Two White Men Arrested for Murdering 3 Black Men

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Tulsa, Oklahoma 5 shot - 2 survived. All of them black.

Lets see how this gets spun. I wonder if they are going to use the Stand Your Ground Defense? And let's hear how it wasn't racially motivated.

edit: Fuck! Come one main stream media. Get your shit together.
What about the 2 black guys beating a 50 year old white guy with a hammer?..IN FLORIDA. Where is the media? Where are the racial bigots?
You wrote that 2 black guys killed 3 white guys or something...How am I supposed to respond to that except question if your racist? Do you have some more details? Why is it important the color of their skin, so important that this is the only details you included? Are you racist?
Is it worse to kill someone you hate versus killing someone you have zero judgement about? I condone neither but those that kill people for no reason, in my opinion, are the more terrifying.
How do they not even mention race in this one? Crowd of all black people mugging a white guy while commenting on his color... So much fucking hate...

Baltimore police want to collar a bunch of hoodlums caught on video beating and robbing a tourist.

In the disturbing video, one man violently clocks the green-shirted tourist in the jaw, sending him falling backward. A sickening crack is audible as the stunned man's head hits the pavement.

Rather than rushing to his aid, the crowd laughs at the fallen reveler, strips his clothes off, and steals his car keys, watch, and iPhone.

but people like you make me not hate/dislike others that may look like you.. Glad to have people like you around to let me know that it is not all.

It's kind of like working customer service. You have to keep in mind that the assholes you are dealing with only make up about 10% of the customer base. That way you truly appreciate the nice customers. :D