government bought 450 million hollow point bullets and guess what else?

Not correct. The Geneva Convention limits military to using non-expanding rounds which means FMJ. Hunters use almost exclusively expanding (soft- and hollowpoint) ammo. cn

Exactly what I've seen!

Most laws I've seen BAN the use of FMJ or steel core/jacketed ammunition for hunting. In some places you'll lose your right to possess if caught hunting with FMJ. I saw a coyote get shot at medium range (about 300m) with surplus russian 762x54 center-fire steel core/steel jacket. It ran off all retarded and died later.

Personally, I'd rather be shot by FMJ. pass-through is almost inevitable, especially with long rounds. An .45 APC FMJ would leave a hole in a person, and anything standing behind them.

The DHS also is in charge of all National Security (in-border) at this point, and collaborates purchase with other federal enforcement agencies that were brought under their umbrella (DHS is designed to be what the NSA, FBI, ATF, CIA, and Secret Service should have been, had it not been for inter-office competition.)

I'm still more concerned about calling a Blackwater switchboard to talk to a friend a few years back (around '04-'05,) and getting answered by the switch-desk at Langley. (Good morning, I'm calling to talk to "a friend", I'm "me"... "I'm sorry sir, "a friend" doesn't exist. Good bye.")