zimmerman news

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Trayvon got away from George. This comes after the are you following bit:


It's a home it's [house number removed], (knocking sound) oh crap I don't want to give it all out, I don't know where this kid is.
Trayvon got away from George. This comes after the are you following bit:


It's a home it's [house number removed], (knocking sound) oh crap I don't want to give it all out, I don't know where this kid is.

this kid?

so he knew it was a child, and he kept pursuing him anyway?

he was the one with the flashlight who told the officers to call him for his location rather than going back to his car, as he claimed.

he even slipped up and said he was looking for the kid:

"when i walked back towards him"

zimm's own words^^^

"when i walked back towards him"
I get you want Zimmerman to pay, and you don't like guns. There is nothing to completely remove any reasonable doubt.

edit: emotional pleas and propaganda are not going to work with me.
Yes, Zim slipped up several times.

"He jumped out of the bushes.."

Front front, in back, the side? (those little bushes way over there?)

Zim didn't know. But, good one. I forgot about that. "...walked back...."
I get you want Zimmerman to pay, and you don't like guns. There is nothing to completely remove any reasonable doubt.

edit: emotional pleas and propaganda are not going to work with me.

Please, please I appeal to you with all emotion and propaganda as an American. The jury is still out. You don't define reasonable here.
I get you want Zimmerman to pay, and you don't like guns. There is nothing to completely remove any reasonable doubt.

edit: emotional pleas and propaganda are not going to work with me.

i'm perfectly fine with competent people having guns for self defense, i'm not OK with zimmerman profiling and then following martin with his loaded gun, and then lying about it over a dozen times.

innocent people have no reason to lie, much less over a dozen times.

the fight didn't happen as zimm said it did, we know that. we know he lied about everything that happened in the struggle, especially about how and when the gun came out.

go ahead and put a gun in a holster and put it inside your waistband towards your right buttocks, have someone straddle you, and tell me how it goes trying to retrieve that gun.

there's your reasonable doubt right there, blowing away into the wind.
Please, please I appeal to you with all emotion and propaganda as an American. The jury is still out. You don't define reasonable here.

Neither has anyone commenting on the case. The fact is this is a show trial pandering to heart strings while playing very cleverly on the racial divide.

This case has seen too much "emotion and propaganda" and not enough fact and reality. I actually feel sorry for anyone who is tried under the current climate.
So far the left has made this about race from day one, including Barry Obama.

Since it is impossible for George Zimmerman to get a truly fair trial , see above, i really hope George walks.

Besides i may get some work out of the following riots.
So far the left has made this about race from day one, including Barry Obama.

Since it is impossible for George Zimmerman to get a truly fair trial , see above, i really hope George walks.

Besides i may get some work out of the following riots.

what an idiot.

if zimm were incapable of getting a fair trial, his very competent defense lawyers would have asked for relocation.

this case is not about race, only you and a few other racists are trying to make it that way. this case is about a grown man who profiled and followed a kid, killed him, and then lied his ass off about it.

deal with it.
this case is not about race, only you and a few other racists are trying to make it that way. this case is about a grown man who profiled and followed a kid, killed him, and then lied his ass off about it.

deal with it.

We believe you actually believe that... LOL... Not about race...

House Democrats fall silent as Trayvon Martin case goes to the jury in Fla.

The shooting death of the Florida teenager last year sparked an outcry from congressional Democrats – particularly members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) – who made countless floor speeches, blanketed the cable news shows, penned legislation and hosted public forums to decry what they called a blatant case of racial profiling against the African American youth.

CN, I don't think Z went looking for trouble. Consider the totality of the circumstances: His neighborhood was besieged by burglars, and home invasion robberies. Z was trying to keep the criminals out of the neighborhood. He did nothing wrong. TM would not have ended up with a hole in his heart if he had not assaulted Z and beaten him. TM made it home, he was in the yard outside his dad's GF's house. TM decided to circle back and confront Z and it cost him his life.

The thing that stays in my mind is that he completely disregarded "we don't need you to do that" and very probably (imo!) caused an unnecessary confrontation. I don't know or necessarily buy that T was the aggressor in this instance. Z could have stuck to the core mission that every Neighborhood Watch member should have taken to heart: to observe and report. Generally that is not a contact sport. I think he chose instead to intervene for personal reasons. One man is dead, and the other's name is mud, regardless what actually happened or the outcome of the court case. cn
You seem to have a bowel obstruction.....why are you saying I'm advocating? I found out for myself that this weapon has a hammer block safety, etc. I posted the details of why this weapon is carried in battery. I posted the detail that contrary to the current stupidity, you display, fight child, the weapon does, indeed, have a safety.

