Bikers ride anyway.....right on...

Let's all ride our motorcycles down to D.C. and show those Muslims how ignorant and intolerant we really are.

I doubt any of those people even know what organization put on the event or why.

Well the one that really covered it was a newspaper owned by a cult called the Unification Church otherwise known as "the moonies"
The American Muslim Political Action Committee has scheduled a rally to draw attention to what they call unfair fear of Muslims after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
Ms. Bee said the ride was originally set up to counter the rally and show respect for the victims of that day.

Read more:

SO The Bikers want everyone to fear Muslims?

No .....Today it is muslims fear Bikers Day....just a guess..
No .....Today it is muslims fear Bikers Day....just a guess..

so you're trying to intimidate and terrorize these people who wish to worship and protest peacefully, and the point you're trying to make is what?

only a real dumbass like you can't see the irony stacked on ignorance here.
you just called muslims not "the real america", you dumb cunt.

all the things you just described are found in every religion, yet you only single out muslims.

not telling at all, ya dumb cunt.

no i think you projected that on me. I mearly stated it would be nice to see a part of real merica blazing across DC. Or maybe a baseball game and some apple pie. other peices of real merica. Or according to MAVtv which Ive been watching a lot of. Old ladies that own bowling alleys, native americans that teach music in school and tatood freaks.

Basically anything symbolically american, or more specifically not a whiny bunch of truthers mad because somebody is out to get muslims because they are muslims.

The topic is bikers and muslim whiners, nobody brought up christians or jews or buddists. I also think cow worship is stupid, I dont think anybody turned into a pillar of salt fleeing sodom and the hassidic beards are fucking stupid. Im an equal opportunity hater.

If there was an auschwitz day Im sure germans would stay fairly quiet on that day. Its good public relations.
no i think you projected that on me. I mearly stated it would be nice to see a part of real merica blazing across DC. Or maybe a baseball game and some apple pie. other peices of real merica. Or according to MAVtv which Ive been watching a lot of. Old ladies that own bowling alleys, native americans that teach music in school and tatood freaks.

Basically anything symbolically american, or more specifically not a whiny bunch of truthers mad because somebody is out to get muslims because they are muslims.

The topic is bikers and muslim whiners, nobody brought up christians or jews or buddists. I also think cow worship is stupid, I dont think anybody turned into a pillar of salt fleeing sodom and the hassidic beards are fucking stupid. Im an equal opportunity hater.

If there was an auschwitz day Im sure germans would stay fairly quiet on that day. Its good public relations.

Keep digging
This is hilarious
tea party much?

Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion,—as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen [Muslims],—and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan [Muslim] nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

From the treaty of Tripoli
passed unanimously by congress on June 7, 1797

uhh huh, yes, jefferson made clear that unlike other "Christian Nations" of the time, we had no intention of "Christianizing" any musselmen, not reshaping their nation in a christian mould, a STATED AIM of most of the european colonial powers.

this however does not infer that the caliphate of morrocco (the other side of the treaty which was shortly broken, AGAIN) was in any wise NOT a mohammedan nation, or in any way not a theocracy.

this treaty promises that america has no dreams of empire, a sentiment found among all the republicans (note the small R) of the day.

in expectation of your reference to "manifest destiny" broken treaties with the aboriginal peoples, annexation of hawaii, eager and careless fumbling with the internal affairs of foreign nations like a teenager finally getting to third base, and eventually Team America World Police, bear in mind Jefferson was a republican, not a member of the Republican Party, and all that shit came later, when the constitution became a "living document" whose words could be twisted into any form desired.

that treaty, and it's language do not imply that america was not a majority christian nation, nor that it's founding documents drew heavily on the moral and religious beliefs of the men who wrote it, but rather that the US is not an EVANGELICAL nation with dreams of hegemony (at that time).

tghis document has been thrown out by lefties so often it ALMOST seems to mean what they wish it to mean.
what purpose it serves in this bullshit ad hominem attack (which includes the prohibited "translating" of another's words though fraudulent edited quotes) is beyond me, as the thrust of your attack seems to be a simple "That's Racist!!"
how is it working in england and france and the netherlands?

At what point will you shutup? Whats the multicultural end goal? Is it just a borglike homogeny of lightbrown people wearing the same clothes and loving each other? I mean statistically eventually we will all be a similar color. Are you just hoping by then nationalism and different cultures will be gone?

Or wait, you just hope white europeans will be gone. well i like my lederhosens so fuck you. (swiss not german, though I know you wanted to drop a nazi comment in there, sorry)
how is it working in england and france and the netherlands?

At what point will you shutup? Whats the multicultural end goal? Is it just a borglike homogeny of lightbrown people wearing the same clothes and loving each other? I mean statistically eventually we will all be a similar color. Are you just hoping by then nationalism and different cultures will be gone?

Or wait, you just hope white europeans will be gone. well i like my lederhosens so fuck you. (swiss not german, though I know you wanted to drop a nazi comment in there, sorry)


How many Points do I get?
Organizer for 2 Million Bikers to DC Rally: ‘We were Discriminated Against Because We’re American’

When asked about the motivations behind D.C.’s denial of the permit, Bee bluntly stated, “We were discriminated against because we’re Americans…. [Muslims] are going to celebrate the deaths of the Americans and that really has all the bikers very upset.”

Well look what else this organizer has authored
[h=1]Obama's top 10 most racist policies against white people[/h]

I heard this is what it was like on the Mall today.
so you're trying to intimidate and terrorize these people who wish to worship and protest peacefully, and the point you're trying to make is what?

only a real dumbass like you can't see the irony stacked on ignorance here.

Only a dumb Ass would have a muslim march on 911....There are 364 other days of the year to have a muslim march...Are you that dumb not to see the irony in that?
Only a dumb Ass would have a muslim march on 911....There are 364 other days of the year to have a muslim march...Are you that dumb not to see the irony in that?

The organizers of the Million Muslim march are just as bad as the organizers of the 2 Million biker rally
The muslim organizers are Troofers
The Biker organizers are flat out bigots
Only a dumb Ass would have a muslim march on 911....There are 364 other days of the year to have a muslim march...Are you that dumb not to see the irony in that?

i guess you're not considering that freedom of speech and assembly exist, that peaceful american muslims did not perpetrate 9/11, that muslim americans died in the attacks on 9/11 as well, and that your racism is your problem and others do not have to cowtow to your bigoted ignorance.
i guess you're not considering that freedom of speech and assembly exist, that peaceful american muslims did not perpetrate 9/11, that muslim americans died in the attacks on 9/11 as well, and that your racism is your problem and others do not have to cowtow to your bigoted ignorance.

You can think what ever you want....I would still ride with the bikers , you no that freedom of assembly isn't just for the muslims...Bikers assemble when ever they want and there isn't much you can do about it....
I heard this is what it was like on the Mall today.
thanks for the blast form the past, heres one for you:

Kid Creole and the Coconuts, Dancin at the Bains Douche

You can think what ever you want....I would still ride with the bikers , you no that freedom of assembly isn't just for the muslims...Bikers assemble when ever they want and there isn't much you can do about it....

except wail "That's Racist!" once again.