Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


pitiful sum neb says its 5 months old to

What the hell happened to those plants ? I mean it looks like you got the munchies and ate all the leaves. This growing thing is new to me but it looks like locusts ate up your plants!
yo my dude
you know nutin of whut you speak
that is a pic sume newb put up
i brought it forward cause i thought it was pityful
if sumtin is funny to me or informative
i bring it forward

walk wit dis-always prepare your entry especially if its your first entry
always enter correct , humble, polite, or stay on the outside an observe

an unsecure person might take that as an insult
i take it as a carless mistake

it humers me you think that is where my grow skills are
i only whish you lived down the block from me we could start a grow of two of yours an two of my seeds
one each per grower the best two takes the kittty put up say a buck each -yeah 2 hunnerd dat would get me sum seeds and abottle
we just have a little grow compatition
man to man

an if i win i kick you in yo azz an if you win you kick me in my azz
an the 2 hunnerd
(oops i accadently kicked you in yo nuts ) now get da fuk outa here

im gona look through sum of yo shit when im done while you here at my house
look back and laugh at sum more of my sorry shit
while i take a look at yo pro shit
see whut makes you want to snap on me thinkin thats my level of growin

old cowboy days therd be agunfight when the young itchy mothed gun rode into town
an most times he was left wit a hole in him still smokin right wher he first opened his mouth

an the old gunslinger just turned back to the table-picked up his cards and called

yeah we alll need sum motavation sumtime
a kick in da azz sum time
sum inspiration
we all need sumtin sumtime

positive attract positive
Autos looking nice.

Things are moving along slowly this way. But they are starting to fall into place now I think.

Last round of pollen chucking did us well i think.

Somewhere around 400-500 total seeds off of 7 different plants :)
glad to hear things are moving no matter how slow

you a a chukin muther chuka now sounds good

one dem autos close to finish #1
i see no sign of sts taken yet i plan to leve the branches for a few no idea of the time needed a few pistils look damaged or sumtin

hope all picks up for you

good k yo way
thank you TG..we appreciate it..theres nuthin in this world yu can get attached to and keep it ,the more important things that is.lifes funny that way...yu have a good one bro.
yo my dude
you know nutin of whut you speak
that is a pic sume newb put up
i brought it forward cause i thought it was pityful
if sumtin is funny to me or informative
i bring it forward

walk wit dis-always prepare your entry especially if its your first entry
always enter correct , humble, polite, or stay on the outside an observe

an unsecure person might take that as an insult
i take it as a carless mistake

it humers me you think that is where my grow skills are
i only whish you lived down the block from me we could start a grow of two of yours an two of my seeds
one each per grower the best two takes the kittty put up say a buck each -yeah 2 hunnerd dat would get me sum seeds and abottle
we just have a little grow compatition
man to man

an if i win i kick you in yo azz an if you win you kick me in my azz
an the 2 hunnerd
(oops i accadently kicked you in yo nuts ) now get da fuk outa here

im gona look through sum of yo shit when im done while you here at my house
look back and laugh at sum more of my sorry shit
while i take a look at yo pro shit
see whut makes you want to snap on me thinkin thats my level of growin

old cowboy days therd be agunfight when the young itchy mothed gun rode into town
an most times he was left wit a hole in him still smokin right wher he first opened his mouth

an the old gunslinger just turned back to the table-picked up his cards and called


Good to see members have a good sense of humor here! If you take life to seriously it will always win ! We all end up the same way---- Dead--dried out -- and some are even smoked!