Which scenario would you prefer surviving against?

Cheif Kief

Which would you rather prefer surviving against during the end of the world?

A. Natural Disasters (Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, etc.) or B. Zombie Apocalypse

This would be in a realistic standpoint, so you wouldn't have a Ferrari GT racing against a tsunami or a bountiful of weaponry and ammo against the zombies. This would be survival of the fittest, and with your knowledge of survival skills which apocalyptic end would you best in?



Well-Known Member
A... When I die, it will most likely be from me getting super crushed by something rather than getting my brains eaten out.


Well-Known Member
I'm in Wisconsin so natural disasters don't really affect me too much. It'd be fun whooping a few of them but then after that it'd just be constant paranoia plus you'd have to be ready to fight for your life at all times. You'd have to worry about family members, pets getting turned into zombies. Everytime you go looking for food there's a chance you could get attacked. But natural disasters hurt nature so the food supply would be less if nature was just being destroyed.

Probably wouldn't be a good idea to get too high since you'd want to have optimal thinking and physical performance in a situation like this. Survival of the fittest is right.... and weed doesn't allow your body to work its best.

Dice Clay

Active Member
I'm in Wisconsin so natural disasters don't really affect me too much. It'd be fun whooping a few of them but then after that it'd just be constant paranoia plus you'd have to be ready to fight for your life at all times. You'd have to worry about family members, pets getting turned into zombies. Everytime you go looking for food there's a chance you could get attacked. But natural disasters hurt nature so the food supply would be less if nature was just being destroyed.

Probably wouldn't be a good idea to get too high since you'd want to have optimal thinking and physical performance in a situation like this. Survival of the fittest is right.... and weed doesn't allow your body to work its best.

tell that to legendary bong master Mike Phelps ;) what that dude did whilst smoking the sweet sweet cheeba is pretty amazing! I always thought it was funny that the dude wins like what 30 gold medals in 1 olympics and people are all over his shit for a bong hit.... it obviously didn't hurt ;)


Active Member
Which would you rather prefer surviving against during the end of the world?

A. Natural Disasters (Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, etc.) or B. Zombie Apocalypse

This would be in a realistic standpoint, so you wouldn't have a Ferrari GT racing against a tsunami or a bountiful of weaponry and ammo against the zombies. This would be survival of the fittest, and with your knowledge of survival skills which apocalyptic end would you best in?

Zombies for sure. More ability to control ones destiny thru resourcefulness. Can't really fight Mother Nature.


Well-Known Member
tell that to legendary bong master Mike Phelps ;) what that dude did whilst smoking the sweet sweet cheeba is pretty amazing! I always thought it was funny that the dude wins like what 30 gold medals in 1 olympics and people are all over his shit for a bong hit.... it obviously didn't hurt ;)
Gotta love the delusion of some posters. It's not like Phelps sits there and smokes weed everyday. There was ONE picture of him hitting a bong one time and all of the sudden some stoners are like "Oh yeah, Phelps smokes and he's athletic, I guess weed doesn't affect that at all". He wouldn't have all the medals he does if he smoked weed anywhere close to everyday.

Dice Clay

Active Member
Gotta love the delusion of some posters. It's not like Phelps sits there and smokes weed everyday. There was ONE picture of him hitting a bong one time and all of the sudden some stoners are like "Oh yeah, Phelps smokes and he's athletic, I guess weed doesn't affect that at all". He wouldn't have all the medals he does if he smoked weed anywhere close to everyday.

c'mon man... lighten up... obviously that was a joke.. but to be honest before I got sick I did play college football and pro ball in germany.. and blazed all the time... if you train like a pro... smoking is not gonna kill your game (it won't help either).

oh well I thought this would be a light hearted thread


Well-Known Member
If you train hard everyday, you will get results regardless of smoking. My point is that those results will be reduced if you smoke weed everyday. Some people may smoke and still be good athletes, but they could be even better. It hinders overall physical and mental performance.

Some people say they think better when they're high, which means one of two things:

1.) You're really stupid when you're sober.
2.) Other issues such as depression, anxiety, or other withdrawal symptoms occupy your thoughts instead.

Dice Clay

Active Member
If you train hard everyday, you will get results regardless of smoking. My point is that those results will be reduced if you smoke weed everyday. Some people may smoke and still be good athletes, but they could be even better. It hinders overall physical and mental performance.

Some people say they think better when they're high, which means one of two things:

1.) You're really stupid when you're sober.
2.) Other issues such as depression, anxiety, or other withdrawal symptoms occupy your thoughts instead.

why would you generalize like this and state such things as fact.. when they are clearly only your opinions?

I have been involved with competitive sports my whole life, and competed at high levels with many other atheletes. I know for a fact MANY DI wrestlers who smoke before matches because it loosens their muscles.. that is a real effect of cannabis... it can relax one's mind when competing in a stressful environment... I don't know what that has to do with intelligence... just as I know many genial scientists who smoke regularly..... You seem angry... should I pass it to the left hand side?

sorry for hi-jacking the thread... you may have it back now ;)


Well-Known Member
why would you generalize like this and state such things as fact.. when they are clearly only your opinions?

I have been involved with competitive sports my whole life, and competed at high levels with many other atheletes. I know for a fact MANY DI wrestlers who smoke before matches because it loosens their muscles.. that is a real effect of cannabis... it can relax one's mind when competing in a stressful environment... I don't know what that has to do with intelligence... just as I know many genial scientists who smoke regularly..... You seem angry... should I pass it to the left hand side?

Are you trying to argue that cannabis can give you a physical advantage? You know what else loosens up muscles... STRETCHING. I'm not saying it'd be a bad idea to smoke weed, but given an apocalyptic type situation, being blazed would be stupid. Smoking to get a energetic buzz or slight high is fine, but getting faded out of your mind on a consistent basis would likely hurt your chances of survival because others would be smarter and more physically capable than you are.


Well-Known Member
Zombies. I've got more glocks than most people have butter knives. :-P. They have never hit anything other than paper and plastic... to be clear on that. No carrying or "protect my family" bullshit. Just holes in lifeless objects. Zombies will do...