abe supercro
Well-Known Member
farmhouse w adjoining buildings and land, . i suspect that most of my work life will take place in this type of environment somewhere in the sticks just like now. I'll try to mix it up tho.
Fuckers taking $420 or I ain't buying it!that puppy is kool all engineered and shipped for 416$. the homestead would benefit w this as starter vortex.
I wanted to ask this question about teas and keep forgetting.
What's the difference between this:
And this:
Amazon's merchants are bitches about the shipping on the vortex brewer. They must spin it around the globe a few times so it works better or something. It's on ebay cheaper.
I have wanted to start understanding the deal with making teas and using them. You explained that excellent and I emailed Mr. Wilson for him to invoice my paypal and get one heading this way.Glad, one's a bubbler, and the other is an actual vortex brewer. The vortex really slams the air into the swirling compost tea. The square sided bubbler can have dead spots and the potential for a little anaerobic pockets. You want the vortex.
Now let me tell you. I have been talking about this No-Till method of indoor farming. The man who pioneered this is Mr. Tim Wilson. He's a pioneer in the field of soil biotics. He's a microscopist. A microscope guy. He's consulted for books like Teaming With Microbes. He's extensively studied Aerated Compost Teas and has the technique and your recipe on his site microbeorganics.com He also has the best vortex brewer that he makes for much less than the vortex you referenced.
And he has a long history with old strains and this man definitely enjoys a proper bowl. He's one of the fascinating masters of this field of living soil and deserves at least a crack at our business.