Kicked Out

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New Member
that check i got a few days ago for 1,246 bucks is practically gone after paying $1,000 in car repair. I'm still waiting on that $1,500 from the court

As for the snowboard job, that starts in one week (my parents know that)

and that's it. there really ISN'T more to this story, my parents just decided to be dicks and boot me. I just feel asleep for like 6 hours in the mcd's parking lot. i'm gonna drive back tonight and sneak in the hot tub in the back yard when they're asleep, and smoke weed

Yes I WAS making good oil field money, but ran into the same problem i'd encountered many times in the oil field- nowhere to go/sleep


New Member
Well at least you have a job coming, yeah just seep in the car and bath in the hot tub till you get some money saved up for an apartment, you don't have any near by relatives or friends that could let you use their couch until then?


Well-Known Member
1,300 + 1,500 = 2,800 - 1,000 = 1,800
that check i got a few days ago for 1,246 bucks is practically gone after paying $1,000 in car repair. I'm still waiting on that $1,500 from the court

As for the snowboard job, that starts in one week (my parents know that)

and that's it. there really ISN'T more to this story, my parents just decided to be dicks and boot me. I just feel asleep for like 6 hours in the mcd's parking lot. i'm gonna drive back tonight and sneak in the hot tub in the back yard when they're asleep, and smoke weed

Yes I WAS making good oil field money, but ran into the same problem i'd encountered many times in the oil field- nowhere to go/sleep

you happy now carne? you of all people should know better than to judge people.


Well-Known Member
Yes I WAS making good oil field money, but ran into the same problem i'd encountered many times in the oil field- nowhere to go/sleep
Where did everyone else stay? You say you slept 6 hours in a mcd parking lot but couldn't find any where to sleep so you could bank money? Get a tent homie. Or try not to ostracize yourself from the rest of the working crew for what ever reason.


New Member
I dunno, depending on what kind of car, might be better in a nice comfy car, or if the sets fold down then that's a plus. Now if it's like a Geo Metro or something like that, yeah get a tent lol.


Well-Known Member
I dunno, depending on what kind of car, might be better in a nice comfy car, or if the sets fold down then that's a plus. Now if it's like a Geo Metro or something like that, yeah get a tent lol.
No I was more talking tenting for work. I did it before when I had to, when working away from home. Not recommended but in order to make money I made due. Then again I'm a grown man with mouths to feed.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
that check i got a few days ago for 1,246 bucks is practically gone after paying $1,000 in car repair. I'm still waiting on that $1,500 from the court

As for the snowboard job, that starts in one week (my parents know that)

and that's it. there really ISN'T more to this story, my parents just decided to be dicks and boot me. I just feel asleep for like 6 hours in the mcd's parking lot. i'm gonna drive back tonight and sneak in the hot tub in the back yard when they're asleep, and smoke weed

Yes I WAS making good oil field money, but ran into the same problem i'd encountered many times in the oil field- nowhere to go/sleep
hmm.... I think I'm beginning to see the problem. Yep, you're tooootally innocent of any wrongdoing. I think your parents made the right choice. You have no respect for them.
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