Bikers ride anyway.....right on...

Motorcycles are not hard to see. The problem is people arent used to seeing them and their brains filter them out.

iv'e had two friends get killed on their bikes. Both because the other driver didn't see them. I'd say you are wrong.

and a dumbass for stating such "facts"
tea party much?

Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion,—as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen [Muslims],—and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan [Muslim] nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

From the treaty of Tripoli
passed unanimously by congress on June 7, 1797

ok I actually decided to read now, lets see...

yep that seems fair enough, but despite what your edit of my comment reads I'm actually cool with Muslims as long as they don't push there belifes on me to the point where they will cut off my head for not agreeing with it. Now iv never personally met a Muslim that cut off my head for not agreeing with them but you may have heard of an extremist group named Al-Qaeda which will gladly murder you for not living under there brutal interpretation of a book..

So you see my problem isn't with blacks or Muslims its with the fact that Obama is allied with Al-Qaeda.

do I need to go into extreme detail on why that is fucked up as well?

Obama voters would you still have voted for the bummer if you knew he was going to openly support Al-Qaeda?
have you checked behind your ears?

we got half the nation crying about obama droning al qaeda left and right (while voting for romney to continue the practice) and the other half crying about how obama is in love with al qaeda and is a super secret muslim kenyan marxist infiltrator.

you guys gotta coordinate your stories a little better.
we got half the nation crying about obama droning al qaeda left and right (while voting for romney to continue the practice) and the other half crying about how obama is in love with al qaeda and is a super secret muslim kenyan marxist infiltrator.

you guys gotta coordinate your stories a little better.
So Obama didnt/doesn't want to militarily strike Bashir Al Assads regime for the benefit of Al Nusra, a member of the Al Queda network...?

Loud pipes save lives..
I always thought it was one of those trendy sayings with no substance, but it's true.. motorcyclists are notoriously hard to see, so by having loud pipes it allows motorists to know they're coming.
at least that's what I was told by a biker, and it sounded good to me..

Loud pipe would only save lives in certain situations. You have to be behind them or at a stop in order to hear them.
So Obama didnt/doesn't want to militarily strike Bashir Al Assads regime for the benefit of Al Nusra, a member of the Al Queda network...?

i believe the strike is to discourage chemical weapons use.

getting rid of assad has been a desire of his for a long time before this, but unlike more hawkish factions, he has been reluctant to provide much support for the rebels.
you guys gotta coordinate your stories a little better.

you guys? what guys? that comment was just my opinion

we got half the nation crying about obama droning al qaeda left and right.

no I'm cool with this, I think everyone except el burrito or what ever the fuck is cool with this. Did you just make this up?

and the other half crying about how obama is in love with al qaeda and is a super secret muslim kenyan marxist infiltrator.

yes this is mostly what I am crying about. He wants to bomb a government to help the same terrorists (that the US has had half the world fighting for the last decade) take control of Syria. Kind of fucked up do you agree?

If not then I think that this Obama cult you seem to be apart of is possibly far more dangerous then Al-Qaeda
he has been reluctant to provide much support for the rebels.

you mean freedom fighters? stop sugar coating this they are mostly terrorists. terrorist crossing the Syrian border to help there terrorist brothers.

If the US had a civil war how would you feel about Canadians and Mexicans swarming over the border to assist one side that they could benefit off
i believe the bombing is in response to chemical weapons use, actually.

citation needed

chemical weapon use from who?

What you are just going to drop a couple of bombs on them like its a bit of a good old fashion spanking for being a bad dictator? what is that going to achieve except opening up an opportunity for terrorist to get behind the wheel of Syria?

nothing good can come from this and do you really believe the President of the united states is that oblivious not to realize?

alright, an aussie and an irishman are both oblivious to the fact that we know who launched the chemical attack and from where.

not really worth continuing the discussion when we have this kind of denial going on.
you mean freedom fighters? stop sugar coating this they are mostly terrorists. terrorist crossing the Syrian border to help there terrorist brothers.

i'm sure they are. do you see obama hugging mccain on this one?

also, i have a photoshop to ask you about. the target would be chronic_masterbater, a self-proclaimed alpha male with saggy man tits and a goofy haircut who grows scraggly little plants in the woods (like all alpha males do). google "julia bond rides the bus" for the video which gives meaning to his entire life. i'm hoping you can capture an image off the video for some lulz.
alright, an aussie and an irishman are both oblivious to the fact that we know who launched the chemical attack and from where.

not really worth continuing the discussion when we have this kind of denial going on.
As evidenced by...?
i'm sure they are. do you see obama hugging mccain on this one?

also, i have a photoshop to ask you about. the target would be chronic_masterbater, a self-proclaimed alpha male with saggy man tits and a goofy haircut who grows scraggly little plants in the woods (like all alpha males do). google "julia bond rides the bus" for the video which gives meaning to his entire life. i'm hoping you can capture an image off the video for some lulz.

I know you asked me to photoshop him a while ago then he sent me a friend request and I assumed it was you just trolling me somehow.

I don't know your description kind of makes me feel bad for him I think id feel like an asshole plus I'm unsure as to what you want, you need to give me a starting point and a direction
alright, an aussie and an irishman are both oblivious to the fact that we know who launched the chemical attack and from where.

not really worth continuing the discussion when we have this kind of denial going on.

Citation needed.

care to share this proof of who it was that used chemical weapons with the rest of the world?