Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

good mornin all
we have been sparred again

since 60 ive been treating everyday like its my birthday
enjoy like its yo last not over indulging just enjoyin

i have went to so many funerals of old friends
i hve learnt to realize tomorrow is not promissed

and id like to ask my giving creator to send a little extra to
us that need a little extra love - healing - overall could use a blessing

im just saying
if you hear me i know you can
oh creator bless them

oh creator you know we are all still good soldiers good people
we grow but obay all other laws of the land
we dis obay laws of our government based on fear
that says we cant grow a plant you left for us

i ask nuthing for myself
you have given me so much
an i am gratful

1Luv Stay True

happy birthday to yure wife today.
those bullshit posts come and go i dont know if they remove them or the threds popo got afta them

thats nice round nuber theree 1.75 i can settle for that and thats not yo heaviest either
good haul bro

yeah me and wifie had a good eve had a few drinks together wnt to a sea food rest called bone fish pretty good

i always get desert to go and have abowl befor it

i hope all had afine day
mine started hit or miss but got quite nice
sounds fun,glad yu had a good time,,i'm all about that seafood mysef...3 ogs left drying .few gdp ,critical kush,purps,etc still left finishing.
a few die hards wont finish up hegh
just member the wine comercial

I think you'd like this movie, all about that honor and respect