Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member
Thank you sir, its Sour D x Blueberry and I pollinated it with Cougar Kush(Northern Skunk x R.Ed Kush). Seeds should be amazing.


Well-Known Member
things be good here slow and quiet right now
i hope all is good on your end - including your new honey

that looks very nice there fm
nice shot cant make out nutin but pistils and trichs -cant make out calyexes or leaves just like big ball of glue

a very dence bud looks gooie and sparkly
whuts it hittin like
anything domanating smell and taste
has a very interesting list of ingredients


Well-Known Member
things be good here slow and quiet right now
i hope all is good on your end - including your new honey

that looks very nice there fm
nice shot cant make out nutin but pistils and trichs -cant make out calyexes or leaves just like big ball of glue

a very dence bud looks gooie and sparkly
whuts it hittin like
anything domanating smell and taste
has a very interesting list of ingredients
Everything is good here, BC is doing fine. He made some nice beans too.

My MD buds are still curing Day 6 in the Jar. I have sampled her and she has a very sour rotten toxic taste. Very racy and Trippe high. Very bad cottonmouth and gives you big munchies. I really cant wait to see how she is after a full cure. I really focused on curing my buds right this run. Definitely pays off when you take your time curing flowers. Well worth the wait IMO. She is very gooey and has great oils in her. I have a lot of popcorn nugs and sugar leaf only trimmings. Going to run her solo for BHO.


Well-Known Member
that is good glad all is makin beans and all is good for all
the md sounds correct all but the dry mouth parts
my fisrt bho it was good hard to deal wit without right equipment -was quite messy -i had everything glued up

good to hear from you
stay up
stay focused
stay high


Well-Known Member
Dam mate your avi is a beauty LOL shes bangin!!

Hows them autos comin on bro?
still no pics an still got a fair bit to do, startin to drag
everythin just take me ages to do cos only get the odd hour here an there
but my little psycho snip is doin well an will all be done soon so im happy
hows you lot mate?


Well-Known Member
yeah she is bangin i wish i was bangin that
i fell in luve when i first saw her

autos one is still up i pilled one already
no sign of the sts spray working yet gona leave treated branch connected a couple more weeks -i have no clue whuts whut

all is good over here an i hope the same for over there


Well-Known Member
Haha dont we all id sell a leg lol
how longs the 1 been down? you tried some?
hope the sts spray works for ya bro, whats ya plans with the poll?
all sound over here cheers mate


Well-Known Member
i have tried it a couple times
but it needs a cure on it

its a serrious hit
strong daytime not
a couch lock go to sleep heavy but a heavy daytime keep movin

i used to luve diesel ryders nyc diesel x lowryder 2 had it many times did a nice seed run wit it a bout 2 1/2 years ago was first attempt


Well-Known Member
how you be ched -hope all be good for you and your bro
all is as planed
me and the wife going to texas for week third week in sept so gona break down and clean up during that down time
might even upgrade dont know just pulled my last auto down i guess i did not use the time the best i could
got a bout a month till trip and one auto to dry in that time -like i saud poor use of time -i d rather be this way then leaving sumthing up runnin unattended for a week an sum days


Well-Known Member
how you be ched -hope all be good for you and your bro
all is as planed
me and the wife going to texas for week third week in sept so gona break down and clean up during that down time
might even upgrade dont know just pulled my last auto down i guess i did not use the time the best i could
got a bout a month till trip and one auto to dry in that time -like i saud poor use of time -i d rather be this way then leaving sumthing up runnin unattended for a week an sum days
yu wanna siamese cat still? if yure comin tis way by Dallas.


Well-Known Member
i really would like one but situations bringin me close but not close enough
maybe not ment to be
i read there one owner cats will even draw blood from other then feeder


Well-Known Member
how you be ched -hope all be good for you and your bro
all is as planed
me and the wife going to texas for week third week in sept so gona break down and clean up during that down time
might even upgrade dont know just pulled my last auto down i guess i did not use the time the best i could
got a bout a month till trip and one auto to dry in that time -like i saud poor use of time -i d rather be this way then leaving sumthing up runnin unattended for a week an sum days
Glad all is good my brother
not to bad myself well as good as a man can be !! Hopin to be back in da manor by sat latest and ill av girls on 12/12 rite about then so all will be firing from then !! I hear u on leavin things for a wk its a bum way to leave things but ifs must ya must bro a month without fuck all goin on will be good for the brain mate no worry no cry ;-)


Well-Known Member
i have tried it a couple times
but it needs a cure on it

its a serrious hit
strong daytime not
a couch lock go to sleep heavy but a heavy daytime keep movin

i used to luve diesel ryders nyc diesel x lowryder 2 had it many times did a nice seed run wit it a bout 2 1/2 years ago was first attempt
High sounds good on it mate, flavor not there yet?
What made you go for autos on your 1st run bro?
was just thinkin lol i was fems, still got 1 g13 seed left got 2 but pussied out an did 1 my 1st run lol