So who here is growing in true organic living soil?


Well-Known Member
You are both correct.
There is a long ass list of amendments in the TLO book. Now if someone has access to a good nursery, then they can just walk in and buy all the shit, no biggie.
I am very surprised how many sites I had to go to.

RRog is also stating that all that shit isn't needed to grow organically. And it isn't.

I'm getting it all though though.
The list is much longer out of the book cuz many amendments come in powder or granular form.
It's good to have both cuz the powder forms break down quickly and granular forms last much longer.
Most organic farming is basic, this style doesn't seem very basic.
Ive used this site, they are the shit

I follow the Rev. though I haven't read his new book, Ive read a lot of his articles.

About three year's ago I built my own organic soil with products from the above site.

May I recommend the soul able Micro Hume "fovic and humic acid", and Gaia Green glacial rock dust.

Good luck ~ The Guvna.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Guvna! I like the fulvic and humic acids to come from the EWC, personally. They're all charged with cations and plant enzymes that way.


Well-Known Member
Coconut Water-

Coconuts are another example of a seed. A plant Embryo. The younger the coconut, the better. You want the coconut water.

The water has high levels of Indole-acetic-acid (IAA) which plays a far more important role than just creating roots on our cuttings. The relationship between this acid and the apical meristem is at the heart of close internode spacing. But it's far beyond that - Cytokinins, Gibberellic acids, Auxins, et al. - everything that a seed needs to create a new plant.

1 Cup Coconut water + water to make 1 gallon.

Apply to soil and as a foliar. In a pinch and don't want to far around with coconuts? Get a bottle of quality coconut water, not coconut milk. But from the coconut is better

Just Try It!


Well-Known Member
Aloe Vera Plant-

If you don't have one, get one. Don't kill it. Keep it alike as a continual source of free super juice.

Scrape off 2 Tablespoons of the gel and add to 1 gallon of water. Mix and apply to soil or as a foliar - IMMEDIATELY

Aloe vera contains high levels of Benzoic acid which begins to ferment in less than 20 minutes once it's exposed to air. Commercial Aloe vera juice is treated with salt which converts this acid to Sodium Benzoate which most of consume at each and every meal - unfortunately.

You'll see the plant leaves react and growth. Same way it promotes cell growth on your burn.

Just Try It!


Well-Known Member
Barley Sprout Tea-

You can get the seeds from a lot of places for beer brewing, like this:

2 tablespoons of seeds (1 oz.) Soak for 12 hours. Drain that water and throw away. It’s full of growth inhibitors. Add 1/2 gallon of water to the sprouts for the 48 hour soak. Strain and use 1 cup of this to 1 gallon of water.

Huge source of growth hormones and plant enzymes.

Just Try It!


Well-Known Member
Todays Garden tea

5 gallon of R/O water
Air Stone
1 table spoon ZHO
2 OZ of molasses
1 handful of mushroom compost
1 handful of Ancient Forest soil
1 tablespoon of 10-0-0
Mex bat guano.
25 ML of Cal Mag
soak of 2days
Ph to 6.0 and serve


Well-Known Member
That's cool, Hemlock! Sounds like some good stuff.

If you're using a bubbler or brewer, here's a basic Aerated Compost Tea. Keep it simple for best results:

3TBS compost 

1/2 gallon water

3 tsp molasses

1/4tsp fish Hydrolysate 

1tsp kelp meal

1/4 tsp rock phosphate

From An amazing resource.


Well-Known Member
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Well-Known Member
Alright then today tea for the Veg room

5 gallons of r/o water

2 oz of molasses
1 handful of ancient forest soil
20ml of fulvic
1 table spoon of Mex bat shit
2 table spoons of tarancula
1 air stone

bubble bubble

heres a pic of the Veg room 28 different strains

pic of the breeding


Well-Known Member
I don't have an aloe plant yet! I have been slacking, holidays and stuff got me outta the loop. That coconut water was like crack for my roots. They are creepin all across the top-o my dirt.


Wow Rrog...thanks for this thread. There's so much info in this thread alone, nevermind the links to so much other stuff. Thanks!!

Is it more beneficial to use bokashi compost to feed a worm bin, or just go straight to a worm bin with food scraps? In post 109 you tell us how to make bokashi bran, how much bran from the feed store should be used with the amount of lacto b that we make?

Sorry if these questions have been answered here, I've read the thread over a few times....just don't remember seeing those answers:eyesmoke:. I cant thank you guys enough for all this awesome knowledge that you all so willingly share!!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Here is the recipe for bran. The part I give that you don't normally get is a volume measurement for the bran. Follow the normal directions.

Start with 10 lbs bran feed

17.5 qts bran (feed grade)
1 TBS sea salt
3L water
30mL EM or LAB serum 2 Tablespoons = 30ml
30mL blackstrap molasses

Throw in a handful or two of azomite or rock powders.

Mix well. Will be slightly moist. Leave in no-air dark bag for a month, then dry