So, go barf a biscuit.

*barrel. cn

We don't need you to do that" Is not a ORDER, a COMMAND, or even a suggestion to get into your car!!! We don't NEED you to do that means there is a cop on the way. He did not say 'We dont WANT you to do that'. He sure as shit did not say, "Leave the area and ignore the suspected thief'
The thing that stays in my mind is that he completely disregarded "we don't need you to do that" and very probably (imo!) caused an unnecessary confrontation. I don't know or necessarily buy that T was the aggressor in this instance. Z could have stuck to the core mission that every Neighborhood Watch member should have taken to heat: to observe and report. Generally that is not a contact sport. I think he chose instead to intervene for personal reasons. One man is dead, and the other's name is mud, regardless what actually happened or the outcome of the court case. cn

Agree, we need more Michael penas....

I get you want Zimmerman to pay, and you don't like guns. There is nothing to completely remove any reasonable doubt.

edit: emotional pleas and propaganda are not going to work with me.
I love guns. Own a few firearms myself. I think the only bigger gun nut on here is Modrama. With being a gun owner comes responsiblilty. Being a CONCEALED gun owner comes an even bigger responsiblity. Zimmerman at one point claimed to have forgotten he had his gun. Now if that is not irresponsible ( or a lie). I don't know what is.
I also believe that Zimmerman needs to pay. Not for being a gun owner, but for being an irresponsible gun owner, chasing down a minor, killing an unarmed minor who was doing nothing wrong...but walking in the rain talking to a female in Miami.
I love guns. Own a few firearms myself. I think the only bigger gun nut on here is Modrama. With being a gun owner comes responsiblilty. Being a CONCEALED gun owner comes an even bigger responsiblity. Zimmerman at one point claimed to have forgotten he had his gun. Now if that is not irresponsible ( or a lie). I don't know what is.
I also believe that Zimmerman needs to pay. Not for being a gun owner, but for being an irresponsible gun owner, chasing down a minor, killing an unarmed minor who was doing nothing wrong...but walking in the rain talking to a female in Miami.
Why did he have pictures on his phone of piles of jewelry? Why did he fit the description of known thieves?
We don't need you to do that" Is not a ORDER, a COMMAND, or even a suggestion to get into your car!!! We don't NEED you to do that means there is a cop on the way. He did not say 'We dont WANT you to do that'. He sure as shit did not say, "Leave the area and ignore the suspected thief'

A dispatcher is in a tight spot: no authority. Figure the phrasing as the most urgent formulation of a suggestion, good advice. Somebody cleared to participate in the Neighborhood Watch ... I expect to be able to understand such a dispatcher's advisory for what it is. "I can't keep you out of trouble, but I can tell you that you're headed for it" sort of thing. cn
According to Kruidbos' attorney Wesley White, the former IT director was let go Friday by the state's top prosecutor, Angela Corey, for allegedly violating "numerous State Attorney’s Office policies and procedures."
Kruidbos, who testified in a pretrial hearing in the Zimmerman case in June, said that he had reason to believe that additional information found in Trayvon Martin's cell phone had not been turned over to the defense. Kruidbos said more than 2,000 photos from the phone were not shown to defense attorneys, including pictures of underage naked girls, images showing piles of jewelry on Martin's bed and photos of Martin blowing smoke.
Read more: George Zimmerman's possible fates
Kruidbos' termination letter stated, in part: "It has come to our attention that you violated numerous State Attorney’s Office (SAO) policies and procedures and have engaged in deliberate misconduct that is especially egregious in light of your position.”
Why did he have pictures on his phone of piles of jewelry? Why did he fit the description of known thieves?

Why did George hit his fiancee... why did he push a cop. Sounds like a violent man to me. Hey can you name all the medication Mr. George Micheal Zimmerman takes. Why does he need so much medication ?
Neither has anyone commenting on the case. The fact is this is a show trial pandering to heart strings while playing very cleverly on the racial divide.

This case has seen too much "emotion and propaganda" and not enough fact and reality. I actually feel sorry for anyone who is tried under the current climate.

"Those brought before the Drum Head are doomed." Jean Luc Picard
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