zimmerman news

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It was, "he said, she said", LF. They each got a restraining order against the other. There is nothing of merit in this accusation.

She said he hit and pushed her..His cousin said he molested her..the police officer said he pushed him...Yup a lot of "he said and she said"
True, I live in a pretty nice neighborhood and i a black teen in a hoody was on my neighbors lawn I would yell "Who the fuck are?" If got attitude I would confront the teen. The dude would already be kicking rocks though. Im 6'2'' and 235 though. most people don't think twice. Everyone knows not to mill around in front of other peoples homes! If it was a white guy a brown guy a black guy, I am always on the look out for my neighbors. I don't cary a gun. A phone is fine.

You know. And I ain't fussing with you. Too big. :)

Look. It is a wide world and I firmly believe we cannot get a real picture of ourselves. That is, how we seem to others. So the more I try to be the ghost in the machine for the other guy, just for a second, the better I can see myself.

I started by casting myself back in history. Really contemplating, no phone, no lights, no motor cars, like that..

Just a mental hobby at first. It is actual empathy.

So, talking to my 85 year old dad about the trial, is a trial. :) But, he looked after me, so I hang in there. He is totally Zim "should" walk.

I was able to get it around to empathy. And after a while it was me dead, unarmed, and some jerk came in the back and gunned me down.

And at that age, I was surely worse than Trevon. So, those facts also had to be chewed in.

In the end, he admitted he would be demanding a trial from the DA, and pulling in the Feds thru his Air Force rank. And my dad is one stiff prick in a Chief Master Sgt, sense. I just reminded him of some of the more simple horrors he has managed on authority figures for much less than gunning down his boy.

Have some empathy. My Dad did. Good for us.
Zimmerman should have pulled his phone and dialed 911. but there was not time according to Z. He was hit moments after saw him.

TM supporters are idiots. There was a Slim Jim in the bushes, piles of jewels on TMs bed on his phone pics, and clearly of low moral standards talking nude pics of underage girls. THAT IS NOT NORMAL. Not even for teens! You should be studying homework and going to practice for a sport. NOt having sex, fighting and taking pictures of a pile of jewels on your bed.

Yea ok. Lets execute every kid who you label as having 'low moral standards'.
*barrel. cn


Well, I couldn't say about that, but it sure looks like you finished off the pizza.
I've stayed out of the racial debate aspect of this trial so far, but I have to comment. In a case where racist pressure was obvious to everyone (including you) AND the DA openly admitted to it, do you think it would be in the affidavit. Of course not, so your point rings hollow, despite the numerous times you've stated it.
Nearly all, if not all, his points are hollow, and he restates all of them over and over. I guess he figure the last one to post "wins" his pathetic little game.
Zimmerman should have pulled his phone and dialed 911. but there was not time according to Z. He was hit moments after saw him.

TM supporters are idiots. There was a Slim Jim in the bushes, piles of jewels on TMs bed on his phone pics, and clearly of low moral standards talking nude pics of underage girls. THAT IS NOT NORMAL. Not even for teens! You should be studying homework and going to practice for a sport. NOt having sex, fighting and taking pictures of a pile of jewels on your bed.
I feel that. TM was no saint for sure. But the cops should have dealt with him. GZ killed a 17 1/2 yr old stupid kid. Can't do that. He found trouble and won. Unfortunately I can't have what I want. Either he walks or doesn't. Parents of TM are great. I understand the anger or whatever that is. I'm no Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi fan.
I have empathy for Treyvon. I had some wild times as a teen and my dad has bailed me out of trouble. I understand fighting and trying to be tough as a teen. TM made mistakes like I did. I got lucky not getting into more serious trouble. TM did not get lucky. You can't ignore evidence though. Z should walk because the law is the law. In florida you can have a weapon and you can use it for defense. Z was not going to die. He was going to get beat up and knocked unconscious or just beat up. Z, having never been beat up was scarred shitless like most would be in that situation. getting you ass kicked for the first time is pretty scary, or any time.
unfortunately some D-bad cop friend of Z told him to get a gun and be prepared to use it. He should have got a can of mace or a taser. WTF happen to mace and tasers???

