Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

yea id rather have the piece of mind nutin is runnin
is it gona dry up is all gona be safe while im away
i have seen pics of these fires unbelievable wher lights stratup
wit no body home to take care of it

yep i think im pnoid over cautious no chances for me i dont gamble im more of a cry baby if i loose so
so i sacrifice m ups to have no downs
level is fine by me

i dont laugh much
and i dont cry much


thats me
yea id rather have the piece of mind nutin is runnin
is it gona dry up is all gona be safe while im away
i have seen pics of these fires unbelievable wher lights stratup
wit no body home to take care of it

yep i think im pnoid over cautious no chances for me i dont gamble im more of a cry baby if i loose so
so i sacrifice m ups to have no downs
level is fine by me

i dont laugh much
and i dont cry much


thats me
level is the way your ment to be lad unless your incognito then u can get away with doin somethin alittle crazy lol
Here's some pictures of this giant my friend is growing.
It's beautiful. Giant is almost an understatement.
looks spankin good
you pretty much straight bro
enjoy fruits of yo labor

you whip yo bho or use purge method
which ever you used it looks good

that plat shold make another nice load

enjoy yo self bro
an yes i wish i could hit one dem double loaded pipes wit both of them

oh well i cant but you can -so hit away
Purge boss! Every day we wake up is a great day!! Enjoy the weekend, I am off tomorrow so I will be chillin with my kids!


i hear ya bill but good is good enough for me
im not gready when recieving my blessings
all im asking for is good

a man of simple needs
an not huge expectations
is more often not let down
or down and disapointed


give me good
an im good

fm - gotta get sum purge equipment
looks top notch i found i messy to handle

enjoy yours

best of all to all
I tried germing some Space Queen x Querkle, and some Sharksbreath x Querkle that was in my grab bag.

The SB x Querkle never popped, and the SQ x Querkle popped and then died from damping off disease...
prolly be putin a pkg for you and pb

you both have responsibilys to others to meet

in sharring of seeds and passing on the offsprings must keep this thing moving
cause a lot is workin in the other direction -holdin mary hostage for ransom like breeders an fake azzed breeders
free mary spread dem beans

spread them beans in the 60's and 70's mary was free
now dy got po mary tied up in day basments calling demselves breeders
set mary freee she belongs to you and me
a gift from my creator

set her free
these sorry mauh fukas aint got a clue sayin day made seedes
the fuken plants will make seeds on day own you cant make shit if i put yo azz in an empty room and say i let you out when you make a seed yo azz be in dere for a long time

but if you put two plants together an they do whut my creator told them to do you ant made shit
you got sum seeds

you dont own seeds
they are gods seeds
you in possession of them
but you got to spreead them
an you get more if sit on them
you get lesss
spred them thats yo job the better you do yo job better you get rewarded on pay day
word from my creator
your a breeder

your a fuken joke

your sumbody wit a inflated ego
you cant make dick

now my creator

I an I

stay true

now holden mary hostage
only nine people got the seed
i feel like sumbody is leakin the genetics
only 3 postin where is other 6
one of the 6 is th leak
hay ho come you havent busted um
get sum pics up

are they yours or mine still
you sure you not the leak

enjoy them