Two White Men Arrested for Murdering 3 Black Men

Last weekend we were at the supermarket. A young couple were sitting on the tailgate of their truck when a suv full of black men pulled up and started making lude comments toward the young girl then jumped out and attacked her, ripping off her shirt and began beating him calling him white boy. My wife called the cops and I ran over and was called all kinds of racial slurs. Travan was mentioned several times. They were trying to drag her into the suv, and may have also killed him had we not intervened. The cops didnt want to do anything. This kid was beaten so badly he could not even stand up 15 minutes later. I asked the cop if this young guy had civil rights. Because it was clearly racially motivated. These cops did not even want the licence plate number of the suv, saying well they are gone now what can we do. No arrests were made and I doubt they will. I guess its only a hate crime or important when blacks are victims. I am disgusted with all of this kind of thing.
Last weekend we were at the supermarket. A young couple were sitting on the tailgate of their truck when a suv full of black men pulled up and started making lude comments toward the young girl then jumped out and attacked her, ripping off her shirt and began beating him calling him white boy. My wife called the cops and I ran over and was called all kinds of racial slurs. Travan was mentioned several times. They were trying to drag her into the suv, and may have also killed him had we not intervened. The cops didnt want to do anything. This kid was beaten so badly he could not even stand up 15 minutes later. I asked the cop if this young guy had civil rights. Because it was clearly racially motivated. These cops did not even want the licence plate number of the suv, saying well they are gone now what can we do. No arrests were made and I doubt they will. I guess its only a hate crime or important when blacks are victims. I am disgusted with all of this kind of thing.
That is fucked up...
i love all the racism in this country but in continues because our government give hand outs to "under privileged" and the media likes to blow shit out of proportion to get more hits. I say we "racially" beat everyone in the government and media down and get this shit stopped.....fucking stupid
Its how folks are raised, more than anything else. The fact that black victims are portrayed as greater victims than anyone else is teaching society a lesson in bigotry. Its sickening. If anyone points that out their a racist. This perpetuates and encourages bigotry. Whatever happened to peaceful, non criminal behavior? Its cool now to beat up white people it seems.
Last weekend we were at the supermarket. A young couple were sitting on the tailgate of their truck when a suv full of black men pulled up and started making lude comments toward the young girl then jumped out and attacked her, ripping off her shirt and began beating him calling him white boy. My wife called the cops and I ran over and was called all kinds of racial slurs. Travan was mentioned several times. They were trying to drag her into the suv, and may have also killed him had we not intervened. The cops didnt want to do anything. This kid was beaten so badly he could not even stand up 15 minutes later. I asked the cop if this young guy had civil rights. Because it was clearly racially motivated. These cops did not even want the licence plate number of the suv, saying well they are gone now what can we do. No arrests were made and I doubt they will. I guess its only a hate crime or important when blacks are victims. I am disgusted with all of this kind of thing.

I think you have to think about where you live and how you interact. I dont hear about that shit happening out here. That is some fucked up shit no matter what race it is and those kids should be charged with a hate crime, but why don't your cops even care?
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