So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
I have a slight allergy to shellfish, slight: as in if I eat a whole plate of crab alfredo I vomit and itch so it's way another level than this guy but I can see why he is worried and if there is shellfish in there it could be a problem but not just shell. if its ground shell its not a thing but the actual animal is what we have issues with. Shrim, not shrimp tails and lobster not the shell itself. maybe that helps but if I was him I would still stay back if it's ground up shrimp guts or something but don't fear the shell.


Well-Known Member
Any thought of the sprout tea? The coconut water? the Aloe? Surely someone must think this is complete bullshit

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member
it's iodine in the shellfish that they aresensitive and allergic too- a thyroid condition I've heard

ita like a person that allergic to peanuts could get anaphylactic shock from contact w stuff
i have a Vietnam friend highly allergic to shellfish he told me that but I'm no dr I have it to bee stings itch and hives and then swollen trachea death i keep an epidermis pen

any time I work in garden/soil with possible side effects I cover--
-mask--gloves--long sleeves

hell my arms break out in a rash when the plants are real sticky I been doin it so long I wasn't reactive the first 5-8 yrs

i rub olive oil on my arms if I have to get into large plants....old hippy woman


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that vid posting Rrog! There's nothing that fascinates me more than permaculture. Well mj and aquaponics too;-)
3 years ago i started a food forest on some land in the family!


Well-Known Member
The worst thing this concept has going for it is that it runs counter to "modern farming" concepts. It's a short circuit, for sure.


Well-Known Member
Modern farming is prone to failure as well as the money system! Todays farming destroys land and money is printed out of thin air. How are those two principals ever suppose to last?


Well-Known Member
I'm only talking about growing. Politics are on other threads. Anyway, this is at the heart of why I feel we need to look at soil and decentralize the food supply. More of us should be looking to grow our own... food. Unless you like pesticides, hormones, and preservatives.


Well-Known Member
wow. A fool depends on the system at hand! Should really look into setting up a food forest if you are really serious about being self sustaining and want to feed your family.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
I'm only talking about growing. Politics are on other threads. Anyway, this is at the heart of why I feel we need to look at soil and decentralize the food supply. More of us should be looking to grow our own... food. Unless you like pesticides, hormones, and preservatives.
Fuck yes! I wish this appllied to everyewhere: bars, compassion clubs, the gym etc.


Well-Known Member
its totally badass and the chineese have been doing it for years. You even can raise pigs and chickens with a few more plants and trees added to the system.

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member
sustainability is the root of our problems as a society--- there is no balance or harmony
our current model is not sustainable and is slowly (or quickly) collapsing

consume consume long can we take without giving back to the earth that sustains us--

balance is wats needed and the shift is coming next weekend from wat I heard--

wat r u guys doing for the end of the world this wknd? lookin for some parties to hit up if it's gonna be over Friday

i may just stay in the 10th dimension and watch--
on the intergalactic HD big screen


Well-Known Member
I agree Buckaroo. And now that I understand what simple food scraps can do when composted by Bokaski, then worms in a little worm bin, even someone in an apartment could make this fertilizer for just about FREE, and grow weed, tomatoes, eggplant, whatever in a window. Or take the compost outside and give it to a tree. That stuff will sink down and the plant will just eat it up and love you for it.

I'm about to start my big worm experiment. A 30 gallon smart pot with some starting compost and old soil. And a pail of Bokashi. The worms will have an orgy in this. I'm also going to run some plants like Nettles through this system. Alfalfa, rock powders, and a shitload of other stuff that's cheap. Start the soil amending in the earthworm castings (vermicompost) itself. This will be the best compost available at any price. Fully bio-active with all the minor amendments and most of the major.

Repeat: The best compost available... and the worms did the work. OK I have to water the worm pile once a week. But that's about it. The worms break that shit down to a fine, odorless black gold. Safe as can be to add to your plants as-is. No burning, as the worms and bacteria have super-cooked it.

I want to show this can be done in 5 square feet.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
Teaming with microbes and TLO just showed up! see you turds on the flip side I got some edgeuhmuhkating to do, so many word papers and pretty pics too. If I had my grade 8 before I should get my grade 10 by the time I'm done with these books.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that vid posting Rrog! There's nothing that fascinates me more than permaculture. Well mj and aquaponics too;-)
3 years ago i started a food forest on some land in the family!
Modern farming is prone to failure as well as the money system! Todays farming destroys land and money is printed out of thin air. How are those two principals ever suppose to last?
wow. A fool depends on the system at hand! Should really look into setting up a food forest if you are really serious about being self sustaining and want to feed your family.
its totally badass and the chineese have been doing it for years. You even can raise pigs and chickens with a few more plants and trees added to the system.