Well-Known Member
You are both correct.
There is a long ass list of amendments in the TLO book. Now if someone has access to a good nursery, then they can just walk in and buy all the shit, no biggie.
I am very surprised how many sites I had to go to.
RRog is also stating that all that shit isn't needed to grow organically. And it isn't.
I'm getting it all though though.
The list is much longer out of the book cuz many amendments come in powder or granular form.
It's good to have both cuz the powder forms break down quickly and granular forms last much longer.
Most organic farming is basic, this style doesn't seem very basic.
Ive used this site, they are the shit
I follow the Rev. though I haven't read his new book, Ive read a lot of his articles.
About three year's ago I built my own organic soil with products from the above site.
May I recommend the soul able Micro Hume "fovic and humic acid", and Gaia Green glacial rock dust.
Good luck ~ The Guvna.