Anyways, in spite of Empathy, TM was acting sketch. Anyone acting sketch around my neighbors is gonna get the cops called. If that person ran from me and tried to hide I would go see whats up and which house he went to. This is my neighborhood, and I know who lives around here. I don't need or like guns. Z felt more secure with a gun. Secure enough with his gun to keep an eye on his neighborhood. Just like I would do without one. That is Florida law. Maybe without the law Z would not have the balls to check out the suspect, maybe he would. TM clearly attacked him. TM did not go home, he wanted to fight. He attacked a weeny of a man. He attacked a man that had never been attacked like that before. He attacked an armed, soft little man. TM, having been in fights, used any trick he has learned and he fought with the sense of urgency you need to WIN fights. Soft, Zimmerman got to his gun and used it. And it is his LEGAL RIGHT to use it in self defense. the evidence does not lie
I love guns. Own a few firearms myself. I think the only bigger gun nut on here is Modrama. With being a gun owner comes responsiblilty. Being a CONCEALED gun owner comes an even bigger responsiblity. Zimmerman at one point claimed to have forgotten he had his gun. Now if that is not irresponsible ( or a lie). I don't know what is.
I also believe that Zimmerman needs to pay. Not for being a gun owner, but for being an irresponsible gun owner, chasing down a minor, killing an unarmed minor who was doing nothing wrong...but walking in the rain talking to a female in Miami.

A bit late here. I CCW all the time with my little J-Frame S&W Bodygaurd titanium airweight. I often DO forget its there, once you break in a custom waistband holster, its barely noticeable. I believe that Kahr he was carrying was a mousegun at .380 cal (9mm short) so its a bit thinner than my rig and even less noticeable. So he saying he forgot he had it is totally believable. Its like having a pocket knife and living in the city, you use the knife so rarely that when time comes and you need it, you forget you have it.
Anyone remember back in the 80's when Al Sharpton was promoting that girl that claimed some skin head carved swasticas in her arm then confessed it was a big lie. Al thought he had a gold mine. What a shame to be so hate full!
I feel that. TM was no saint for sure. But the cops should have dealt with him. GZ killed a 17 1/2 yr old stupid kid. Can't do that. He found trouble and won. Unfortunately I can't have what I want. Either he walks or doesn't. Parents of TM are great. I understand the anger or whatever that is. I'm no Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi fan.
I am not looking for trouble, but If i see someone aimlessly milling around my neighborhood in the rain, Im calling the cops and asking you what you are doing. If you run after you see me driving toward you , following you ,then Im gonna go see where you went. . Thats because I don't want my home or my neighbors home's robbed.
I truly yearn for the day when we all look alike, sound alike, and there is no reason to hate because of appearances... That time is hundreds of years in the future, I know... Hell, if we could all just get over race differences...
We are the Borg. Resistance is futile. Sorry, I prefer to be an individual
LOL...17 year old kids think about that stuff.

Sure they think about it. But I guess it is family to family as far as naked girls on the phone and stealing jewelry. When I was 17 I was playing sports and I had to have a job. No work, then no sports. My parents were strict I guess.
I am not looking for trouble, but If i see someone aimlessly milling around my neighborhood in the rain, Im calling the cops and asking you what you are doing. If you run after you see me driving toward you , following you ,then Im gonna go see where you went. . Thats because I don't want my home or my neighbors home's robbed.
I feel that Zimmerman needs to pay. I understand this thinking though. Florida stand your ground is what it is. You can't kill a kid. Hurt him or mame him, fine. LOL TM was a bad dude and GZ was looking for trouble not stand his ground.
A bit late here. I CCW all the time with my little J-Frame S&W Bodygaurd titanium airweight. I often DO forget its there, once you break in a custom waistband holster, its barely noticeable. I believe that Kahr he was carrying was a mousegun at .380 cal (9mm short) so its a bit thinner than my rig and even less noticeable. So he saying he forgot he had it is totally believable. Its like having a pocket knife and living in the city, you use the knife so rarely that when time comes and you need it, you forget you have it.

Kel-Tec in 9mm Para iirc. cn
Guilty of manslaughter...said it from the start. Will keep saying it to the end. Zimmerman has told many inconsistent stories from the beginning. Never heard of a case in which the defendeant pleas self defense but yet will not take the stand to tell the world how it was self defense. If anyone says "Well he already gave five interviews and statements". To them I say all his statement are inconsistent and taking the stand could have clear up any confusing. The only reasonable doubt comes from the statements that Zimmerman has made about self defense.
" Never heard of a case in which the defendeant pleas self defense but yet will not take the stand " Really? Because its pretty common. Regardless, the prosecution stupidly brought in all Zimmerman's public statements, so Zimmerman in effect did get to testify, but without the prosecution being able to cross.
I feel that Zimmerman needs to pay. I understand this thinking though. Florida stand your ground is what it is. You can't kill a kid. Hurt him or mame him, fine. LOL TM was a bad dude and GZ was looking for trouble not stand his ground.
Sweet, you are the first to agree with me on that. TM was a bad kid and GZ was a weeny looking to use a gun
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