zimmerman news

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i am a little butthurt about zimm walking back home with his gun. he was lucky to avoid the felony that almost prevented him from having one in the first place.

although i disagree with the verdict, as people often do, i accept it. i don't have to like it, but there was just enough doubt about what happened at the very end that even i could see myself letting him walk.

one thing i do like about the trial is that it disproved a lot of what the most prominently racist crowd was saying, such as zimm would be unable to get a fair trial and there would be riots and whatnot. zimm got a fair trial, and i would say even more than fair since the jury didn't get to find out what a history of getting too involved and angry and violent he had.

none of my feelings about the trial disprove the increasingly obvious statements and evolving posting history of sirgreendumb. his words, especiall over time, speak for themselves.

sometimes it takes a while before you realize what kind of a person is posting here.

TL;DR my minor butthurt over the trial has nothing to do with sirgreenthumb's obvious resentments.

At least you have that going for you, and I respect that.
The verdict was appropriate, the prosecution did more to prove the defenses case than their
own. Should Zim be locked up? IMO yes he should because of his actions initiating a pursuit
and an altercation. Without Zims actions Martin would be alive, for now.

It would seem both sides wanted to omit imperative evidence, I don't believe Martin was an upstanding
citizen who is only out to do good, his own words and the way in which he presented himself would lead others
to see him as a punk.

Who cares if he rode a horse, Im positive all kinds of deviants and delinquents have been photographed on or near horses.
I care more about the way he promoted himself and the way he wanted to be seen.
The pic of him with the handgun leaves an impression, the stone cold expression on his face while he is on the
horse depicts someone uninterested or unimpressed with his current activity.

I still say, Zim is a bitch who caused an altercation, while he was getting his ass handed to
him he pulled a gun and shot Martin like pussies do. If he was a real man he would have fought
without a weapon and either earned his place as a man or taken his lumps like he was.

So it is what it is. For now.
The verdict was appropriate, the prosecution did more to prove the defenses case than their
own. Should Zim be locked up? IMO yes he should because of his actions initiating a pursuit
and an altercation. Without Zims actions Martin would be alive, for now.

It would seem both sides wanted to omit imperative evidence, I don't believe Martin was an upstanding
citizen who is only out to do good, his own words and the way in which he presented himself would lead others
to see him as a punk.

Who cares if he rode a horse, Im positive all kinds of deviants and delinquents have been photographed on or near horses.
I care more about the way he promoted himself and the way he wanted to be seen.
The pic of him with the handgun leaves an impression, the stone cold expression on his face while he is on the
horse depicts someone uninterested or unimpressed with his current activity.

I still say, Zim is a bitch who caused an altercation, while he was getting his ass handed to
him he pulled a gun and shot Martin like pussies do. If he was a real man he would have fought
without a weapon and either earned his place as a man or taken his lumps like he was.

So it is what it is. For now.
Zim started an altercation?

So approaching someone on the street is considered starting an altercation?

I guess you've never stopped someone to ask them for a lighter or for the time?

Americans are just fucking nuts, an over abundance of "stranger danger" exists.
Zim started an altercation?

So approaching someone on the street is considered starting an altercation?

I guess you've never stopped someone to ask them for a lighter or for the time?

Americans are just fucking nuts, an over abundance of "stranger danger" exists.

Stranger danger exists for good reason, and this particular case is a fine example why.
Zim pursued the guy, there is no dispute to that.

Approaching and pursuing are different, if I approach you for a light Im sure you
probably wouldn't feel threatened, but if I kept following you Im almost certain
you would start to feel threatened and may confront me for doing so.
Stranger danger exists for good reason, and this particular case is a fine example why.
Zim pursued the guy, there is no dispute to that.

Approaching and pursuing are different, if I approach you for a light Im sure you
probably wouldn't feel threatened, but if I kept following you Im almost certain
you would start to feel threatened and may confront me for doing so.
So all the prosecutions witnesses lied? Cops, etc?

Or was it not Martin who attacked Zimmerman? A spectre perhaps?

Invisible werewolf?

Face the music...

remember when you told me that you NEVER GET MAD ON THE INTERNET!

and then i trolled you about your ladyboy's hasty abortion and how the babysitter molested you when you were 10 and you started making internet tough guy threats at me?

i certainly remember that.

well, the point is that your ongoing series of incredibly lame excuses in this thread remind me a lot of all the excuses you made for yourself after i trolled you into apoplectic rage back then.

send your ladyboy my condolences that you rushed her into a hasty abortion which is probably still affecting her work performance at that dead end post office job she's stuck supporting you with.

nighty night, sirgreendumb!
Yea, I remember. You got to me then and I did make threats against you, I also offered to drive all the way across the U.S. to put you in your place, all I asked for was a location and you gave me an address of a gay hair salon in Cali. I am also not surprised you remember everything, you probably have transcripts and page numbers to refer back to when you think you need ammo. But brotha, you are shooting blanks.

