Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

Are you ok Rich? i hope iin the slightest bit you in't talkin bout me. I embody MAKING SEEDS to SPREAD around. I do make seeds, with out me making them they would not be here. they couldn't do it with out me and me without them, its symbiotic. We are one, and we share eachother. However, i am pretty sure you are not speaking of me. But it seems you are angry over something you cannot control, soe people will be strain hoarding, power tripping people, and some are like you and i, and are open to sharing and half the people that have my beans gave me nothing in return.
Like i said, i know your not speaking on me because you say breeder and i am no breeder(and again with this ego thing, definitely nor me. i am one of the most humble folk round here., i just know how i want what i like and how to apply it to my growing. But don't be so angry about a bean you probably have in your arsenal. its sour d x bubba i'm sure you got something close. and my opinions on SK is this. i gave my word to not share someone else work that they spent years on "perfecting", and thats fair. because if i sen some shit and asked a favor i would expect the same. but i feel like if sk is worth crossing and doing something with, i will. it's not a V.I.P. strain in my eyes, just almost extinct.
I am a fraud? lol rich im confused?

Bill can you come in and translate. Rich i never done nothing to you. I just want to know why you are so angry at times.
no Mr T not you

i just get pissy when i look around at these so called breeders all they doin is holdin mary for ransom
i have been around smoke longer then most here have lived
and i have seen different stages of the game being played by diff peeps
this thing where we are now is sad

there is lots out but not circulating except for a big price tag
and sum take big price tag dont give you seeds

my point is from here can only get worse future maybe 3 seeds for 100
and i recall when they were free peeps cusssed cause they had to many in bags
i had jars of seeds i foolisly threw out cause they were everywhere some of my small time friends asked me for seeds to cut there weight and stretch the weed
dats why im sayin everyone needs to make them and flood market wit more then (the hegh breeders) can make

all the breeders cant stand them wit there egos
and few are breeders most pollen slingers

im just makin noise im a raving lunatic when it comes to certain things thats one

you see my friend holdin mary captive to gurantee her being is one thing so lots of peeps can get to meet her
but holden her captive for five people to enjoy -or pay 150 for 10 -when they used to be fallen out the bags
could spot a smoker by holes in his shirt from seeds poping -i guess im the only one that members those days
so i must sound like a mad man
I completely agree, but i think you shouldn't waste that energy on being grumpy, use it as positive energy. Maybe we can f2 all the High price seed companies raping ppl . then give the f2's out for free, all over. that would be cool.
I am a fraud? lol rich im confused?

Bill can you come in and translate. Rich i never done nothing to you. I just want to know why you are so angry at times.

no bro not you i typed that for any so clled breeder not you
you post came up before i posted it thats all
ok, honestly thats hoe Cali ConMen got on. they had all of elite stuff. when elite got busted they started making f2's and selling them on potpimp, i remember so clear. Now they are bid ol' Cali Connection. Straight Jacked elite. Elite created lot of their work in the beginning.
And i can see why some would be cautious about sharing. My guy on here shares ALOT with not much return i mean dozens of beans. He let one guy get it with hopes he would spread it, But instead of spread he sold or something, he crossed what he got from my guy and now what he made is for sale on a breeder website, with no props given or credit to my guy.
you know bill is a good man but he cant explain me
i cant even explain me

i just get volatile over sum shits
like nitroglycerin easy to blow up

not stable and predictable like most
that is it
not his
they belong to all
belong to the people
a gift from god
not to be owned

now im a artist and if i create awork of art
is my creation if i write a song is mine

if i take two of gods plants
and come up with a third one i have not made anything
an that third one should be shared not held captive cause in rialaty is gods not mines
i cant make a seed i can make art i can build a house i cant make a tree

if you look deeper is fucked up times
if one hundred years ago someone said im gona be rich
im gona be selling dirt and rocks and water
would have been laughed at
in 60's when everyone was dumping seeds -im gona be rich seeling back seeds
wouold have been the same

in another 50 years where are we gona be
i been around weed for 47 years and its a sad game
the way it is played and it could be so good

i have seen seeds go from throw aways to paying an arm an a leg for them in 47 years
where to in another 50 -wont be my problem -just sad
yeh but sometimes
i flip out
often dont make sence to others (mainly caus i dont explain my views most times)
im volatile
im explosive
i never follow along- not peacefully
Gotta articulate the great love, man
Most people think they're doing something good too, road to hell is paved with good intentions,
so just make them realize that you're fighting for the same good
sum do think they doing good -and prolly a few are - but all are getting fat
i have spoken to many have respect for but a couple
sum greedy all about $$
all seem to forget the genetics are all of ours not theres
they got mary tied up and gaged in there basment to do with her as they please
rape her molless her gag fuk her azz fuk her any thing they pleas

set mary free

sum get egos so big you cant stand them
cause they handling the seeds that are not theres to controll

belongs to the people from god
God said, "Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth.…To you it will be for meat." … And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. (Genesis 1:29-31) The Bible predicts some herb's prohibition. "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times, some shall … speak lies in hypocrisy … commanding to abstain from meats which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. (Paul: 1 Timothy 4:1-3)
dont be confused bro
dese fkn spamers suck syphilis infested dicks
and swim underwater in diarreah shits
life form dont get much lower
Morning D, i spent 7 hours in the ER. got home at 0730am. My ladt scratch my cornea real bad, during sex of all thing, and from the top, just my luck. Now i have a eye doc appt tomorrow to see if it makes my vision worse than it is.
Morning D, i spent 7 hours in the ER. got home at 0730am. My ladt scratch my cornea real bad, during sex of all thing, and from the top, just my luck. Now i have a eye doc appt tomorrow to see if it makes my vision worse than it is.
Ouch T, you must of been really making her wild to cut your eye out!!! Hope you feel better and wishing no damage to your vision bro!

I am off to work now!

