meth and shadow ppl...have u seen them...what are they?...experiences


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The longest I stayed up was 9 days. I never saw anything it was just extremely hard to stay awake.


Well-Known Member
Thats the worse man.

I remember this one time I was walking spun the fuck out at like 3 in the morning, when all of a sudden it felt like I walked through a giant spider web. I was freaking out trying to get the invisible webs of me. Glad a cop didn't spot me or I would have for sure been locked up that night.
Yeah ive stripped down...jumped in shower...just to get out take a blast n have it hppn all over nite them shadow fkrs kept tuggin at my shirt from behind...I was by be sittin there n feel shit runnin up my legs...jump up b lookin around n theyd tug at my turn around n theyd tug frm behind agn...fkn w me....that nite they were chasin each other around the room...across the ceiling. ...I felt like god was showing me where I was gonna go if I kept up....when I came down I was pretty twisted for a while...that one disturbed me


Well-Known Member
the worst was the fbi/ police paranoia. thinking secret agents and task forces were after me, weird shit like that. i have a buddy that quit drugs but once when he had been up for a week or two he went up the the fbi office in our city and dropped off a note in the mail slot that said "READY WHEN YOU ARE MOTHERFUCKERS" and left his cell number. that was friday night, on monday morning he was taken in for 72 hour psychiatric hold. no charges tho, turns out its a pretty common occurance lol

stoned cockatoo

New Member
Yeah ive stripped down...jumped in shower...just to get out take a blast n have it hppn all over nite them shadow fkrs kept tuggin at my shirt from behind...I was by be sittin there n feel shit runnin up my legs...jump up b lookin around n theyd tug at my turn around n theyd tug frm behind agn...fkn w me....that nite they were chasin each other around the room...across the ceiling. ...I felt like god was showing me where I was gonna go if I kept up....when I came down I was pretty twisted for a while...that one disturbed me
This is exactly why you should take off all your clothes and run through the street


Well-Known Member
I have mentioned it before,but on high doses of mda and mdma,the 'E' people come around..I babble to them to the dismay of my friends..I took two raised ankh (egyptian symbol) pills and felt like I was on rollerskates everywhere I went..but I was gliding through a I'm going forward I see a headless ghost figure and its gliding towards me,and right as I see the figure I see this ;infinate' rainbow trail coming off this it passed and I turned to look it dissapeard instantly..fucking one of the most lucid hallucinations I've ever had...but could thhis be associated with the relative compound of an amphetamine in mdma,meth,mda,ect..?


Well-Known Member
I have mentioned it before,but on high doses of mda and mdma,the 'E' people come around..I babble to them to the dismay of my friends..I took two raised ankh (egyptian symbol) pills and felt like I was on rollerskates everywhere I went..but I was gliding through a I'm going forward I see a headless ghost figure and its gliding towards me,and right as I see the figure I see this ;infinate' rainbow trail coming off this it passed and I turned to look it dissapeard instantly..fucking one of the most lucid hallucinations I've ever had...but could thhis be associated with the relative compound of an amphetamine in mdma,meth,mda,ect..?
Yes....ive seen the fog/mist on x..coke n meth binges buddy n I were discussin that once n his comment was..."I think ur sppsd to tell sumbodywhen ur seein that"...ha...he associated it w "too much too long ur dying"...???...idk...dude mentioned earlier seein shit that would straight flip u out...and I agree n thats kinda my curiousity abt all this...bro ive seen yes the stff ive mentioned already but sum really scary shit..was in a room once n sittin over there smokin n out of the corner of my eye the dude across from me was shootin himself up...I didnt wanna look staright at him but was kinda keepin an eye on him cause I didnt trust him...soon as he dumped the shot n it was like his face was morphing bk n forth between this demon face n his own...but even his own face was twisted and there were these things movin all over his body under his skin bout the size of mice...ive had girls look at me w like snake/cat eyes n swear to god like they shot these little hisses at me n showed fangs like a vampire...ive looked at my own skin n it was shriveling up n turning old n like drying out rite before my eyes....and I can never ever explain some of the things ppl have sd to me...things hey cldnt be strangers tlking to me abt stff that only I know...stff they cldnt know..secrets ive held inside my own mind n they were talkin to me abt them...out of the blue for no reason whatsoever..I hadnt spoke to them looked at them or experience I was comin bk from stlouis on this greyhound bus n this black dude came n sat next to me...I wasnt talking I was too twisted...but he starts rambling to me abt shit ive done...sayin stff like "u think we dont know that shit...haha"...I wont go into what he was talking abt so not to convict myself...but he was devulging my own dark secrets to me...stff he cldnt have known...idk how to explain it...fucks w me to this when I come down I can remember this shit clearly...w a clear head rite here rite now it freaks me out to this day.....ive been clean since 05 and reget that part of my life...very I believe in an old man w a beard sittin in a cloud?....not really like that but there is a creator...And there is good and evil spiritual warfare in this world...ive experienced it...I think if ur dabbling w meth/coke/crack...maybe even large doses of x bcuz of the meth in it....when u take this stff ur taking this evil into ur just doesnt make sense to me that if im seein shit on L or shrooms its usually bright colors...walls breathing....things just really looks cool...stff like that....way diff visuals....idk.


