Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

that wild t the way it happened i hope you got a good doc
an heals good
an leaves nothing behind but a bad memory
you gona be ahite
just gona take a piece of time

dont work that eye to much strain on it
ill give you another appointment for say a flower perioud two months an we check back on it

till then stay up
stay high
stay positive

my mother used to say when you do shit shit happens
you dont do nutin an you safe nutin gona happen to you

looks like things always gona be happenin
just a pic a double header

old man is doing good right now
first lift off is buda tahoe mixed wit peyote purple
whut a delightful hit smell and taste wit outstanding head across the board

yesterdays combo was sup lem haz and acapulco gold

i like veriety an once i been there next im mixing
sumtimes mixes is da shit fosho
Mixing is always fun! I even mixed up some bho of different strains to see how it is! Always learning fucking around! lol
Are you running any Amino Acids? When I use them it does freaky shit like that to my plants. My PLP F2 is doing crazy shit now cause I am using HG's Amino Acids. It was a free sample and I been using it for about 2 weeks, I stopped using it cause my plants got tweeked from it.

Have a good day brother D!

you 2 have a fine day bro

yeah im always fuknaround
not always learnin as much as the first two years
i have already graduated learn how to grow U
now getting my masters degree

back then i was in growin high school still learnin
now that i have graduated not learnin as much as often
but errynow and again sum good info pops up an sticks wit me

so still learnin not as much as when i needed someone to hold my hand
its a good feelin when you are free i used to get so pissy when peeps did not answer my questions right away

hardly any questions these days -just do my thing -

njoy yo grow -as you do yo thing
fm i can taste that hit it is gooooodddddddd!

PB- all is good broda
its a good day
in a good mood
and got good peeps around me

so errting be cumin up groovy broda

big ups to you an blessings of da almighty cover you and yo luved ones

I an I
Danks fellas! Hey D what was that spray stuff you got not to long ago? I think it was to use to make beans on a female plant??? I want to get beans off a female plant, any recommendations bro would be grateful!


tried it once on an auto but dont think i had the time right gotta be before flower i set up after flower
and did not work
i tried silver spray bade nans not balls nas was all stuck into buds and i tossed them
if you like i can send you a little each powder and you can give a shot need nutinafta that but scale for parts of gram and the right water