Oh buck, like I told you before earlier in this thread, as soon as you start making comments about the abortion it makes me smile. It tells me how incredibly butt hurt I have made you and you are so at a loss for words that you cant come up with anything better to say. It must be hard to cope with being baited and trolled by me, but I assure you, it will happen again, and then when you start talking about ladyboy this abortion that, I will know that I once again have succeeded with aggravating you into a rambling, babbling broken record douche. :lol:

Do you realize how stupid you sound when you come up with fabricated lies? I never said anything about my fiancees work performance, and I have no clue as to what you're talking about being molested by a babysitter. More made up bullshit I would imagine, which doesn't surprise me.

I also find it amusing that you believe that working for the post office is a dead end job, and coming from an unemployed hack like yourself is very amusing.

Lastly, me and my fiancee support each other, we are both employed and both get paid very well, but I wouldn't expect you to know anything about that. Frankly, I'm glad to know that simple minded predictable trait carried on to your gene pool after your family was led like sheep to their imminent death. It sure makes my job just that much easier.
So all the prosecutions witnesses lied? Cops, etc?

Or was it not Martin who attacked Zimmerman? A spectre perhaps?

Invisible werewolf?

Face the music...


I think you are misunderstanding me, I did not say Martin did or did not attack Zimmerman.

I said Zim, caused an altercation by pursuing Martin. I said Zimmerman then got his ass
handed to him for doing so. Yes I think Martin had enough of being pursued and felt the
need to defend himself from an aggressor, so he attacked Zimmerman.

Zimmerman couldn't take his lumps so he shot Martin.
Yea, I remember. You got to me then and I did make threats against you, I also offered to drive all the way across the U.S. to put you in your place, all I asked for was a location and you gave me an address of a gay hair salon in Cali.

Really? Oh really!

That's my Uncle Buck! Ain't he something? :)
Really? Oh really!

That's my Uncle Buck! Ain't he something? :)

Buck is all butthurt people aren't falling for the white guilt card anymore. Yesterday everyone was walking around with their tail between their legs when I went out. No more of this arrogant mack daddy attitude. His days of the cool wigger jew are over. We aren't scared of his threats and having to submit on Oprah.
Buck is all butthurt people aren't falling for the white guilt card anymore. Yesterday everyone was walking around with their tail between their legs when I went out. No more of this arrogant mack daddy attitude. His days of the cool wigger jew are over. We aren't scared of his threats and having to submit on Oprah.

Buck is all butthurt people aren't falling for the white guilt card anymore. Yesterday everyone was walking around with their tail between their legs when I went out. No more of this arrogant mack daddy attitude. His days of the cool wigger jew are over. We aren't scared of his threats and having to submit on Oprah.
Cool wigger jew? Lol
I thought those only existed in the movies.
either that, or he was a pathological liar. that was his actual testimony.

when did obama do that?

and also, should the martins have moved somewhere where they wouldn't have to sit on the back of the bus and their son wouldn't have to be profiled as a criminal?

The Martins don't live there, TM's dad's GF lives there. No one is moving.
The Martins don't live there, TM's dad's GF lives there. No one is moving.

it was an allusion to something he said earlier about "if blacks didn't like sitting on the back of the bus, they should have bought land somewhere that they didn't have to".
it was an allusion to something he said earlier about "if blacks didn't like sitting on the back of the bus, they should have bought land somewhere that they didn't have to".

Or boycott the private business that is stupid enough to treat potential customers that way.
The lefties are having a shit fit, here is how it really went down:

"8th Grader Trayvon Martin is walking home in his graduation cap and gown

Aryan Nation member George Zimmerman driving around in his Confederate Flag draped pickup

Zimmerman spots Trayvon through the night by the glow of his halo

The Klansman takes chase

The football star nearly outruns him, but he is trapped by a "do not enter" sign

Faced with certain death or disobeying the law, he makes his stand

Trayvon attempts to reason his attacker, but the illiterate racist will have none of it

Zimmerman steps out of his vehicle and asks "Any last words?"

Trayvon looks his executioner in the eye and replies "World Peace"

"WHITE POWER!" exclaims Zimmerman as he unloads with his fully-automatic assault rifle

If not for the Republican party he may have survived, but the skinhead's extended magazine, unfettered by their legislation unloads hundreds of rounds into the future Nobel Peace Prize recipient

Zimmerman then bashes his own head into the curb repeatedly screaming "help me!"

When he is finished, Hitler himself steps back into his gas-guzzling vehicle

As Trayvon lay dying, the last thing he sees is the "Bush Cheney 2004" bumper sticker disapear into the night"
i believe you just described one of the things that happened during the civil rights era, but the bus lines were public transportation.

Okie dokie. Boycott the institution that steals the money to fund the "public" transportation. Oh wait, you "can't" boycott the government....is that because we're free?
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