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After three days of a massive gear binge (do u call meth that there?), I walked about 5km to the local shopping centre, took me about 3 hours, hysterically rang a friend, he came picked me up and drove me home, then I became convinced he was about to give me a hotshot, ran over the road to the neighbours, at 3am, barged my way inside, was screaming that he was going to kill me, I just grabbed a cigarette of this guy and started smoking in their house, the girl politely asked if I could take it outside but I was too terrified to go out there. They called the cops, I was seeing people everywhere, and screaming at the cops to look at them, they kept shining their torches at nothing. After a while they made my friend take me to the hospital, my friend goes "oh, you've done it now" which in my head meant that I was to be executed that night. The hospital was actually a secret mafia execution place, in triage an Asian guy stabbed me with a poisoned syringe . The security guard who I demanded to protect me from the asian wanted to kill me. I told him I know I'm going to die, he replied "well, you look pretty good for someone who is going to die" The cops took another person into the toilet and killed him, then they took me to the mental hospital and when they were waiting to let me in one cop was waving his hand near his holster, I knew if I moved one inch he'd shoot me. I spent the next two weeks there drugged up with helicopters flying overhead looking for me, I kept telling the staff I knew about the conspiracy and of my escape plans, they kept feeding me anti psychotics and the whole time I was trying to convince the psychs I was fine,hahaha


Well-Known Member
about the same time had something in the roof speaking to me in Spanish. someone familiar with Spanish translated it(this bit is real). There was an old shadow man out the front of the house, I threw a rock at him, I swear to god it bounced off him, hoards of shadow people coming towards the house when looking out the window, hiding behind trees, sitting in cars, walking down the road, looking at me through open windows.


Well-Known Member
No we call it "geek" been there bro...those liitle things ppl theyre speaking in code wide open to each other but u can see thru it to what theyre REALLY saying....weird u speak of accents or languages...that greyhound story I was telling one of the stops I was walking thru the station to go outsie n smoke and a British lady came on the loud speaker n sd "look at him...hes mentally not approach him"...I was carrying a shoe box cause I had bought some new shoes in st louis n bout that time this dude walks up to me outta the blue n says "hey man is there reAlly shoes in that box? " like yeah man..head down keep moving...haha.


Well-Known Member
It was actual Spanish, the previous tenants were Spanish and the voices from the roof were speaking in Spanish, my friend translated. This is true because he verified it later. I think I was close to death because the night before I had blacked out on the vinyl lounge and awoke in about 4 inches of sweat. Scary stuff.


Well-Known Member
I've heard of H and roids being called gear, but not meth. I guess it could be used for anything though


Well-Known Member
It was actual Spanish, the previous tenants were Spanish and the voices from the roof were speaking in Spanish, my friend translated. This is true because he verified it later. I think I was close to death because the night before I had blacked out on the vinyl lounge and awoke in about 4 inches of sweat. Scary stuff.
ive had that hot shot experience too...maybe becuz ive actually seen that hppn so the seed was in my mind...on a couple occasions ppl have been very persistant that I take a shot they had already wrkd up...n when I declined they became even more persistent and asking ?s...which freaked me out even more...I was w this chick one time n she kept tryin to give me a shot to "calm me down" thinkin yeah bitch ur tryin to kill me or knock me out to do god knws what to me n take my money n dope..maybe end up in a basement somewhere w some hostel type shit goin on...anyways every time id turn my head n look bk at her shed b a diff girl..I could see the blood moving thru her veins under her skin..n I thought she had poison needles in her finger tips so I wldnt let her touch me...yeah man...scary shit...she left n they were tryin to pump gas thru the ac vents cause I was having trouble breathing n my clothes were feeling real sticky n like shrinkin up on my body...same nite I saw my skin dying n turning old....fucks w me to talk abt it now.


Well-Known Member
when you stay awake for days on end you begin to naturally hallucinate. i don't think this has anything to do with meth, just the fact that you are up for days on end.