Kicked Out

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I'd prolly do the same if it was cold that night lol, I think being disrespectful would be stealing a whole bunch of jewelry and pawning it. Plus you don't know the back story too which I do wish their were more details, what if they are just being dicks? I'd again, take advantage of that hot tub, then again if they really are like this then I'd be worried about them calling the cops if you get caught.
I'd prolly do the same if it was cold that night lol, I think being disrespectful would be stealing a whole bunch of jewelry and pawning it. Plus you don't know the back story too which I do wish their were more details, what if they are just being dicks? I'd again, take advantage of that hot tub, then again if they really are like this then I'd be worried about them calling the cops if you get caught.

I highly doubt his parents made an arbitrary decision out of nowhere to kick him out. The fact they stipulated a week says he's been a problem in the past. I have a sneaky suspicion he was being a bit of problem when they kicked him out. I really don't care to be truthful. I think his parents are stupid. The least they could have done was wait until he got his 1500 dollars back from his BENCH WARRANT. You and I both know it takes two sides to tangle.
hmm.... I think I'm beginning to see the problem. Yep, you're tooootally innocent of any wrongdoing. I think your parents made the right choice. You have no respect for them.

I highly doubt his parents made an arbitrary decision out of nowhere to kick him out. The fact they stipulated a week says he's been a problem in the past. I have a sneaky suspicion he was being a bit of problem when they kicked him out. I really don't care to be truthful. I think his parents are stupid. The least they could have done was wait until he got his 1500 dollars back from his BENCH WARRANT. You and I both know it takes two sides to tangle.

lame poster is lame. :roll:
I dunno, I would just like some more details before saying anything else but him not telling anything between does raise a flag.
I dunno, I would just like some more details before saying anything else but him not telling anything between does raise a flag.

Yeah I'm pretty much done with this stupidity. What I don't understand (and I'm sure he'll have a ready answer) is why he doesn't just drive up to the so-called house he rented for his job teaching snowboarding?
Does this mean we're done making up our own story? Dad hadn't even made it into the story....

Well, when he left South or North Dakota (don't care enough to research) and first arrived back to NH he said he rented a house close to the ski area where he is going to work. His dad is a CTO of Black and Decker (multimillionaire) AND he makes thousands and thousands of dollars on the oil rigs. Not as a roust-a-bout. No way. He's too good to be a roust-a-bout. This is what's going on. Each claim more fantastic than the last.
i go downstairs, my moms like so what u gonna do
im like idk, dont rly have a plan. or money
dad goes not my problem u need to get going

and just like that my day went from shitty to just LOW

i'm in my car in a mcd's parking lot. nice to know your parents can't tolerate you during the holiday season so they'd rather kick you out...on the street

Your parents are probably just doing what they think is best for you. Really.

I have more than one old friend at 30+ years old... living in Mom and Dads basement... They probably just don't want to see you settle in.

I lived without a home for a good while. I spent a while in my car (Wal mart parking lot), then a good while sleeping in a storage room at my place of employment...

Just get a job that will make enough to pay your way... Get an apt, work on getting in a rented house, then grow a little... Growing a little will help ease the financial burden of living, while you pursue what you WANT to do... If snowboard instructor won't pay the bills TODAY, then you should put that job on hold.

Hang in there man. Just work your way out of it. Like I said... your parents are probably doing what is best for you. I don't know your exact situation... but you gotta work your way up out of your situation. Life, today, is money money money. Go make it.

If living out of the car is not something you can handle... Talk to a friend with a couch and apartment. Offer 1/4 of his rent for some couch space. If you can rough it out of your car you can get into your own place that much sooner.

Hang in there man.
so you have 200 bucks left easily if you didnt blow it on pot and booze and cigerettes which is what most people do.

go to your nearest walmart grab yourself protien filled meals that are cheap, go to the cheapest hotel. viola, problem solved.

suck it up buttercup, ive been kicked out since 17, never been back since, i had my own appartment bills paid, doesnt mean i aint poor you gotta live the adult lifestyle sometimes, though granted things were shittier when i was 17 then they are now , but ya know. time to grow up and put on your big girl panties
Kicked out at 17, is that even legal? Dunno what I'd do if I was kicked our that young, prolly would've end up doing worse than I have, hanging out with the wrong crowd at the time I prolly would be a toothless bum by now.
so you have 200 bucks left easily if you didnt blow it on pot and booze and cigerettes which is what most people do.

go to your nearest walmart grab yourself protien filled meals that are cheap, go to the cheapest hotel. viola, problem solved.

suck it up buttercup, ive been kicked out since 17, never been back since, i had my own appartment bills paid, doesnt mean i aint poor you gotta live the adult lifestyle sometimes, though granted things were shittier when i was 17 then they are now , but ya know. time to grow up and put on your big girl panties

RAMON NOODLES....... breakfast lunch and dinner.... lolzzz
RAMON NOODLES....... breakfast lunch and dinner.... lolzzz

Get a job at a food place, PM shift... A better job AM shift...

Make money at your AM job, feed yourself at your PM job.
A kitchen position at a full service rest will give you better options than a McD's.

Most rest's are ok with making a little food when you arrive and taking a little home. Lunch and dinner...

Lots of people got the easy route (parents money), lots of people made the smart choices (excelled in school, good job), some of us fucked shit up (neither), either way, you have to get to supporting yourself, soon.

If you parents DID totally fuck you... I'm sorry man... that sucks. All the best to you.
RAMON NOODLES....... breakfast lunch and dinner.... lolzzz

I did that in college. It took me years to try them again. I can only really stand the shrimp ramen and I doctor it up with hoisin sauce, green onions, fresh ginger, garlic, oyster sauce and sriracha sauce, I chop a little basil and cilantro in there as well. Then I finish off with some jalapenos and fresh lime juice. It's a faux pho. :p
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