dichotomies.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
how cute, you think that you actually backed up your claims.
hmm so, a hezzbollah money bundler and terrorist funding scam artist founded the organization American Moslem Aliance, then when he PLED GUILTY to a charity fraud used to trick gullible mush-heads, who were told they were donating for compassionate relief for the pallies, the money was funneled (through CAIR BTW) to hamas and hezzbollah, after he went to prison, they changed their name.

they kinda=Sorta changed their name, they still use the old name too, just to keep everybody guessing.

aww, poor bucky, he thinks i didnt back up my statement. how sad.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
do communists often believe in private ownership of means of production?

or is your vagina just sore?
no, only third Way "Democratic Socialists" believe in that version of marxism

Like Mussolin, and Hitler (no Godwin, bucky already unleashed the beast in this thread)

Late Hit Fiddy Hiddy in honor of bucky's 1 millionth Godwin.
