zimmerman news

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Why did George hit his fiancee... why did he push a cop. Sounds like a violent man to me. Hey can you name all the medication Mr. George Micheal Zimmerman takes. Why does he need so much medication ?
That sounds violent to you? Do you live in DisneyLand? I would submit that 85% of people you will talk to in the next month will be on some sort of medication including anti-depressants and blood pressure medication that alter their state of mind. IT does not make them crazy, or even unsound/ unreasonable. If Zimmerman was slamming heroin or snorting cocaine or even taking anti-psychotics you would have a point
This is a really difficult issue. For me I see 2 guys looking for trouble and they found it. Trayvon was no saint, but I don't think Zimmerman deserves a pass. If you kill a kid and then hide, well I'm not a big fan of that. Zimmerman killed a boy and was looking for trouble. It is my opinion he should pay.
According to Kruidbos' attorney Wesley White, the former IT director was let go Friday by the state's top prosecutor, Angela Corey, for allegedly violating "numerous State Attorney’s Office policies and procedures."
Kruidbos, who testified in a pretrial hearing in the Zimmerman case in June, said that he had reason to believe that additional information found in Trayvon Martin's cell phone had not been turned over to the defense. Kruidbos said more than 2,000 photos from the phone were not shown to defense attorneys, including pictures of underage naked girls, images showing piles of jewelry on Martin's bed and photos of Martin blowing smoke.
Read more: George Zimmerman's possible fates
Kruidbos' termination letter stated, in part: "It has come to our attention that you violated numerous State Attorney’s Office (SAO) policies and procedures and have engaged in deliberate misconduct that is especially egregious in light of your position.”

Boy you easy...Trayvon had just turned 17 two and a half weeks before his death, so him having a picture of a 16 year old in his phone is nothing. Means he had a picture of a girl his age on the phone. Were you not getting pu$$y at 16 ???? Blowing weed smoke out...Dude you on a weed site. We all might have been blowing weed smoke at that time of our lifes as well. You want to meet some real thugs ??? If Trayvon was a thief and a thug, best believe he would have stole those skittles.
We don't need you to do that" Is not a ORDER, a COMMAND, or even a suggestion to get into your car!!! We don't NEED you to do that means there is a cop on the way. He did not say 'We dont WANT you to do that'. He sure as shit did not say, "Leave the area and ignore the suspected thief'

I hope you never find out just how much, semantics are meaningless, when the unarmed boy is dead.

No one can be ordered or commanded in the USA unless the Officer is present with his gun. When in touch with the proper officals by phone, they realize they cannot command anything. But, in the new world speak, need, in this case, is a very utterly PC......stiff request. How about that?

Need means stand down or perhaps be tried for murder. How about that?
That sounds violent to you? Do you live in DisneyLand? I would submit that 85% of people you will talk to in the next month will be on some sort of medication including anti-depressants and blood pressure medication that alter their state of mind. IT does not make them crazy, or even unsound/ unreasonable. If Zimmerman was slamming heroin or snorting cocaine or even taking anti-psychotics you would have a point
Sorry most people I know smoke weed as there choice of medication. I also feel ANY man that has to hit a female is a sorry excuse for a man. Now if that crazy broad is trying to kill you ... fine. Knock her the fuck out and leave, but if you two are arguing and you hit her ( like Zimmerman did) then you weak. IMO
you made the claim that "zimmerman did not try to detain martin", and there is zero evidence for that claim. a photo of zimmerman's head just proves that he had a couple of tiny scratches, one that was 2cm and another that was 0.5 cm. the photo does not prove how he got those injuries, smart guy. you're clearly not that bright.
Never the less, all my positions are accepted as legal fact by both the prosecution and defense, which proves, once again, that you are a lying piece of shit.
Sorry most people I know smoke weed as there choice of medication. I also feel ANY man that has to hit a female is a sorry excuse for a man. Now if that crazy broad is trying to kill you ... fine. Knock her the fuck out and leave, but if you two are arguing and you hit her ( like Zimmerman did) then you weak. IMO

It was, "he said, she said", LF. They each got a restraining order against the other. There is nothing of merit in this accusation.
Why did he have pictures on his phone of piles of jewelry? Why did he fit the description of known thieves?

