So who here is growing in true organic living soil?


Well-Known Member
Which one are you starting with? I would strongly recommend TWM. I think it's important that people understand what the heck is going on in the soil. I'd be very happy to discuss questions as they come up. If you're game.


Well-Known Member
Here's a super fast, just about free powerful Barley Sprout Tea:

Why: Contains Cytokinins to keep internodes short and stalks beefy. Teeming with plant enzymes and additional hormones. Your humus (compost and EWC and any clay you have) will bind these enzymes for re-use and future use.

When: Add to soil no more than weekly and use as a foliar.

How: 2 tablespoons of Barley seeds (1 oz.) Soak for 12 hours. Drain that water and throw away. It’s full of growth inhibitors. Add 1/2 gallon of water to the sprouts for the 48 hour soak. Strain and use 1 cup of this to 1 gallon of water.

Seeds (like coconuts) are embryos, and therefore have staggeringly high levels of various plant growth hormones. Completely natural, obviously. These sometimes very complicated molecules will degrade in a couple days, so once you're done brewing, use the stuff.

This cocktail is the brainchild of Clackamas Coot

Try it!


Well-Known Member
I wanted to ask this question about teas and keep forgetting.
What's the difference between this:

And this:

Amazon's merchants are bitches about the shipping on the vortex brewer. They must spin it around the globe a few times so it works better or something. It's on ebay cheaper.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
Started with TLO, prettier cover. 1/3 done and pised to stop and eat and go see a client! I eat this shit like candy and I prob will tear thru it in a few days then again after I tear thru TWM. will keep you posted...


Well-Known Member
Glad, one's a bubbler, and the other is an actual vortex brewer. The vortex really slams the air into the swirling compost tea. The square sided bubbler can have dead spots and the potential for a little anaerobic pockets. You want the vortex.

Now let me tell you. I have been talking about this No-Till method of indoor farming. The man who pioneered this is Mr. Tim Wilson. He's a pioneer in the field of soil biotics. He's a microscopist. A microscope guy. He's consulted for books like Teaming With Microbes. He's extensively studied Aerated Compost Teas and has the technique and your recipe on his site He also has the best vortex brewer that he makes for much less than the vortex you referenced.

And he has a long history with old strains and this man definitely enjoys a proper bowl. He's one of the fascinating masters of this field of living soil and deserves at least a crack at our business.


Well-Known Member
That fucker looks cool. I'm down.
I'm gonna hook and old satellite dish and some wires
to my vortex brewer, every time someone asks what it is,
I'll add a little more "sophistication", each time.

Looking at the video, that funnel was looking exactly like the Lions season.

Here's another one. I think it's made in Michigan. Or sold in Michigan. lol. It's smaller.


Well-Known Member
I have a shitton of springtails on one or two plants. What is your take on springtails? Maybe I was keeping the soil a bit damp.


Well-Known Member
Get some pure peppermint oil. Get a Spray Bottle with water, add a few heavy drops of the oil to the water and shake well. This is a very dilute mint oil wash. Let 'em have it!


Well-Known Member
So they shouldn't be there at all? I couldn't find alot of solid information but some people say kill them others say leave them be.


Well-Known Member
Some say they can be beneficial. Some say eliminate anything that crawls. Your choice

You may have some undigested compost of leaf litter in your soil. No probs. The microbes will deal with it.

Try that Barley seed tea. Big immune benefits.


Well-Known Member
I like the idea of no crawlies. Plants do not seem affected (yet). I am sure that is what they are, they jump crazy far for their size!


Well-Known Member
Worms are your friends. They shit gold for you. Increase the plant's immune system. Aerate the soil. Add structure. On and on.


Well-Known Member
Fattie, did you initially add any neem or karanja meal to the soil when initially mixed?


Well-Known Member
You won't find a better brewer. Not sure what the Homestead is, but this unit can handle a lot of volume. Several guys could easily share