mmma down???

Hold it guys. The reason the MMMA doesn't want to do the protest on the perfect day is to screw with me. there is new administration over there. They're all like Tim.:dunce: Thanks
If you listened to Komorn the other night I banned everyone. I was logging on o other MOds IDs. They are all chicken shit. They started their new day by lying to the world.
Tim, comes over here and brags about stabbing me in the back. You want to let this MF get close to you. He admitted he is a worm. He protected a rich lawyer and sold the patients down the river. He even told me when I was lining up a PR firm to help us out that he was going to land a big one. Watch him, Q-Tipper, Medcman. All of them will drop a dime.
Hi Folks, I am the real Blueberry. No need to say it. I already know all the nouns and adjectives. I just want to warn you that timmahh is indeed a rat fuck. He had me setup to get busted in Lansing. I was going to open a farmers market there. Komorn and him dropped so many dimes, we had to trash the idea. That wasn't enough for this snake. He started spreading shit about the Jackson Market. Regardless of what you think that market helps a lot of people. Whatever you do, don't let this asshole know any of your business. He is a narc and will screw you over in a New York Heartbeat. Go over and read the shit. Medcman, "I told Komorn what was really happening". All of them will rat you out and stab you in the back. Now the MMMA has cancelled the protest on the 17th. They are sending CPU to talk to them. Dumber than Dogshit. Proceed gentlemen. Bash the shit out of me. You may hate my guts but at least I'm not like this weasel fuck. Thanks, Bb
fawk off pos
You guys are really going to get fucked by this Dispensary Bill. We are all screwed. Komorn played them. Wake up. The distribution Bill is on the 18th. Bye Bye caregivers.
You guys are really going to get fucked by this Dispensary Bill. We are all screwed. Komorn played them. Wake up. The distribution Bill is on the 18th. Bye Bye caregivers.



srsly, though.. we've been sold out. bunch of fascists
If the first package of bills being voted on, on April 17th wasn't enough, then they jam the dispensary bill thru when our backs are turned. Hell alot folks asleep NOW while smancy lawyers and republicans draft our future Added-On Laws. I'm speaking about all patients and caregivers that is.

I believe that Timm, at the MMM. site, mentioned that he felt that when this pkg of "4" bills Plus 1 pHATty (not in a good way) dispensary bill -Pass The House Floor- they would, most likey, continue on and pass S. to become new law. Go ahead and clean up my paraphrasing Timm, sorry if I have it wrong.
I declare that Timm and mad-dog Blue Jeans DON'T START SHIITTE IN THIS THREAD. I understand Timm is once again in a posi to defend himself. Go ahead T. but don't get carried away, same for you J.

There is way too much going down to play patty-cakes.
I'm gonna start meditating, praying, whatever-the-funk it takes to attempt to get an axis shift.

Bottom Line: Look at Colorado. If you don't own, yes OWN, a dispensary you are essentially done.
Blueberry - even if everything you say is true - it's a bit late for you to organize protests don't you think?

You ran everyone off and ruled like a tyrant and now that you don't have the power you don't know when to accept defeat.
You slept in a snake pit and got bit; now you are very weak. Changing snake pits won't fix that.

You were fired from a disfunctional organization who then married another disfunctional organization.
Now the two liars can sleep together at night in the same bed.
It's poetic justice. Be careful what you wish for:
This isn't about Bluberry or the mmma site guys... While you are working thru past hurts, your medical law is being re-negotiated. Guess that's too tough a concept to begin to digest and accept until well after the fact.
NO Biggie... Dudes... Go back to sleep.
Abe, I have been shown nothing in this state but corruption. I honestly believe the majority of it is corrupt. That doesn't surprise me in the least. We vote in a law, and they take that law and do whatever they want to it. I expect that from those cock suckers.
I do not expect that from the 3MA, CPU or any other group claiming to want to help sick people.

I guess I expect the wolf to try to kill me, but it's the one's wearing the sheep tuxedo that has me sick to my stomach.