zimmerman news

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i aggree my facts in the case are limited. but i know trayvon was walking. and zimmerman decided it was his fucking responsibility
to be like hey you there young black man ( or just young man if he wasnt black cuz again race doesnt matter). come explain yourself to me for i am superior to you. and trayvon responded, exactly like i would have, like , why the fuck have you been following me and what the hell doo you want. which zimmerman (thinking he had any sort of right to do
so because he self appointed himself community security queer?) responded HALT you are definitely up to something. and trayvon was like im not explaining my self to you and kept walking.
zimmerman than prolly was like " no in the name of community law HALT NOW for i community officur duphus say so" which TM prolly just ignored or said shut up too.
which worked up lil zimmerman to the point of prolly grabbing TM and being like let me call this(nothing) in to the police. where a fight ensued @ the 100% fault of the dueche
bag who never had Right nor reason to follow the individual in the first place. than when the 17 yr old was whooping his ass he pulled his gun and shot him.
your right... go zimmerman you brave honorable man. you fucking piece of shit you should have rotted behind bars forever.

to anyone arguing with me i dont have animosity towards you guys its solely towards zimmerman and the situation. i could give a fuck. all you guys in ur moms basement are
entitled to ur opinions.
i aggree my facts in the case are limited. but i know trayvon was walking. and zimmerman decided it was his fucking responsibility
to be like hey you there young black man ( or just young man if he wasnt black cuz again race doesnt matter). come explain yourself to me for i am superior to you. and trayvon responded, exactly like i would have, like , why the fuck have you been following me and what the hell doo you want. which zimmerman (thinking he had any sort of right to do
so because he self appointed himself community security queer?) responded HALT you are definitely up to something. and trayvon was like im not explaining my self to you and kept walking.
zimmerman than prolly was like " no in the name of community law HALT NOW for i community officur duphus say so" which TM prolly just ignored or said shut up too.
which worked up lil zimmerman to the point of prolly grabbing TM and being like let me call this(nothing) in to the police. where a fight ensued @ the 100% fault of the dueche
bag who never had Right nor reason to follow the individual in the first place. than when the 17 yr old was whooping his ass he pulled his gun and shot him.
your right... go zimmerman you brave honorable man. you fucking piece of shit you should have rotted behind bars forever.

to anyone arguing with me i dont have animosity towards you guys its solely towards zimmerman and the situation. i could give a fuck. all you guys in ur moms basement are
entitled to ur opinions.

Stupid should hurt and you should try not to think as people might not realize what a fucking retard you are if you would just shut the fuck up with the psychotic rant shit
haha why psycotic? im just pretty stoned and a wicked fast typer bruh... man alot of haters here damn.
im gonna steer clear out of these opinion forums all u guys get super butthurt
hell, i don't even have a gun. my self defense case will be a slam dunk!
Buck, "Yes, officer, that 10 year old stole my pot a few months ago so I followed him to the park and he beat the shit out of me (points to the obvious stain on his pants) and left me here crying. It was self defense." Puzzled, the officer tells him to go home and clean himself up. "Stupid drunk shit himself, I ain't puttin' him in the back of my car" he mutters to himself.
how did the post in anyway portray aspergers ...boy

I totally agree. Trayvan was a niggardly boy and a closet tranny with a jewelery collection. But my social situation scripts tell me there are those who havent read the dictionary who would beat me down for not having my same humor.
Do I think trayvon was thr best kid ever no. he had some issues and diid wrong foings however there's no reason to be shot point blank by some trigger happy wanna be cop who couldve easily taken him out without deadly force. He didnt deserve to be murdered YES MURDERED!!!!!!
Clearly, Zimmerman was incapable of "easily taken him out". So, not murdered. You're entitled to your own opinion, but not your own law.
Martins character and history of thug like behavior goes towards circumstantial evidence as well and the testimony of martin doing the beating was much stronger. Lets not forget the testimony regarding martins racism which goes towards motive.

zimm had a much longer history of violence, martin had no record or history of violence whatsoever.

and what you call "martin doing the beating" is 100% consistent with martin defending himself from zimm, who followed him after he ran away.

but we all know how you're reaching your conclusions.
I totally agree. Trayvan was a niggardly boy and a closet tranny with a jewelery collection. But my social situation scripts tell me there are those who havent read the dictionary who would beat me down for not having my same humor.

cant tell if this post is on my side or not lol
so either thanks or fuck u
Buck, "Yes, officer, that 10 year old stole my pot a few months ago so I followed him to the park and he beat the shit out of me (points to the obvious stain on his pants) and left me here crying. It was self defense." Puzzled, the officer tells him to go him and clean himself up. "Stupid drunk shit himself, I ain't puttin' him in the back of my car" he mutters to himself.

one less thief to worry about!

thhe precedent has been set.
this i agree with. you have a gun and intend to use it... you let tht shit be known. pull that gun out and say look motherfucker. i
do not wish to fight you. however if you would like to proceed id b happy to cap u. end of story

This is why manslaughter charge fits because TM death was death of a minor via culpable negligence..GZ was negligent in informing TM that he had a gun to begin with..
beardo bro.... dont defend zimmerman. hes a fat mexican whos ego was hurt when a 17 yr old fucking KID was whooping his fuckin ass so he killed him like a pussy and now hes free. ya lets applaude that fucking guy....NOTTT . not a good day for justice system... a bad day... to add to all the other fucking bad days its had.
You speak as tho a person is obliged to meekly go to his death just because his possible killer is a 17 year old. No one's applauding Zimmerman, tho some are happy to see that public opinion is not going to be the new standard of justice.


ah, you're not familiar with red trying to cover up his inability to spell simple words like "hazard" by using homophones here and there.

he thinks it will make less people think of him as stupid. that's what he thinks at least.
there's as much evidence for a beating as there is for self defense, smarty.

trial's over, you can stop repeating the baseless.

third in a row: trial's over, you can stop repeating your baseless assumptions. there's no evidence that martin assaulted zimm, it is just as consistent with martin defending himself.

They thought that the People of FL failed to prove it was not self defense.

I was under the same impression until I spent a few minutes on MSNBC and CNN. They have a few "experts" talking about the verdict and both panels hit on this topic. There were technically TWO verdicts handed down by this jury. The obvious one is the not guilty for Zimmerman. The second is a guilty verdict of assault for Trayvon. The two cannot be separated according to the experts. For Z to have used justifiable force in self defense, TM has to be guilty of assault. They went so far as to say if he had survived the altercation, he would be charged. Bear in mind, both of these panels and the hosts are OBVIOUSLY in TM's corner. Even saying it's a double slap in the face for TM's family that the jury found their son guilty of assault.
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