Which scenario would you prefer surviving against?

Zombies. I've got more glocks than most people have butter knives.

See I was anti guns until recently, dated a hunter and now I grip his barrel every chance I get.
Nothings hotter then a man that can bring home diner.

random thought, not really directed at u, ya i'm high rflmao

Newsflash people, if the world was ending, ammunition will be limited. Once you run out of bullets, unless you can manage to make your own, the gun is less useful than a baseball bat. Guns are for pussies. Let's see a "real man" go out and kill a buck with his bare hands and then make a natural fire, that's true survival. Using a gun and then bringing it back to your house to cook it is far from being a true survivor.
Newsflash people, if the world was ending, ammunition will be limited. Once you run out of bullets, unless you can manage to make your own, the gun is less useful than a baseball bat. Guns are for pussies. Let's see a "real man" go out and kill a buck with his bare hands and then make a natural fire, that's true survival. Using a gun and then bringing it back to your house to cook it is far from being a true survivor.
Ok, ok... natural disaster. :cry:
If we're going to talk about hypothetical situations, we might as well try be realistic about what would happen lol
Newsflash people, if the world was ending, ammunition will be limited. Once you run out of bullets, unless you can manage to make your own, the gun is less useful than a baseball bat. Guns are for pussies. Let's see a "real man" go out and kill a buck with his bare hands and then make a natural fire, that's true survival. Using a gun and then bringing it back to your house to cook it is far from being a true survivor.

Fucking logic, always bursting my happy bubble...... fine i'll use my danty bare hand ninja skills..... watch me die ;)
I'm 5 ft 100lbs, I need a gun lol even a tater gun might do .... lol

Ok explain how u kill a buck with ur bare hands, please be detailed :)
Fucking logic, always bursting my happy bubble...... fine i'll use my danty bare hand ninja skills..... watch me die ;)
I'm 5 ft 100lbs, I need a gun lol even a tater gun might do .... lol

Ok explain how u kill a buck with ur bare hands, please be detailed :)

Figure it out or find something else to eat lol. Set up a trap, sneak up on it and strangle it. It won't be easy that's for sure and will be a hell of a lot of work for a meal (well, multiple meals), but that's what survival is all about, right?
Zombies don't exist so I'm going with zombies.

Oh well played. You anticipated my post. I was gonna go with natural disasters because, after all, they're possible. Then zombies, because after all ... the natural disasters could happen. Why make work? cn
Newsflash people, if the world was ending, ammunition will be limited. Once you run out of bullets, unless you can manage to make your own, the gun is less useful than a baseball bat. Guns are for pussies. Let's see a "real man" go out and kill a buck with his bare hands and then make a natural fire, that's true survival. Using a gun and then bringing it back to your house to cook it is far from being a true survivor.

Zombies. I've got more glocks than most people have butter knives. :-P. They have never hit anything other than paper and plastic... to be clear on that. No carrying or "protect my family" bullshit. Just holes in lifeless objects. Zombies will do...

was a glock man until I squeezed my first springfield ;) 13+1 and it is soooo smooth.. i would Highly suggest giving them a try if you haven't already.. it's the only .45 that shoots like a 9

You're going to get that close to a wild deer without it running away to cut him? Again, I guess you could sneak, but you're still not being a true survivor. Now, if you made that weapon yourself out of natural materials and then used it to kill the deer, then it'd be impressive.
was a glock man until I squeezed my first springfield ;) 13+1 and it is soooo smooth.. i would Highly suggest giving them a try if you haven't already.. it's the only .45 that shoots like a 9

I'm a fan of the 1911 frame. Fits my hand and points itself almost. And the big slow shotgun boom of the .45 round is pleasanter than the small-dog bark of a nine. Jmo. cn