I love it. That was not in evidence. Why? Not relevant. Why did he? None of your beeswax potato sacks.

BTW, you fit the description of a dumbass white guy. :) Known thieves!>?? Black teens in hoodies....you a funny man.
Boy you easy...Trayvon had just turned 17 two and a half weeks before his death, so him having a picture of a 16 year old in his phone is nothing. Means he had a picture of a girl his age on the phone. Were you not getting pu$$y at 16 ???? Blowing weed smoke out...Dude you on a weed site. We all might have been blowing weed smoke at that time of our lifes as well. You want to meet some real thugs ??? If Trayvon was a thief and a thug, best believe he would have stole those skittles.
Stole from a store he frequents? yes i want to meet real thugs.
I love it. That was not in evidence. Why? Not relevant. Why did he? None of your beeswax potato sacks.

BTW, you fit the description of a dumbass white guy. :) Known thieves!>?? Black teens in hoodies....you a funny man.
True, I live in a pretty nice neighborhood and i a black teen in a hoody was on my neighbors lawn I would yell "Who the fuck are?" If got attitude I would confront the teen. The dude would already be kicking rocks though. Im 6'2'' and 235 though. most people don't think twice. Everyone knows not to mill around in front of other peoples homes! If it was a white guy a brown guy a black guy, I am always on the look out for my neighbors. I don't cary a gun. A phone is fine.
Is Al giving Eric a "helping hand" here? Maybe a little congratulatory squeeze for a job well done? Jesse is just hanging back waiting for his share of the loot.

Manslaughter, that's the one where the defendant goes home after the trial?
Up to 30 years when the firearm enhancement is added. Which it would be. The whole trial is a political sham. If he's acquitted, I foresee a slander suite against Al Sharpton and NBC.
Zimmerman should have pulled his phone and dialed 911. but there was not time according to Z. He was hit moments after saw him.

TM supporters are idiots. There was a Slim Jim in the bushes, piles of jewels on TMs bed on his phone pics, and clearly of low moral standards talking nude pics of underage girls. THAT IS NOT NORMAL. Not even for teens! You should be studying homework and going to practice for a sport. NOt having sex, fighting and taking pictures of a pile of jewels on your bed.
remember Casey Anthony? Exactly.... 95% of America had forgotten her name by the next week and not a single riot....... Imagine if Zim had locked a 3 year old TM in a trunk for 3 weeks and went on an alcohol and sex binge, then threw the body in a swamp somewhere...... PS: how would looting help TM or his family with this tragedy, or Zim and his family for that matter? I can understand riots over anger and frustration, but why looting?
A free big screen?
So, what does this mumbo-jumbo mean? http://www.kirotv.com/news/news/national/document-instructions-george-zimmerman-jury/nYnqZ/ JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE The killing of a human being is justifiable and lawful if necessarily done while resisting an attempt to murder or commit a felony upon George Zimmerman EXCUSABLE HOMICIDE 3. When the killing is committed by accident and misfortune resulting from a sudden combat, if a dangerous weapon is not used and the attempted killing is not done in a cruel and unusual manner. So, it is excusable only if there was no "dangerous weapon?" Yet it is justifiable, regardless of the weapon? So, in both 2nd and 3rd Murder, it seems to be the difference, (a slim difference, here,) between sudden combat vs attempt to murder. I say then, sudden combat with a dangerous weapon used to end it is not a justified nor excusable killing and therefore un-lawful. Andrea Sniderman looks like a real nut and that trial is up next. :)
I don't know what the hell you're quoting, but its not Florida law, which is the only law that applies here.
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