I think you have to think about where you live and how you interact. I dont hear about that shit happening out here. That is some fucked up shit no matter what race it is and those kids should be charged with a hate crime, but why don't your cops even care?
I dont know why the cops didnt care. None of the cops were white though, which shouldnt matter as badly as this kid was beaten and the girl who they attempted to abduct/rape. Many witness were there and wanted to give statements that were not taken. Maybe the suv belonged to a family member or friend of one of the cops. If the kid had a gun and shot these guys I bet it would be a headline story.
​He's about to do a jelly donut.
[video=youtube;aVA-cqASg8k]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVA-cqASg8k[/video]​He's about to do a jelly donut.
​I'm not part of your system.
What does them being white or black have to do with anything? Why is that part so important? Are you racist?
Tulsa, Oklahoma 5 shot - 2 survived. All of them black.
Lets see how this gets spun. I wonder if they are going to use the Stand Your Ground Defense? And let's hear how it wasn't racially motivated.
Tulsa, Oklahoma 5 shot - 2 survived. All of them black.
Lets see how this gets spun. I wonder if they are going to use the Stand Your Ground Defense? And let's hear how it wasn't racially motivated.
White hatred is state sanctioned. Public education is dedicated to destroying and rewriting history and instilling white-guilt. It's okay to hate on white people-- everything has been easy for us --right? We have everything, we have never suffered, and we deserve to die. In fact we are not really people at all--just symbols of power. And the sick sick sick part of it all is that white people did it to themselves. White people are the objects of their own genocide.
i dunno imo. . . .some people are just assholes regardless of what color they are.
Gee Carne sounds like you want to herd all us white people into boxcars and send us to the ovens. . .? Happy Easter.
destroying and rewriting history??you mean now they are starting to tell the truth about what really happened to minoritys in america for so many years?
how are NATIVE americans treated in their own country?by white ppl?how are NATIVE australians treated in thier own country by white ppl?
if you force ppl to live in the gutter,when you easily have the resources to help them,dont be suprised if it blows up in your face.
I knew exactly where this thread was going. Thanks guys!![]()
Oh, and this was recently in the news - http://www.toledoblade.com/Police-F...recounts-assault-by-6-youths-in-E-Toledo.htmlMan, 78, recounts assault by 6 youths in E. Toledo
While Mr. Watts was down the boys kicked him, over and over, shouting, "[Get] that white [man]. This is for Trayvon ... Trayvon lives, white [man]. Kill that white [man]," according to a police report.
The world is just full of hate... Gross.
Last weekend we were at the supermarket. A young couple were sitting on the tailgate of their truck when a suv full of black men pulled up and started making lude comments toward the young girl then jumped out and attacked her, ripping off her shirt and began beating him calling him white boy. My wife called the cops and I ran over and was called all kinds of racial slurs. Travan was mentioned several times. They were trying to drag her into the suv, and may have also killed him had we not intervened. The cops didnt want to do anything. This kid was beaten so badly he could not even stand up 15 minutes later. I asked the cop if this young guy had civil rights. Because it was clearly racially motivated. These cops did not even want the licence plate number of the suv, saying well they are gone now what can we do. No arrests were made and I doubt they will. I guess its only a hate crime or important when blacks are victims. I am disgusted with all of this kind of thing.
Exactly what's being posted is what I expected.